i didn't post here for a while. i am a male, 37 years old now.
i have not been (yet) diagnosed with SS (all blood tests negative) but next week I am going for a lip biopsy as a gammagraphy I had 2 weeks ago showed my salivary glands are not functioning properly.
i have this dry tongue for the past 2 years. Been to 20 to 40 doctors and they don't know what it is. It came out of the blue in June 2012, but I relate it to a sexual encounter I had with a girl in February of that year. Basically my tongue is dry, a white film covers it, saliva is very thick and sticky, and tongue is very sore sometimes. Teeth marks in the tongue border area also present and tongue seems to be bigger than it should be (macroglossia). I am not a smoker.
as the person who opened
this topic I am concerned about HIV-SGD or DILS (a syndrome that mimics SS but its seeing only in HIV+ people) however I had 7 HIV negative tests in the past two years (including an HIV-1 PCR RNA)
my CD4/CD8 ratio is above 2, although my CD4 could be better (515 the last time I checked)
a full detail of my case is documented
a detailed list of virology tests i have taken is
any comments of persons (specially males under/around 40) with similar symptoms will be appreciated.
anyone with similar, chronic symptoms?
anyone has here been diagnosed with SS despite all blood tests (ANA, etc.) being negative?
thanks for reading.