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DVD of Mt. Sinai Nov. 2011 Symposium on ME/CFS


Senior Member
Mount Sinai ME/CFS center has announced the production of a DVD of the major speakers at the recent (NOV 2011) symposium. Topics include Genetics, GcMaf, Maf 341, Maf 878, KUtapressin Nexavir and Hepapressin, Methylation cycle, Retuximab research, CMX 001 etc. The disc costs $20 contact denlander@aol.com


Senior Member
Mount Sinai ME/CFS Center has produced a DVD of the recent meeting in which Eric Schadt spoke on Genetics in ME/CFS, Kenny deMeirleir spoke on GcMAF and I spoke on new treatment of the disease including Retuximab, CMX100, GcMaf, MAF 314, MAF 878, Ampligen, Isoprinosin, Valcyte, etc
The disk ($20) is available in www.ebay.com use ebay search Mount Sinai ME/CFS