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Dr. Oz and Dr. Teitelbaum (continued)


All shall be well . . .
Santa Rosa, CA
Here is Dr. Teitelbaum's take on The Dr. Oz show.

On this past Thursdays The Dr. Oz Show, Dr. Oz did a great job introducing the new research showing the presence of XMRV Viral infections in chronic fatigue syndrome. As the earlier show I appeared on focused on general fatigue, I have been encouraging Dr. Oz to do a segment focusing on CFS, and on XMRV in particular, and I think he did an excellent and compassionate job!




Not bad really, if you take out the "hey aren't I just the smartest person in the world" part it was nicely written and accurate information.

(grins) He just had to get that plug in for SHINE though.

Recovery Soon

Senior Member
Teitelbaum is Desperate

He is so despicable.

Let's follow his trail-

1) Downplays importance of XMRV in Psychology today when it first hits the airwaves. (because he knows it could put him out of business)

2) Intentionally Distorts CFS as "Fatigue" on Dr. Oz (in order to broaden the target market for his products/services)

3) Takes Credit for the show that was done to undo all the damage that he created in the first place.

Dr. T- You're a JOKE.

BTW- He told me that I was "very driven" and that I needed to look at my "life issues" when I pressed him on why his SHINE protocol was not working. So much for your hard stance on this "biological" disease.

Here's a new protocol...SCAM

S- SELLOUT...the CFS population for a larger Target Market
C- CONNIVE...ways of taking credit for everything
A- ABANDON...your ethics by distorting the definition of CFS in the media
M- MANIPULATE....our illness for your own financial gain


happy to be here
mountains of north carolina
Dr T has something I'm going to call the Teitelbaum Touch - everything he touches magically turns into self-promotion. (But at least we can't accuse him of having a fabulous hairdo...)

ps Recovery Soon, I can't believe his response to you. All I can say is - Duh! Argh!


Senior Member
Unbelievable.....but true

If this were the bricks and mortar days, we could picket his office (if we could walk ;)

What is the cyber-equivalent of calliing this guy out?

He is ....let's just say...earning some really bad karma.

Recovery Soon -- do you have this on tape or something? When did you see him? I want him to go down.

I just thought of something. Have you noticed that some of our posts are getting prominent display on google? How could we fix it so that prospective patients saw our perspective on "SHINE" or "Teitelbaum" before they hit his sales job?

Recovery Soon

Senior Member

You want to know when I saw him?

Here's the depressing part....it was my 35th Birthday. I had been sick for 7 months and attending the F&F clinics for about 2 months. I was desperate. He was speaking in Connecticut, so I spent my birthday driving to hear him lecture. At the end he sat and spoke with whoever wanted to speak with him. Basically, it was one big love fest. He throws out a library like litany of herbal remedies and the crowd swoons. I waited for a while to get him one on one, and then began questioning him on why I had not seen results yet. He said it was too soon, and then I began respectfully questioning his theory. My logic went something like this "You have said CFS represents an energy crisis in the body, which blows a fuse. And by treating all the different systems simultaneously using your SHINE protocol it turns the fuse back on. If this analogy is true, then why do people not improve 100%? IN other words, a fuse is either ON or OFF. How come people don't fully restore?"

After this and a few other pointed questions (especially pointed ones about his personal recovery of CFS)- he told me I was "Very Driven." Mind you, he looked at me like you would look at a patient in a psyche ward- with a very patronizing smile on his face- And he did this in front of 2 other patients, who were drooling all over him. He repeated it a couple times, and then they chimed in like a Greek Chorus, and said "Yeah, you do seem very driven." To which I replied- "Well all 3 of us are sick- and you both seem far from driven- so explain how my supposed "driven-ness" relates to my sore throat?"

Teitelbaum then looked at me, again with the psyche ward grin, and said "I want you to go home and examine your life issues." Then he lifted his arms up (this is no exaggeration), and said "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE, but go home and look into your life issues."

At this point I wanted to punch him in the face, but how does one act, when one is being called crazy? So despite my urge, I opted to get more information from Dr. T.

I asked him if he knew of Dr. Anthony Kamaroff. Kamaroff is one of the most respected researchers in CFS- and he has dismissed all of Teitelbaum's research. I wanted to see how he would react- And true to form, Teitelbaum smiled and said something along the lines of "Oh, Tony. Good old Tony. He refuses to look at my studies. But he's best friends with Dr. Weill, so go figure."

I didn't know quite what to make of this, except that he was apparently wiping out Kamaroff and Andrew Weill with one swoop. But as it turned out, Dr. Weil was ignoring Teitlebaum at the time as well. (he has since endorsed the D-ribose study)- but at that time, Weil, the most famous naturopath, was not endorsing Teitelbaum- So based on that one question- Teitelbaum took a shot at both of them- with that tell-tale Dr. T. grin.

And NO- I do not have this on tape- but he really took the wind out of my sails that day- I had believed he could make me feel "Fantastic" again. Learned a big lesson that birthday. And had a really long drive home.


Senior Member
Cape Cod. Mass

have heard Dr. Teitalbaum tell peopleat different times he had CFS and then say he had fibromyalgia at different talks. He tell different stories depending on his audience. He refuses to try to get published in a reputable journal because he knows his claims would be taken apart. I used to respect him but no more. His Ego has and self promotion have totally taken over.


Senior Member
For Recovery Soon

I bet sometimes you wish you had gone ahead and decked him, even if it meant a bad relapse and a few nights in jail....

Recovery Soon

Senior Member
. I used to respect him but no more. His Ego has and self promotion have totally taken over.

I wouldn't mind his ego or self-promotion if he wasn't grossly inflating his success rates and purposefully confusing fatigue and CFS in the media to expand his target market in order to sell more products & services.

This last article is pure damage control. He knows the cats out of the bag. First he downplays the XMRV findings and says "we've been down this road before." Then when he feels the heat from us, he suddenly becomes the authority on it? Notice how is suddenly inviting patients to communicate their experiences of XMRV "cocktails" on HIS site- he is grasping at straws to stay at the center of this, when his initial reaction was to dismiss it. Like the Wizard of OZ- "Don't look at the man behind the curtain!" Also, how he congratulates the WPI for these findings. Funny how he neglected to do this in his initial reaction. He also knows he was caught red handed confusing general fatigue & CFS on OZ, which he has done for years in the media- but blames it on the show editing? And then when they do a show without him- and use real "experts" WITHOUT CONFLICTING INTERESTS- he takes credit for suggesting it all along? He's becoming like a cartoon character.

There is a whole method- tell the CFS community what we want to hear when addressing us directly- and then distort our disease for your own gain when speaking in the media. He knows we're on to him now.

Marylib- Yes, I wanted to deck him, but the way we can ALL deck him now- is go to both of those websites and call him out.

(In the nature of full disclosure...1- I use his vitamin powder, which is a pretty good vitamin supplement (though it does nothing to cure CFS)- 2- When first diagnosed, I did send an email to his website asking a CFS question and he personally responded to it- although his response came along with an invitation to come to the F&F clinics where they are "successfully treating CFS patients.")


happy to be here
mountains of north carolina
This last article is pure damage control. He knows the cats out of the bag. First he downplays the XMRV findings and says "we've been down this road before." Then when he feels the heat from us, he suddenly becomes the authority on it? Notice how invites patients to communicate their experiences on HIS site- he is grasping at straws to stay relevant. Also, how he congratulates the WPI for these findings. Funny how he neglected to do this in his initial reaction...

Exactly! He even manages to turn being completely wrong into an occasion to congratulate himself! It would be funny if he weren't doing actual harm to people.


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Recovery Soon- the way Dr. T treated you is completely despicable! I wish we could all have been there with you to back you up. He's lost all my respect now. Nobody deserves to be treated the way he treated you. And to me, when he treats one of us like that, he's treating ALL of us like that and phooey on the Greek Chorus too.

