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.Hi Knackered, I know several people who have recovered, and some who are recovering, and of course many who are still ill like myself
Well, here's what I could glean from the Q & A despite numerous interruptions and brain fog/smog/toxic gas... It is HIGHLY unlikely that even the quoted stuff below is the actual quote, OK?? Just as near to it as I could get... But I'm pretty sure I got the essence of it.
She says around half of negative VIPdx PCR results may be false negative (her take), and "there's no reason to pay to get tested right now"... (rough quote)... says it would be better to participate in research studies at this time...
Said non-steroidal anti-inflammatories could help (Does she mean NSAID?) via reducing inflammatory processes that seem to activate virus; said speculatively that supplements that boost NK cell function could help (didn't say which kind are safe, but said some are); said be careful since supplements are not FDA regulated and may contain toxins that would make things worse for illness...
Hypothesizes that XMRV may cause underlying immune defect that allows other pathogens to become chronically activated (Lyme, HHV6, EBV, etc...); if they can treat the retrovirus, the chronic Lyme, herpesvirus, etc. will go down.
Said you don't need to stop antivirals for XMRV test because they don't target retroviruses anyway.
They don't know about sexual transmission or vertical transmission for certain yet, but she thinks vertical is likely.
Said if nothing else comes out of this study, she hopes this allows people to be diagnosed early, when it's most treatable, as opposed to 6 months later when your immune system is already messed up by virus.
Regarding the Imperial College study--
On using plasmid in a water control: "I can see a bowling ball in a bathtub, too, but I can't see a needle in a haystack". Also: "why would they choose to use a different section of DNA than we did?" Another: "One of the things you have to use is at least 750 nanograms of DNA in blood to get PCR results"; IC did not quantify the DNA in their samples so they don't know if there was enough...
And: "If they had asked us to for postive blood samples, we would have sent them; we would draw it and send it directly so there was no chance of even potential contamination (with mouse retrovirus)." Stressed over and over that there's no way they had contamination with mouse retrovirus... gave all the reasons...
Geography: Yes, maybe there's XMRV-2 variant in UK (i.e. it's possible, at this stage we don't know); she got a desperate email from China and the sample according to Dr. Sam Chow(?) contains what may be a more aggressive related virus - she's not sure, and said this is all anecdotal..
Mentioned a cytokine/chemokine immune signature they're trying to refine into a biomarker for XMRV infection (in CFS, I think); problem is it's highly time-dependent; cytokine expression is "like an EEG" of viral activity and changes/spikes very irregularly.
Looking for viral DNA in saliva as part of their transmission studies (based on anecdotal evidence of that sort of transmission; just to rule it out); looking into XMRV in POTS, some autism patients (who have NK abnormalities)
She's working with drug companies for antiretroviral drug development
Piggybacking: "No evidence for that in any retrovirus"
They're working closely with the Federal Working Group/ DHHS on all relevant issues - I assume the blood safety issue is part of what she's talking about. She doesn't seem to have any complaints yet on how all that is going, which is good...
Says write to her at: judym@wpinstitute for questions (answer within a week, if not send to her again)
Well, now I REALLY want to hear the last bit of the actual talk!
p.s. if anyone's wondering..accidentally deleted this post when i thought i had put it in the wrong thread.. :Retro redface:
NEWSFLASH: Simon Wessely found in computer server room stroking white cat on lap with diamond necklace - both grinning mischeviously.......
*Did she say there's no point anyone getting tested privately for XMRV??
*Did she say there's no point anyone getting tested privately for XMRV??
She encouraged participation in XMRV studies rather than getting tested privately. She said that of private testing there are false negatives, but no false positives. Private testing of the PCR type at this time appears to be resulting in a 40% positive rate. She said PCR testing needs to be tested multiple times for accurate results...they tested their patients four different times. So I definitely got the impression that private testing now is generally more expensive than it's worth for the results, but then again it's hard to put a price on possibly knowing for sure what's wrong with you.
*I cannot vouch for my memory on this post. THe information is accurate as far as I know, but if anyone has a correction please don't hesitate to speak it.*
Some thoughts on Cortisol.
1) Does the body automatically downgrade it's production due to 'knowing' Cortisol is good for XMRV and is this why on Cortisol type
drug trials, many patients with ME and CFS report they are worse. From memory, one trial was stopped due to advere affects.
(Are these adverse affects XMRV replicating further?). Either way, the 'theory' that ME and CFS was 'caused' by low cortisol
has been thrown out. However Cortisol is involved. Why?
***I think there are two ways to look at changes that occur in the body in CFS. One is that there is "wisdom" built into the body, so that its responses to a disorder are coordinated in such a way as to do what's best to preserve life. Whether one believes that this is a result of design or of evolution, it appears to be valid. Thus, one can view changes as adaptations to preserve life. This is a position that is strongly held by Dr. Cheney, for example. Under this type of thinking, cortisol output is lowered as a compensation for a more fundamental problem, and raising cortisol directly is not a good idea. I think the evidence you cited supports this idea in many PWCs, though some appear to benefit from a small amount of supplementation of cortisol.
***The other way to look at it is mechanistically, from a biochemical point of view, i.e.,. what is the immediate or direct cause biochemically of the lowering of cortisol output? I think that in most CFS cases the problem is not in the adrenals themselves, but higher up in the HPA axis.
2) Does the Adrenal gland become damaged in ways we don't understand (E.g. the 'blunted cortisol response curve') seen in ME and CFS
when patients undergo a Short Synacthen test. Doctors cannot diagnose Addison's disease here, but they realise something is wrong, but what?
In other words, why do patients with ME and CFS not have 'enough' Cortisol when stressed? Baseline is usually not very good, but also not dangerously
***I suspect that in most cases the production of ACTH is unregulated and low. ACTH is produced by the hypothalamus/pituitary, and glutathione depletion there interferes with redox control of cysteine, which is one of the amino acids used to make the POMC molecule, which is the precursor of ACTH and is used to form the signalling "hook" that normally directs this molecule to the regulated secretory pathway. Without a properly formed "hook," the molecule goes to the unregulated secretory pathway, and eventually, not enough ACTH is made, lowering the output of cortisol by the adrenals.
3) Why does the Adrenal gland simply 'shrink' (atrophy)? We've seen this in ME and CFS patients who've had CT scans of their adrenal gland.
***I think this results from lowered "drive" by the lowered level of ACTH production.
4) If those with XMRV are born with XMRV, does XMRV impair the growth and development of the adrenal gland, or the adrenal axis in some way?
***I don't think this is the mechanism, but there is a lot we don't yet know about the action of XMRV in CFS.
5) If we are born with XMRV, do other viruses (we all know about in ME and CFS) damage the adrenal gland, or the adrenal axis in some way?
***I don't think this is a significant effect, except that viral infections cause the immune system to demand more glutathione, and that contributes to glutathione depletion systemically.
6) Does XMRV infect and damage brain cells, that control the adrenal/cortisol system - explaining a 'central' explanation. If so, why are some
adrenal glands shrunk?
***Again, I think the mechanism is depletion of glutathione in the hypothalamus/pituitary, lowering and deregulating the output of ACTH. I think the adrenals shrink because the "drive" by ACTH goes down, so that there is less demand on the adrenals from higher up in the HPA axis. I think that's the "central" effect.
Questions, questions.....![]()
I thought this was an important point and something I hadn't heard addressed before.
She said they had multiple samples, each collected at different times. She hypothesized that the patients had gone to the doctor and had blood drawn when they were feeling particularly ill. She had an average of four samples per patient. If they didn't find the virus in one sample, they tested the next. They DID NOT just simply re-test one sample four times. She made it clear to me that the amount of virus in the sample was crucial to finding it and suggested that the sicker the patient felt, the more virus in the blood. Also suggested that's ONE reason the IC study didn't find it.
thank you dainty and cj for replying to my question. Think it's an important point and very relative to anyone considering getting tested and of course to those who have (so far) tested negative.
Think i will shift my focus from blood tests for now and look into supplements..
Cortisol is low in PWCFS. Mine is very low in both blood tests and saliva
Emotional stress had little effect on me but physical stress causes severe increase in viral symptoms.
NSAID's (apart from asprin) leave me feel drugged and toxic and much more weak and ill.
This may be just me or could be an XMRV thing?
What sort of supplements have been recommended if any? Sorry i didn't watch last night & i'm just picking up little snippets from everywhere on here!