Dust Mite Allergies!!


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Hi Bob!
Could you let me know if the problem improves when you go back to the upright Dyson with HEPA filter?
I need to replace my Dyson upright and I was looking at the little ones...but I'll get another upright if that seems to make a difference.
My purchasing decision depends on YOU!!!!

Hi Athene,

I certainly will, if I ever get around to swapping back.

The trouble is that I need to use it every day, because i've got a cat, and the hand-held one is just so extremelly convenient!

Dyson do some small 'city' vacuums now, which might be quite convenient, so they might be worth you looking at (if they have HEPA filters)?

I do really like the hand-held, but it's not very good for large areas of carpet. For everything else it works wonders!

Even if I do swap back, it might take a while for me to notice a difference in my allergies, so it might not be worth waiting for me Athene!

But i'll post here if i do.



Senior Member
England (south coast)
OK, I think I've discovered what was causing me severe asthma, sinus problems and other allergies.
It turns out that I had an undiagnosed gum/tooth problem.

I think that poison/debris was getting into a tooth root area, and then into my sinus area, and causing me all my problems.
I've now had it looked at (but it's not fully fixed yet), and there was a drastic improvement, almost over night.

Recently, it was also giving me bad brain fog and fatigue. It felt like I had a generalised infection. The symptoms were very similar to the ME. (Or it might just have been exacerbating the ME.) The main difference was that there wasn't a post-exertional element to it.

Just letting people know, in case anyone thinks they might have a similar problem going on.


Wow, that's amazing Bob. Glad you got it figured out and fixed.
Do you know the name of the infection?


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Wow, that's amazing Bob. Glad you got it figured out and fixed.
Do you know the name of the infection?

Thanks Athene,
It wasn't an acute infection, which is why it took so long to discover it.
It was what they call a 'pocket' (horrible word!). So it is a very localised gum problem, just in a single interdental space, that had exposed one of my molar roots. Food debris or poison from infection was getting into the tooth root area.
Stupid dentist didn't spot it. I worked out what it was myself in the end, and went to see a new dentist.

Oh, one more thing to add... The dentist said it 'definitely' could not be making me feel ill...
But it's strange how I went from needing an inhaler four times a day, to only needing it once a day, immediately after it was all cleaned out! And my sinuses cleared up completely! And my brain fog improved.
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Senior Member
Did they find this on an xray ? Do those even show inflamation ? I have an old root canal and I'm wondering how
to get it checked. Also, wouldn't this be more likely to happen if we have bad mouth bacteria ?

I have a severe dust mite allergy too. I'm working on packing up all my knick knacks and anything that didn't need to be out, so I won't have
to deal with them collecting dust anymore. My apt is tiled. I discovered I needed to be carpet and rug free a long time ago.

I had two old dogs who passed recently and I was very allergic to them too. Moreso to the one who had
chronic yeastie ears tho. He hated having them cleaned so that didn't help. Fwiw. Bathing them in dawn helped
me tolerate them for a few days.

Keeping up with linens has gotten much harder now that I have to go to the laundry mat. I found changing my pillow
cases frequently and keeping my hair washed helps a lot tho. Thanks for the freezer tip.

It's interesting how many of us have allergies. Tc .. X


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Did they find this on an xray ? Do those even show inflamation ?

No, it didn't show up on an xray, and the first dentist couldn't see any problem.
He gave me the 'all-clear', even after I told him exactly where I thought the problem was.
The new dentist says it was not an acute infection, but it was inflamed.

I have an old root canal and I'm wondering how to get it checked.

I think they would only be able to check it out on an x-ray.

Also, wouldn't this be more likely to happen if we have bad mouth bacteria ?

I'm not sure what you mean? All decay is caused by bad mouth bacteria.


Senior Member
My GP recently told me that I need to do a lot of hoovering, and remove carpets, etc.

But I'm lazy and ill... !

I think that there was some study a while back about dust allergies leading to reduced oxygen at night, less refreshing sleep, and fatigue (some MRI stuff too). I was waiting for replication before making too much effort to reconfigure my life around dust destruction, but I'm not sure if anyone is even doing one. I should probably be willing to make more sacrifices in order to be able to breathe properly.


Senior Member
No, it didn't show up on an xray, and the first dentist couldn't see any problem.
He gave me the 'all-clear', even after I told him exactly where I thought the problem was.
The new dentist says it was not an acute infection, but it was inflamed.

I think they would only be able to check it out on an x-ray.

I'm not sure what you mean? All decay is caused by bad mouth bacteria.

I just had a crown fixed because it had a crack and was too painful to eat on that side. I expected to
hear that I had an infection but my dentist said I didn't. I just had a crack. I had let this go on for about a year due to finances so I was concerned.

So, I'm confused on how you knew ...

I asked about the bacteria because i noticed once when I made kefir with a probiotic with fos (blue bonnet dairy gluten free) that my mouth felt cleaner and less dry. I'm going
to try it again soon. It got too slimey (like phlegm) to drink after a couple of days so I decided to try metagenics this time.
It didn't have the same effect. Tc.. X


Senior Member
Hi esther,

Allergists have been telling their patients to get rid of their carpet and rugs you can't wash
well for at least 2 decades. It's in all the how to deal with allergies info .. Tc .. X


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I just had a crown fixed because it had a crack and was too painful to eat on that side. I expected to
hear that I had an infection but my dentist said I didn't. I just had a crack.

So, I'm confused on how you knew ...

Well, I had a similar problem with the same bit of gum once before, but on that occasion it was spotted as soon as I went to the dentist, as it showed up as a 'pocket' in the gum on the xray, and it was sorted out immediately. On that occasion I had been feeling ill for a short while, as if I had a general infection, but I only suspected there was a gum/tooth problem after the gum flared up.

On this occasion, the gum was bleeding very slightly, on brushing, and it felt just slightly inflamed. Once I started feeling like I had a general infection, then I suspected it was the same gum problem as last time. The second dentist discovered that some of the tooth root is exposed where I've got the gum problem. (Sorry for gory details! I'd rather not post about these personal details, but I thought it might help some people.)

I suspect that it's the exposure of the tooth root that is causing me all my problems, as all my problems have improved considerably just through intensive cleaning, and I've not had any antibiotics. (And it all makes sense if debris is getting into my root area, which is next to the sinuses, that this would be causing my allergies.) I'm seeing the hygienist soon, so I'm hoping that will help further. If that doesn't sort it out completely I will consider having the tooth taken out.


Senior Member
Thanks. I didn't have any gum inflammation so maybe that's the difference. I have several teeth with
their roots slightly eposed at this point but they're not bothering me or inflammed.

I got some tiny pits and sensitivity
in two teeth when I had h pylori last year. But getting rid of the plaque, caused by h pylori, with baking soda stopped
these from being sensitive. I'm using a tiny bit of bs one a week now too to make sure I don't get plaque again. I stopped using tom's tp with xylitol too.

Good to hear this helped you. I'm finding inflamation makes me feel worse but releiving it hasn't
eliminated my cfs fatigue. My biggest problem is oi tho.

Fwiw, I know someone who had perodontal disease and needed a $1400 cleaning
who had plenty energy and no other signs of inflamation. Go figure !

Tc .. X


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Thanks. I didn't have any gum inflammation so maybe that's the difference. I have several teeth with their roots slightly eposed at this point but they're not bothering me or inflammed.

I suspect that it's the exposed root that is causing me the problem, as I don't have an acute infection, and I saw such a dramatic improvement over-night. But it might prove to be the inflammation that's the problem. It's still a work in progress, so I can't be certain about it yet.

Fwiw, I know someone who had perodontal disease and needed a $1400 cleaning
who had plenty energy and no other signs of inflamation. Go figure !

Yep, I'm sure that it's a case of being over-sensitive to tooth problems because of the ME. I'm not sure if I'm getting separate symptoms, or if it's just causing the ME symptoms to flare up, or both.

No one else I know seems to get these problems of feeling generally ill when they get minor gum problems, although I do know lots of people with sinus problems which aren't suspected to be tooth or gum-related.


Senior Member
good point. when i got h pylori I could barely stand up for a minute without getting extreme sob and a petite mal. I'm sure most people don't react that way to h pylori ... Damn me/cfs ...

I'm very thankful that my current doctor didn't listen to me when I told her it was just my OI acting up ... :oops: ... fwiw tho. that's what one of my old doctors probably would've said .. tc ... x


Hi Bob, ah yes pockets, nasty things.
My dad had two of those. He was a dentist so he knew what to do! He always got bad sinusistis when they flared up.
They are basically when the gum detatches itself form the tooth but doesn't recede, so you literally have apocket between tooth and gum where muck accumulates.
They recently discovered that certain bactera actually create this, by burrowing in and eating at the connective tissue that holds the gum to the tooth. The only thing that kills them is hydrogen peroxide mouthwash - to be bought from the pharmacy, don'ìt mix up your own!!!!
You have to use it just one a week, if more often you kill the good mouth bacteria too and that is a very bad idea.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
Hi Bob, ah yes pockets, nasty things.
My dad had two of those. He was a dentist so he knew what to do! He always got bad sinusistis when they flared up.
They are basically when the gum detatches itself form the tooth but doesn't recede, so you literally have apocket between tooth and gum where muck accumulates.
They recently discovered that certain bactera actually create this, by burrowing in and eating at the connective tissue that holds the gum to the tooth. The only thing that kills them is hydrogen peroxide mouthwash - to be bought from the pharmacy, don'ìt mix up your own!!!!
You have to use it just one a week, if more often you kill the good mouth bacteria too and that is a very bad idea.

Oh, right, thanks for the info and the tips Athene.
Far more informative than my dentists!

I've never heard of anyone having either pockets or related sinusproblems.
But, there again, it's probably something that no one wants to talk about!