Dr. Salvato's opinion-XMRV


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
? for Frickly

She is also the first to mention and test for mycoplasmal infection which turned out to be a large source of my pain.

Can you share what lab tests/company are being used to test for mycoplasmas? I am currently being treated for an unknown mycoplasma infection and have been trying to get word of how others are getting definitive answers about these infections. Does Dr. Salvato generally use one specific lab?

Thanks in advance.
Austin, TX
My EBV test results

Nina wrote,

"I got retested for EBV thru my GP, using Clinical Pathology Labs. The test report from CPL says that although I have some high levels (the same as last time under Salvato), they indicate an OLD ("remote past") infection, not a CHRONIC one. CAN ANYONE HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT?"

Nina, I have my Clinical Pathology Lab EBV report in front of me right now.

There are four things that they test: nuclear antigen, early ag (antigen?), IGG and IGM.

The Interpretive Table beneath the reports say for chronic infection the IGG must be positive, the IGM must be negative, the early ag must be positive and the nuclear antigen can be either positive or negative.

I also remember reading in Dr. Natelson's book that the positive early antigen was the indicator for chronic EBV.


Good luck,

This is what I mean. My recent CPL test shows:
Nuclear Antigen IgG: positive / high
Early Ag (antigen?) IgG: neg
VCA IgG: positive / very high
VCA IgM: negative
which the interpretation report shows as a remote past infection, since Early Antigen is negative.

However, in 2007 Salvato tested me, using LabCorp, with these results:
Nuclear Antigen Ab, IgG: positive /high
Early Antigen Ab, IgC: positive / slighly high (118. 0-99 is normal.)
Ab VCA, IgG: positive / very high
Ab VCA, IgM: negative / normal, indicating an old infection

Hmm, so I guess at that time you COULD say I had a chronic infection, by a hair (118 out of 99). But I guess now it's gone?? Score one for methylation supplements? (or anti-oxidents?) Wierd because I would have picked up EBV 30 years ago.




Senior Member

Can you share what lab tests/company are being used to test for mycoplasmas? I am currently being treated for an unknown mycoplasma infection and have been trying to get word of how others are getting definitive answers about these infections. Does Dr. Salvato generally use one specific lab?

Thanks in advance.

Dr. Salvato uses Labcorp. I know there are many species of mycoplasma but I beleive she looks for four that are typically seen in CFS and GWI, M. fermentans, M. hominis, M. penetrans, M. pneumoniae. I have M. pneumoniae. Hope that helps.


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Thanks Frickly

In the past I've been given the impression that a blood test didn't even exist for these bugs. I was told one could culture sputum (with the usual rundown of how sputum is so contaminated by the time it gets to the dish that it's useless). I had no idea any doctors were doing this! Learn something new every day here!