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Ear Itching ... MMS


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Hi All,

I responded to an inquiry on the PH board a while back regarding ear itching. One woman mentioned she had itching ears for 25 years, and still had not found relief. I think I'll paste my original reply recommending MMS, and then follow it with this woman's successful results.

Regards, Wayne

My original post:

I've had occasional itching and pain in my ears that does not feel normal. A good remedy for me was to make a diluted MMS solution and drop several drops into my ears. Leaves my ears with a slightly warm sensation, and feels very clean afterward. Any waxiness comes out easily, and any itching is usually eliminated promptly.

I use the same solution for my mouth and gums. Also leaves a fresh feeling in my mouth, and also leaves my teeth much lighter (I'm a tea drinker). I also use a neti pot to keep my sinuses rinsed well. I think with our compromised immune systems, it's important to keep all these areas as clean and disinfected as we possibly can.

I sometimes get unusual twitching and other symptoms in my eyes. Herbal eye washes work well for me for this as well. Can significantly improve circulation in the eye area and kill any microscopic parasitic infections.


Reply just posted today:

Thank you so much for telling us what you use. :) I finally got it and tried it this week and I can't believe how well it helps. My ears have itched really badly lately and I did find I have to use the solution every few hours, but it's so nice to have relief and other days I've only needed to use it once or twice.

The eye wash burns but I'm used to pain lol and it really helps. My eyes look clearer and I'm seeing out of them better.

I bought the : MMS solution for my ears and I keep it in the fridge and put q-tips in the kitchen so I can quickly apply it and I bought some herbal eye wash.


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
I sometimes get unusual twitching and other symptoms in my eyes. Herbal eye washes work well for me for this as well. Can significantly improve circulation in the eye area and kill any microscopic parasitic infections.



another suggestion for twitching eyes (like a nerve twitch when you're overtired), is 2 sprays under the tongue of Schuessler tissue salts - Magnesium Phosphate. (There are about 13 tissue salts in this Homeopathic? or whatever, range).

Stops the twitch instantly.

Took about 6 sprays to stop severe muscle cramps behind my knee the other night.

But I couldn't believe it when my eye twitching stopped instantly (Actually, I didn't believe my Pharmacist/Naturapath when she told me, but figured for $9.65 Aust, it was worth a try. I keep the spray in my handbag along with my Bach's Rescue Remedy to take to work. I had about 3 weeks of eye nerve twitching quite some time ago & it was magic).



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
another suggestion for twitching eyes (like a nerve twitch when you're overtired), is 2 sprays under the tongue of Schuessler tissue salts - Magnesium Phosphate. (There are about 13 tissue salts in this Homeopathic? or whatever, range).

But I couldn't believe it when my eye twitching stopped instantly .


Hi Victoria,

Thank you very much for mentioning this remedy that works so well for you. This could definitely be much easier for me to use, as my eye twitches can show up just about any time, whether while sleeping, or driving or whatever. Would be great if it works as well for me.

I just realized that I haven't had any eyes twitches for several weeks now, which is kind of unusual. I wonder if this could be improved by my regular FIR saunas I've been doing recently. Hmmmm...

Thanks again for the tip. :)



Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
You're welcome, Wayne,

Don't know whether it works for everyone, but it was so cheap, quick to use & miraculous (for me), that I think it's worth buying to keep on hand for next time you have those eye twitches.

Like Bach's Rescue Remedy, these are the sorts of inexpensive, side effect free, no perfume (for MCS sufferers), that are worth spreading the word around.

And we chronics need all the cheap & easy treatment we can get.



Senior Member
Itchy ears - sebborheic dermatitis

Note sure if I have the spelling right, but it's in the ballpark.

Anyway, if it's itchy, with greasy skin flakes then it's SD. I had it in my ears and on my eyelids for about a year. I could get it to go away for a few days with aloe vera gel.

When I started high dose vitamin C for another reason, it disappeared altogether and hasn't been back since. That was a couple of years ago.

The specific brand I used is Bio Ener G which is vitamin C buffered with ribose so you can take a lot of it without problems. The ribose is also good for some energy.