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Dr. Oz new Share Care Website


work in progress
N. California
Back in 2009, I started an email letter writing campaign to Dr Oz, requesting that he do a segment on his show about CFS and XMRV. I connected his producers with the WPI, and even helped Dr Donnica with her talking points. What resulted was the segment below. (The only youtube video of it that I could find has French subtitles, but at least it's available for viewing.)

Some people on this forum were quite vocal in their anger at Dr Oz, because he talked a little bit about exercise at the end of the segment. But overall, I think Dr Oz was very empathetic about CFS. The fact that he was willing to address both CFS and XMRV on his show was pretty amazing. He was the ONLY mainstream media talk show host that I contacted who was willing to do so. Oprah wasn't. Neither was Dr Phil, or 60 Minutes.

When I spoke with Donnica Moore about half a year ago she said she didn't think Dr Oz would be interested in doing another CFS segment any time soon. But maybe once we have more studies, that will change.


Canada Niagara Falls
dreambirdie, Wow that's so neat that you were the one behind the Dr. Oz segment on me/cfs and xmrv. I saved a copy from youtube back in 2009 and have it on my hard drive. One Question, Was'nt Dr.Donnica a spokesperson for WPI? In the segment she is introduced as some sort of connection to WPI.


work in progress
N. California
Hi Gary-- Thanks. Yes, it was a BIGGG project to inspire over 100 PWC's to write emails to Oz, but it did pay off.

At one point Dr Donnica was enlisted as a media spokesperson for WPI. Who knows where that stands now. She has a husband and son who both have CFS, so she knows this illness firsthand, and has often done segments about CFS on GMA, where I first caught sight of her. She is a very nice person, and is always willing to consider speaking out on our behalf, when her very busy schedule allows.