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Dr. Neil Nathan's new book -- Toxic: Heal Your Body, from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, MCAS and ...


Senior Member
Dr. Neil Nathan has a new book coming out. _Toxic: Heal Your Body, from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness_ (to be released Oct. 9th). The foreword is written by Robert Naviaux, who is working with Ron Davis and is researching ME. (Pre-order available on Amazon, just search for author or title name.)

Millions of people are suffering from chronic illnesses which, unbeknownst to them, are caused by exposure to toxic substances and infections agents such as mold and Borrelia (which causes Lyme disease). Millions. Because the symptoms of these illnesses are so varied and unusual, many of these individuals have sought medical care only to be dismissed, as if what they have been experiencing is only "in their head." Many (if not most) have tried to tough it out, and continue to do their best to function, with little hope of improvement. Unfortunately, their illness is very real, and will not simply go away with the passage of time.

Toxic is a book of hope for these individuals, their loves ones, and the physicians who provide their medical care. Over many years of helping thousands of patients to recover their health (even when their previous doctors had given up on them), Dr. Neil Nathan has come to understand some of the most common causes for these debilitating illnesses which gives us a road map to treat these illnesses with more precision and more effectively.

The goal of this book is to shed light on the causes of these medical conditions and to provide a new paradigm for their successful treatment.


Senior Member
I’d just like to bump this up. I’m almost done reading Toxic and I feel like it was written for me. Nathan has compiled a whole bunch of research, expert opinions and treatment options into this absolute gem of a book.

By far the best I’ve read since I got sick. Highly recommend it, I think it’s $10 on Amazon Kindle.

Will write a more detailed review once I finish.


Senior Member
I'm particularly interested in his treatment approach. I've seen his approach in the past so I'm reluctant to buy the book but if you could share I'd appreciate it.


Senior Member
I'm particularly interested in his treatment approach. I've seen his approach in the past so I'm reluctant to buy the book but if you could share I'd appreciate it.

Thank you for reminding me!

The book does a fantastic job of summarizing all the different treatment modalities that can help people who are very toxic and/or sensitive (basically anyone who feels stuck). It costs about $10 on Amazon Kindle and is easy to read, so if any of the below resonates with you, I recommend you read it, or have a loved one read it for you.

Dr Nathan goes into a lot of detail around toxicity, sensitivity, mould, lyme and MCAS. He devotes a chapter to Robert Naviaux and the Cell Danger Response and then outlines suggested approaches to re-booting each body system (the nervous system, immune system, gastrointestinal system etc). Here are some of my key takeaways from the first few chapters. Please note, this is simply my interpretation of what Dr Nathan has written, it skims the surface and is not intended to be taken as medical advice.

• Toxic vs. sensitive. Toxic: When the body’s organs of elimination have been poisoned and start to shut down. Sensitive: A nervous system that has become hyperreactive.
• People can be toxic and sensitive - it’s a vicious cycle.
• The two major causes of overwhelming sensitivity are mould toxicity and Lyme disease.
• Both conditions weaken the immune system, which will only wrestle with one threat at a time. So identifying and addressing the root cause is the priority.
• Other issues (heavy metal toxicity, gut dysbiosis, blocked methylation) are rarely the trigger that created the out-of-control reactivity that makes healing so difficult. These issues can sometimes resolve themselves if the root cause is addressed.
• The underlying theme for all conditions, whether triggered by toxins or infections, is inflammation.
• In sensitive patients, mast cell activation can block the body's ability to tolerate mould treatment. For this reason, identifying and treating it early is sometimes needed so the patient can move forward.

• Rough treatment approach for toxic/ sensitive individuals: (1) Remove from exposure (2) Open detox pathways (3) Add binders (4) Nasal spray (5) Antifungals.
• Suggestions to open detoxification: Homeopathy, phosphatidylcholine, ozone (nasal and ear insufflation), low dose immunotherapy, transfer factors, epsom salt baths, infrared saunas and oil pulling.
• He recommends products like Beyond Balance Tox-Ease GI, Pekana Itires (lymph), Renelix (kidneys) and apo-hepat (liver), Beyond Balance Mycoregen and Byron White A-FNG (for immune response).
• More on phosphatidylcholine: Test lipid panel and fatty acid analysis. Replace missing fats, minerals, electrolytes and amino acids. Phosphatidylcholine delivered by IV instead of oral, can resolve the epigenetic effects and DNA disturbances created by mould.
• If some is good, more is not always better. Don't tolerate a worsening of your symptoms. Go slowly, at a pace your body can handle, even if that means taking tiny dosages or working up very slowly over time.

I hope this helpful. Tagging @Gingergrrl as I think mould was one of the root causes of her deterioration, and I'm always interested in her perspective. Nathan mentions IVIG as one of several treatment options patients can try to re-boot the immune system in this book.


Senior Member
Thank you for reminding me!

The book does a fantastic job of summarizing all the different treatment modalities that can help people who are very toxic and/or sensitive (basically anyone who feels stuck). It costs about $10 on Amazon Kindle and is easy to read, so if any of the below resonates with you, I recommend you read it, or have a loved one read it for you.

Dr Nathan goes into a lot of detail around toxicity, sensitivity, mould, lyme and MCAS. He devotes a chapter to Robert Naviaux and the Cell Danger Response and then outlines suggested approaches to re-booting each body system (the nervous system, immune system, gastrointestinal system etc). Here are some of my key takeaways from the first few chapters. Please note, this is simply my interpretation of what Dr Nathan has written, it skims the surface and is not intended to be taken as medical advice.

• Toxic vs. sensitive. Toxic: When the body’s organs of elimination have been poisoned and start to shut down. Sensitive: A nervous system that has become hyperreactive.
• People can be toxic and sensitive - it’s a vicious cycle.
• The two major causes of overwhelming sensitivity are mould toxicity and Lyme disease.
• Both conditions weaken the immune system, which will only wrestle with one threat at a time. So identifying and addressing the root cause is the priority.
• Other issues (heavy metal toxicity, gut dysbiosis, blocked methylation) are rarely the trigger that created the out-of-control reactivity that makes healing so difficult. These issues can sometimes resolve themselves if the root cause is addressed.
• The underlying theme for all conditions, whether triggered by toxins or infections, is inflammation.
• In sensitive patients, mast cell activation can block the body's ability to tolerate mould treatment. For this reason, identifying and treating it early is sometimes needed so the patient can move forward.

• Rough treatment approach for toxic/ sensitive individuals: (1) Remove from exposure (2) Open detox pathways (3) Add binders (4) Nasal spray (5) Antifungals.
• Suggestions to open detoxification: Homeopathy, phosphatidylcholine, ozone (nasal and ear insufflation), low dose immunotherapy, transfer factors, epsom salt baths, infrared saunas and oil pulling.
• He recommends products like Beyond Balance Tox-Ease GI, Pekana Itires (lymph), Renelix (kidneys) and apo-hepat (liver), Beyond Balance Mycoregen and Byron White A-FNG (for immune response).
• More on phosphatidylcholine: Test lipid panel and fatty acid analysis. Replace missing fats, minerals, electrolytes and amino acids. Phosphatidylcholine delivered by IV instead of oral, can resolve the epigenetic effects and DNA disturbances created by mould.
• If some is good, more is not always better. Don't tolerate a worsening of your symptoms. Go slowly, at a pace your body can handle, even if that means taking tiny dosages or working up very slowly over time.

I hope this helpful. Tagging @Gingergrrl as I think mould was one of the root causes of her deterioration, and I'm always interested in her perspective. Nathan mentions IVIG as one of several treatment options patients can try to re-boot the immune system in this book.

Such an amazing recap, thank you!

Interestingly phosphatidylcholine from soy lecithin is one of the only things that has helped me. I thought it was for another reason and not that it opens up detox but that's really interesting!


Senior Member
Tagging @Gingergrrl as I think mould was one of the root causes of her deterioration, and I'm always interested in her perspective.

Thanks @Lalia for the tag and I had not heard of this book. I have heard of Dr. Nathan, and I think I listened to one of his videos back in 2015 when I was extremely ill from mold, but am not very familiar with him overall. I also wanted to let you know I got your PM, and am way behind again, but hope to respond soon!

mast cell activation can block the body's ability to tolerate mould treatment.

This was definitely the case for me back in 2015. I was having constant anaphylaxis and reached the point of anaphylaxis to all food and ended up in the hospital. Toxic mold was the final immune trigger that I was not able to recover from and we had to move and get rid of all of our belongings (I think you know the story so I won't bore you or anyone else with it)!

But re: treatments, in July 2015 I saw a top mold specialist and also found my MCAS specialist. I saw the mold doctor until 2016 and still see my MCAS doctor to this day. The mold doc wanted me to follow a protocol but it was impossible at that time b/c I was so allergic to everything. The only mold binder I was able to tolerate was oats with apple pectin and my main treatment (from her) was nebulized glutathione.

My MCAS doctor got me onto a protocol which stopped the anaphylaxis but I was still extremely reactive and nothing stopped the allergic reactions until I began IVIG.

Nathan mentions IVIG as one of several treatment options patients can try to re-boot the immune system in this book.

IVIG re-booted my immune system without question and it completely stopped my allergic reactions to food and smells and they have not returned in 2+ years. It put my MCAS into remission and I am now (slowly) tapering down on Cortef which my endocrinologist did not believe would be possible but it now is!

Not sure if any of this helped but hoping it did?!


Senior Member
I’m not sure... if i remember correctly @Jesse2233 also had high levels of Ochratoxin A show up in his mycotoxin test. I imagine mould is just one of several triggers that can cause the body to spiral downward, catastrophically.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I found the following most interesting (and eye-opening) book review at LYMEDISEASE.ORG.

Dr. Neil Nathan’s new book, “TOXIC: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness,” is a must read for anyone wanting to unlock the mysteries of complex chronic illnesses.

When Dr. Nathan started treating patients 47 years ago, the model for medicine was much simpler—a standard diagnosis followed by a standard treatment. Now he says, “The patients who come to see me today are a quantum leap (or two) sicker than the ones who came to me in the late 1980s.”

Today’s patients are sicker, for longer, with a multitude of chronic ailments that weren’t known to exist years ago. From autism to fibromyalgia to myalgic encephalomyelitis to mold toxicity–gone are the days of “take two aspirin and call me in the morning.”

As Professor Robert Naviaux, MD, a world-renowned biomedical/genetics researcher, explains in his introduction, “These new chronic illnesses have both genetic and environmental causes. They are ‘ecogenetic’ diseases that occur because the chemistry of the environment is changing faster than our genes can adapt.”

Dr. Nathan recounts the evolution of his own medical practice, progressively taking on more and more patients whom no one else knew what to do with. Now, 70% or more of his patients are classified as “ultrasensitive”—meaning they react intensely to even minuscule exposure to medications and supplements.

The topics covered in the book are straight out of Dr. Nathan’s real-world experience. While reading the book, I felt like someone was sharing with me all their family’s secret recipes. This book is full of hard-earned knowledge. It’s a clear road map that combines the art and science of treating the sickest of the sick.

The book is organized in a way that makes it easy to return to, time and time again. For instance, Chapters 8-20 provide a step-by-step guide on how to “reboot” every system of the body, arranged in the order they occur most frequently. So, whether you need to reset anything from your brain to your gut, it’s in there.

Understanding mold toxicity
“Toxic” also provides one of the easiest to understand and simplest methods for identifying and treating mold toxicity that I have ever read. Dr. Nathan explains how to identify the different types of mycotoxin (mold), and then clearly lays out a four-step process for treating.

There is also an appendix devoted to trouble shooting mold toxicity issues for highly sensitive patients, and a supplement guide.

I was especially interested in the contributions by Dr. Lawrence Afrin, one of the pioneers in mast cell research. I am forever grateful for his guidance and connecting me to the right specialists that led to my own child’s diagnosis of mast cell activations syndrom. Dr. Nathan estimates that 50% of his ultra-sensitive patients have a mast cell activation component to their illness.

The chapters on “The Cell Danger Response” and genetics are incredibly detailed and precise and serve as proof of the science behind these complex illnesses. In fact, Bob Miller, one of the contributors to the chapter on “How Your Genetic Makeup May Affect Your Ability to Detoxify” won the poster presentation at this year’s ILADS conference in Chicago.

And the chapter on methylation is a gift. Believe me! This is one of the most poorly understood concepts in functional medicine today. No one understands this better than Dr. Nathan—he pioneered the first study on using a “simplified methylation protocol” in 2007. If taking vitamin B12 or folate makes you feel worse, you need to read this chapter!

If you’ve tried conventional treatment for Lyme disease, Bartonella or mold yet continue to suffer from poor concentration, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, pain, ringing in the ears, strange sensations, and increasing allergies, medication or food intolerance and/or sensitivity to chemicals, you will find useful information in this book.



Senior Member
I found the following most interesting (and eye-opening) book review at LYMEDISEASE.ORG.

Dr. Neil Nathan’s new book, “TOXIC: Heal Your Body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness,” is a must read for anyone wanting to unlock the mysteries of complex chronic illnesses.

When Dr. Nathan started treating patients 47 years ago, the model for medicine was much simpler—a standard diagnosis followed by a standard treatment. Now he says, “The patients who come to see me today are a quantum leap (or two) sicker than the ones who came to me in the late 1980s.”

Today’s patients are sicker, for longer, with a multitude of chronic ailments that weren’t known to exist years ago. From autism to fibromyalgia to myalgic encephalomyelitis to mold toxicity–gone are the days of “take two aspirin and call me in the morning.”

As Professor Robert Naviaux, MD, a world-renowned biomedical/genetics researcher, explains in his introduction, “These new chronic illnesses have both genetic and environmental causes. They are ‘ecogenetic’ diseases that occur because the chemistry of the environment is changing faster than our genes can adapt.”

Dr. Nathan recounts the evolution of his own medical practice, progressively taking on more and more patients whom no one else knew what to do with. Now, 70% or more of his patients are classified as “ultrasensitive”—meaning they react intensely to even minuscule exposure to medications and supplements.

The topics covered in the book are straight out of Dr. Nathan’s real-world experience. While reading the book, I felt like someone was sharing with me all their family’s secret recipes. This book is full of hard-earned knowledge. It’s a clear road map that combines the art and science of treating the sickest of the sick.

The book is organized in a way that makes it easy to return to, time and time again. For instance, Chapters 8-20 provide a step-by-step guide on how to “reboot” every system of the body, arranged in the order they occur most frequently. So, whether you need to reset anything from your brain to your gut, it’s in there.

Understanding mold toxicity
“Toxic” also provides one of the easiest to understand and simplest methods for identifying and treating mold toxicity that I have ever read. Dr. Nathan explains how to identify the different types of mycotoxin (mold), and then clearly lays out a four-step process for treating.

There is also an appendix devoted to trouble shooting mold toxicity issues for highly sensitive patients, and a supplement guide.

I was especially interested in the contributions by Dr. Lawrence Afrin, one of the pioneers in mast cell research. I am forever grateful for his guidance and connecting me to the right specialists that led to my own child’s diagnosis of mast cell activations syndrom. Dr. Nathan estimates that 50% of his ultra-sensitive patients have a mast cell activation component to their illness.

The chapters on “The Cell Danger Response” and genetics are incredibly detailed and precise and serve as proof of the science behind these complex illnesses. In fact, Bob Miller, one of the contributors to the chapter on “How Your Genetic Makeup May Affect Your Ability to Detoxify” won the poster presentation at this year’s ILADS conference in Chicago.

And the chapter on methylation is a gift. Believe me! This is one of the most poorly understood concepts in functional medicine today. No one understands this better than Dr. Nathan—he pioneered the first study on using a “simplified methylation protocol” in 2007. If taking vitamin B12 or folate makes you feel worse, you need to read this chapter!

If you’ve tried conventional treatment for Lyme disease, Bartonella or mold yet continue to suffer from poor concentration, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, pain, ringing in the ears, strange sensations, and increasing allergies, medication or food intolerance and/or sensitivity to chemicals, you will find useful information in this book.


Autism is not new, but the current definition of it is. It’s also something that was rarely looked for until recently and thus it was rarely found. Today there are a substantial number of people over age 45 who are diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, which includes the condition formerly known as Asperger’s. Previously, the severe cases just disappeared into institutions, and the less severe were described as strange or various less flattering adjectives.

The other items sound like thet are of be interest to us.

Edit: Remove some commentary about the book, because I have not read any part of the book.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
If he claims to have originated the methylation protocol, then he’s ripping off Rich Van Konneyburg who did it a decade earlier. I don’t trust people who take credit for the work of others.
Well, does he claim to have originated the methylation protocol or not? If not--or if you don't know--then why make ambiguous and/or uninformed aspersions against him? Strikes me as a fair amount of careless innuendo.

At first blush, the author appears to me to have a lot more to offer pwCFS than most other doctors out there. He's apparently been a practicing physician for 47 years, and from the book review, appears to have many similar perspectives to my own, especially about resetting or rebooting various systems in our body.

I'm going to put in a purchase request in at our local library. If it comes in, and I get a chance to read it, I'll report back here on whether or not he's making claims to have originated the methylation protocol. -- I would highly doubt it, as I'm not sure what he would have to gain from doing so.
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Senior Member
Well, does he claim to have originated the methylation protocol or not? If not--or if you don't know--then why make ambiguous and/or uninformed aspersions against him? Strikes me as a fair amount of careless innuendo.

At first blush, the author appears to me to have a lot more to offer pwCFS than most other doctors out there. He's apparently been a practicing physician for 47 years, and from the book review, appears to have many similar perspectives to my own, especially about resetting or rebooting various systems in our body.

I'm going to put in a purchase request in at our local library. If it comes in, and I get a chance to read it, I'll report back here on whether or not he's making claims to have originated the methylation protocol. -- I would highly doubt it, as I'm not sure what he would have to gain from doing so.

Having not actually read the book, I think I’m going to delete those remarks. If someone had made that claim I’d criticize them, but considering that I haven’t read the material I’m criticizing I think you are correct here.


Senior Member
My understanding is that Dr Nathan worked on the simplified methylation protocol with Rich Van K. I think I originally learned of this protocol from this article: https://www.prohealth.com/library/a...ronic-fatigue-syndrome-and-fibromyalgia-34945

Spot on, in the book Nathan openly credits Rich for his groundbreaking work on the methylation cycle and mentions they worked closely together back in the day. However, Nathan states that as the years have passed and he’s continued working with very sensitive patients, he’s now come to believe that blocked methylation is a downstream issue for most patients, something the body does to protect itself in the face of perceived threat.

I have a co-consult booked with him and my Integrative GP at the end of the year and will report back after. Very hopeful that he’s as good in person, as he is in his books.


Senior Member
Spot on, in the book Nathan openly credits Rich for his groundbreaking work on the methylation cycle and mentions they worked closely together back in the day. However, Nathan states that as the years have passed and he’s continued working with very sensitive patients, he’s now come to believe that blocked methylation is a downstream issue for most patients, something the body does to protect itself in the face of perceived threat.

I have a co-consult booked with him and my Integrative GP at the end of the year and will report back after. Very hopeful that he’s as good in person, as he is in his books.

Well then that sounds promising.

Rich died before he could complete his work, from my experience I felt he & collaborators incl Derek Enlander opened the door on the path to finding what’s broken with us. Rich did not have enough time to finish that trail.


Senior Member
It definitely was for me.
I have just found out I have black mold in 2 corners of my bedroom.

I had acoustic panels up there, removed them and found this. Pic does not even do it justice. I have cleaned the area, just Auros mold spray, natural anti mold paint and plan to use charcoal for a few days. No wonder I have felt like crap the last few months.


  • 003.jpg
    2 MB · Views: 43


Senior Member
Spot on, in the book Nathan openly credits Rich for his groundbreaking work on the methylation cycle and mentions they worked closely together back in the day. However, Nathan states that as the years have passed and he’s continued working with very sensitive patients, he’s now come to believe that blocked methylation is a downstream issue for most patients, something the body does to protect itself in the face of perceived threat.

I have a co-consult booked with him and my Integrative GP at the end of the year and will report back after. Very hopeful that he’s as good in person, as he is in his books.

Rich got most of his stuff from Dr Yasko, one must remember that. She is the real pioneer when it comes to methylation.


Senior Member
I don´t think it would be fair to say that Rich got most of his stuff from Dr. Yasko. He clearly had studied her hypothesis and treatments but he also did a lot of his own research on methylation. Dr. Richard Deth was one of his favourites. Dr. Nathan once called Dr, Deth the dean of methylation. Rich questioned Dr. Yasko´s view on quite a few issues. I met him in Sweden when he had a 3 hour seminar and had the opportunity to discuss things with him. Unfortunately the seminar can´t be watched longer, there is a request for a code, but what he talked about showed how much he had gone into details in both methylation and other topics connected to ME. Sadly he passed away too early.

Although Dr. Nathan and him had good results from supporting the methylation in patients in the study, Rich also suspected there were more to find to get the full picture of ME. We discussed, as an example, the possible impact of mutations in the phase 1 and 2 of the livers detoxification as so many have got ME when exposed to mold , chemicals or dental amalgam ( beside infections as triggers).

Rich had access to lots of results from PWME´s gene tests ( Genovations´s detox test and 23andme) that people had sent to him. I also shared mine that showed mutations. If I recall right, a mutation in the GSTM1 among other mutations in the detox system, were more common among PWME pointing to an impaired detoxification systeme. If true, that could explain why we are sensitive to toxins beside having impaired immune systemes and being prone to getting infections.

Sorry for going a bit off topic, but I just wanted to add a little more to why I think Rich did his own research on methylation issues a.o., and also comment on mold and toxins.

@keenly, I wish you´ll get better when you´ve removed the mold. I would advice to be really careful doing that job or rather try to get help from someone who isn´t sensitive and healthy. Also try to find out why the mold could grow where it did so you can prevent it coming back. I belong to those who got ME from mold exposure so I learnt a lot about it the hard way.


Senior Member
Thank you for reminding me!

The book does a fantastic job of summarizing all the different treatment modalities that can help people who are very toxic and/or sensitive (basically anyone who feels stuck). It costs about $10 on Amazon Kindle and is easy to read, so if any of the below resonates with you, I recommend you read it, or have a loved one read it for you.

Dr Nathan goes into a lot of detail around toxicity, sensitivity, mould, lyme and MCAS. He devotes a chapter to Robert Naviaux and the Cell Danger Response and then outlines suggested approaches to re-booting each body system (the nervous system, immune system, gastrointestinal system etc). Here are some of my key takeaways from the first few chapters. Please note, this is simply my interpretation of what Dr Nathan has written, it skims the surface and is not intended to be taken as medical advice.

• Toxic vs. sensitive. Toxic: When the body’s organs of elimination have been poisoned and start to shut down. Sensitive: A nervous system that has become hyperreactive.
• People can be toxic and sensitive - it’s a vicious cycle.
• The two major causes of overwhelming sensitivity are mould toxicity and Lyme disease.
• Both conditions weaken the immune system, which will only wrestle with one threat at a time. So identifying and addressing the root cause is the priority.
• Other issues (heavy metal toxicity, gut dysbiosis, blocked methylation) are rarely the trigger that created the out-of-control reactivity that makes healing so difficult. These issues can sometimes resolve themselves if the root cause is addressed.
• The underlying theme for all conditions, whether triggered by toxins or infections, is inflammation.
• In sensitive patients, mast cell activation can block the body's ability to tolerate mould treatment. For this reason, identifying and treating it early is sometimes needed so the patient can move forward.

• Rough treatment approach for toxic/ sensitive individuals: (1) Remove from exposure (2) Open detox pathways (3) Add binders (4) Nasal spray (5) Antifungals.
• Suggestions to open detoxification: Homeopathy, phosphatidylcholine, ozone (nasal and ear insufflation), low dose immunotherapy, transfer factors, epsom salt baths, infrared saunas and oil pulling.
• He recommends products like Beyond Balance Tox-Ease GI, Pekana Itires (lymph), Renelix (kidneys) and apo-hepat (liver), Beyond Balance Mycoregen and Byron White A-FNG (for immune response).
• More on phosphatidylcholine: Test lipid panel and fatty acid analysis. Replace missing fats, minerals, electrolytes and amino acids. Phosphatidylcholine delivered by IV instead of oral, can resolve the epigenetic effects and DNA disturbances created by mould.
• If some is good, more is not always better. Don't tolerate a worsening of your symptoms. Go slowly, at a pace your body can handle, even if that means taking tiny dosages or working up very slowly over time.

I hope this helpful. Tagging @Gingergrrl as I think mould was one of the root causes of her deterioration, and I'm always interested in her perspective. Nathan mentions IVIG as one of several treatment options patients can try to re-boot the immune system in this book.
It’s sorta odd to me that naviaux would co-sign a book that references homeopathy. I’m not against alternatives medicine in general but there’s no empirical basis for homeopathy at all. The other stuff is all interesting but when someone who is smart mentions homeopathy being valid I am suspicious that they believe in psychosomatic etiology of these diseases and think a placebo is helpful. Surely he can’t actially believe homeopathy works ... I was thinking of getting this book but now I don’t know