I'm not convinced Dr. Park, is successful with a great many things. Wete his subjects actually ME/CFS?. Some of his treatments are effective for the right pstient, But for others they could be a disaster, so it's important that patients are individuals and not treated as identical widgets.
And his purported results:
Results of treatment:
90% of patients who were treated with the above regimens recovered and returned to work, or returned to school. Showed KS score from 40 to 90. The fatigue impact scale improved from 120 to 20-40. Especially, we found improvements in the cognitive functions. We found improvements in concentration and comprehension, but short-term memory is the last to recover.
By design or by chance, Dr Park's protocol combines some interesting theoretical approaches. It uses Dr De Meirleir / Dr Chia / Dr Peterson's IVIG therapy, combined with Dr Bell's IV saline, common sense advice on sleep and nutrition, and adds in strict guidelines for aggressive rest therapy (along the lines of Kimsie's theory).
Let's look at each one, and then potential synergistic benefits.
IVIG - Dr Park uses low dose (1g) weekly IVIG (interestingly not SCIG). This is not a replacement or autoimmune dose, but perhaps its regularity, combined with its intravenous delivery mechanism, allows for build up in the body that helps reduce autoimmunity, autoinflammation, and improves pathogen clearance. The low dose likely saves on cost, infusion time, and reduces discontinuance due to side effects.
My doctor put me on 55g/kg. Others recommend up.to 2g/kg. I'm not sure a tiny dise world have much effect.
I've done a lot of shots, lab sticks, etc. I'm not a candidate for SCIG due to popular circulation in my lower body - a lymphedema patient couldnt take the extra fluid.
IV Saline - Administered at the same time as the IVIG is 500cc of IV saline. This is likely boosting blood volume allowing for better oxygenation of tissue and reduced OI. It is supplemented with high volumes of salt water througut the week.
] get saline with IVIG every two weeks and get another 750ml of fluids at the naturopath's office once a week.i notice that my lymphedema tends to flare with too much water, I have POTS, too but no low blood volume. So it seems individual. People can greatly benefit from saline only if they truly need it.
Aggressive Rest Therapy -
@Kimsie posited that total rest (eyes closed, lying flat, darkness, silence), punctuated by limited activity, would reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS), improve the electron transport chain (ETC), thus allowing for better mitochondrial functioning.
Again, this is highly irregular. Resting in the dark is wonderful and can be refreshing, but this is too little too late.
Nutrient interventions can go alomg way here, especially with adequate B vitamins, B5. Nutrients greatly impact ETC function. I font see he does anything there or with gut help.
It seems that Dr Park is attacking the heart of the disease by modulating the immune system, boosting blood volume, and repairing the mitochondria (while supporting restorative biological processes of sleep and diet).
I didn't see a mention of mito cocktails consisting of plospholipids, carnitine, CoQ10., B5, manganese, BCAAs, B2, NAD+, folate, B12, B6, methionine, NAC, glycine, and glutamine.
If the IVIG results in reduced pro-inflammatory cytokines, fewer autoantibodies, and a lower pathogen load, that will certainly benefit the mitochondria by reducing the work they have to do. It may also reduce direct damage to key enzymes like PDH, or the ATP translocator protein by the aforementioned ongoing causal triggers. The same is true with increased oxygenation from better blood volume (from IV saline), and more energy directed at mitochondrial repair due to ART. Interestingly he uses prozac to support sleep which is known to have anti-enterovirus properties.
Mitochondria get repaired through amino acids, phospholipids etc. One must replemish damaged cell membranes.
I also suspect that therefore many other factos compounding our illnesses, such ss infections, SIBO, other weird. antibodies[/Quote][/Quote]