Dr meirleir on Dutch tv today!!

On ME/CVS.net they're talking about translating the transcript into English, we have 2 volunteers, so it's coming... hopefully soon :p ((by the way, it was brilliant how first was told how great De Meirleir was, internationally aknowledged etc., and then they end with a quote from Nijmegen/Van Der Meer (CBT maffia) about De Meirleir: "“In medical-scientific world he is known as someone that isn't very keen on the truth, at the least."


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Entrevista en TV holandesa a prof De Meirleir sobre el SFC


Disability in ME Vs Psychiatric denial (Dutch Language)

EM = ENCEFALOMIELITIS MILGICA como se suele llamar el SFC en pases de habla inglesa


Theo Wijlhuizen es un paciente con EM/SFC

En los Pases Bajos , la gente lucha todava por el reconocimiento de la EM como enfermedad fsica real. En los Estados Unidos ya lo han conseguido. All hay indicios de que la EM es causada por un virus para el cual se puede tomar medicacin. Y eso es muy diferente a la terapia conductual con la cual se trata la EM en los Pases Bajos .

Pero virus o no, cmo se enferma de EM y, sobre todo, quines son las vctimas.?

Dr. Kenny De Meirleir: Todo el mundo puede contraer esta enfermedad.

Entonces toma la palabra un paciente con EM.

Reportero: EM o sndrome de fatiga crnica, como tambin se llama, es una enfermedad difcil de determinar por un especialista. La enfermedad consiste en una letana de quejas. La fatiga crnica es el ms grande. Poco se sabe sobre la enfermedad y no es simplemente demostrable con una muestra de sangre.

Theo Wijlhuizen: EM es un trastorno crnico de msculos, articulaciones y el sistema nervioso por lo cual se tienen muchas quejas de dolor, se duerme mal, hay afectacin de memoria y mente y se tienen problemas de concentracin.

Reportero: recientemente en un estudio realizado en EE.UU. se demostr que es probable que un virus subyazga al desarrollo de la EM. El virus ataca al sistema inmunitario por lo cual las bacterias, especialmente en el intestino, pueden prosperar de manera exuberante. Por lo tanto Kenny De Meirleir quien estaba involucrado en este estudio estadounidense trata a sus pacientes con una combinacin de antivirales, antibiticos y vitaminas. En dosis prohibidas en los Pases Bajos. Cun grave es cuando alguien tiene EM?

DML: Va desde una incapacidad muy leves hasta muy severa. Tengo en Noruega pacientes a los que tengo que visitar a domicilio, que ahora slo mueven sus dedos. Estos pacientes estn escondidos del mundo. Habr unos 90, pero probablemente ms. Personas absolutamente invalidadas, acostadas en una habitacin oscura, por la toxina en sus intestinos son muy sensibles a la luz y a los ruidos, que estn acostadas en un espacio cerrado, alimentadas por sonda, hay que lavarlas, ya no se mueven.

Una pieza de un documental noruego sobre un paciente.

Reportero: "Si una grave enfermedad tan grave y la sufren tantas personas, por qu tanto secretismo y por qu no estudiarla de manera adulta?

DML: Bueno, yo creo que esto no es la primera vez en la historia, que algo similar ya ha sucedido, creo que esto tambin sucedi con el VIH. Creo que esto tambin sucedi con la lepra. Ese tipo de cosas que con el tiempo repelas. Tambin hay diferentes influencias. Hay por un lado los que temen cunto costar, que precisar presupuestos demasiado altos. Al otro lado podramos encontrar algo que da miedo.

Reportero: Mejor meterse la cabeza en la arena?

DML: Mejor meterse la cabeza en la arena que finalmente saber cul es el mecanismo subyacente.

Reportero: pero si es esta la actitud actual en Europa y quizs en el mundo entero, entonces el problema podra ser mucho mayor de lo que usted acaba de esbozar.

DML: El problema es mucho ms grande. Llevaba conmigo por primera vez un joven mdico a ese paciente en Noruega. Qued totalmente traumatizado a nivel emocional a causa de esta visita. Y tambin dej de estudiar la EM.

Reportero: cuando un estimado de 90 personas estn gravemente enfermas en Noruega, cmo ser en los Pases Bajos?

Theo Wijlhuizen: Debe haber alrededor de unos 1000 encamados, nadie los conoce, reciben un par de veces al da visita de la enfermera del distrito, no se mueren, pero nadie los conoce. Y slo cuando los conoces, podrs pegarle la etiqueta de EM.
Reportero: Y cuando tenga etiqueta pegada de paciente con EM hay tratamientos muy diferentes. En Holanda, el hospital Radboud en Nijmegen es el que marca la pauta. Holanda trata a sus pacientes con EM con terapia conductual. Popularmente dicho "est todo entre las orejas" y "trata de moverte lo ms que puedas." El tratamiento del Profesor DML se basa en la infeccin crnica, sobre todo intestinal. A principios de este ao, la revista profesional Ortho de los Pases Bajos inform sobre el tratamiento de Profesor DML. Pero cules son los resultados? Segn el tratamiento conductual neerlands el 6% de los pacientes alcanzan mejora. De acuerdo con el tratamiento de DML el 70% llega a la mejora.

Theo Wijlhuizen: La gente que va por delante de su tiempo suele tener oposicin. El Profesor DML tiene segn mi unos 10 a 20 aos de adelanto. l pertenece, junto con varios otros, al top mundial en el mbito de EM/SFC. Se han unido en una organizacin que se rene cada dos aos. Lamentablemente no hay ningn holands en esa organizacin.

Habla un paciente gracias al tratamiento, ha conseguido otra vez funcionar al 80%. Siguo medicndome!

Reportero: Solicitamos al hospital Rabout de participar en nuestra transmisin. Se nos dijo que no deseaban estar en una emisin junto con el profesor DML. Si estaban dispuestos a dar una declaracin por escrito: "El profesor Van Der Meer, el lder del grupo de Nijmegen de EM/SFC, siente especial aversin para una entrevista en EnVandaag (NT: canal de TV holands): debido al hecho de que usted est planeando dejar hablar al seor Kenny De Meirleir. Es conocido en el mundo de la ciencia mdica como alguien que no se toma muy en serio la verdad, por decirlo con cautela. "


iherb code TAK122
Not the best translation in the world
TRANSCRIPTION INTERVIEWS TV HOLLAND INCAPACITY IN THE SFC AND PSYCHIATRIC NEGATION http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIIZDx2BD5Y Disability in ME Versus denial Psychiatric (Dutch Language) Member state = ENCEPHALOMYELITIS MILGICA - as usually it is called the SFC in countries of English speech DML = professor KENNY OF MEIRLEIR Theo Wijlhuizen is a patient with EM/SFC In the Netherlands, people still fight by the recognition of the member state like real physical disease. In the United States they have obtained already it. There there are indications that the member state is caused by a virus for which medication can be taken. And that is very different from the behavioural therapy with which the member state is dealt in the Netherlands. But virus or no, how ill of member state and, mainly, who they are the victims.? Dr. Kenny De Meirleir: Everybody can contract this disease. Then a patient with member state takes the word. Reporter: Member state or syndrome of chronic fatigue, as also it is called, is a disease difficult to determine by a specialist. The disease consists of a litany of complaints. The chronic fatigue is greatest. Little it is known on the disease and he is not simply demonstrable with a blood sample. Theo Wijlhuizen: Member state is a chronic upheaval of muscles, joints and the nervous system thus many complaints of pain are had, to duer itself to me bad, is memory affectation and mind and concentration problems are had. Reporter: recently in a study realised in EE.UU one demonstrated that it is probable that a virus subyazga to the development of the member state. The virus thus attacks the immune system the bacteria, especially in the intestine, can prosper of ebullient way. Therefore Kenny De Meirleir - that was involved in this American study - deals to its patients with a combination of antiviral, antibiotic and vitamins. In doses prohibited in the Netherlands. How it burdens is when somebody has member state? DML: It goes from an incapacity very slight to very severe. I have in Norway patient which at home I must visit, that now only moves their fingers. These patients are hidden of the world. There will be about 90, but probably more. People absolutely invalidated, laid down in a dark room, by the toxin in their internal are very sensible to the light and to the noises, that are laid down in a closed space, fed by sounding, it is necessary to wash them, no longer move. A piece of a documentary Norwegian on a patient. Reporter: " If one burdens so serious disease and they undergo so many people, why as much excessive secrecy and why not to study it of adult way? DML: Good, I believe that this is not the first time in the history, that something similar already has happened, I believe that this also happened to HIV. I believe that this also happened to the leprosy. That type of things that with time you repel. Also there are different influences. There are on the one hand those that fear how much it will cost, that will need too high budgets. To the other side we could find something that gives fear. Reporter: Better to put the head in the sand? DML: Better to put the head in the sand that finally to know which is the underlying mechanism. Reporter: but the present attitude in Europe is this and, perhaps throughout the world then the problem could be much greater than you finish outlining. DML: The problem is much more great. It took with me for the first time a young doctor to that patient in Norway. It was totally traumatised at emotional level because of this visit. And also it stopped studying the member state. Reporter: when considering of 90 people is seriously ill in Norway, how he will be in the Netherlands? Theo Wijlhuizen: It must have around about 1000 bed-ridden ones, knows them to nobody, receive a pair of times to the day visits of the infirmary of the district, do not die, but it knows them to nobody. And only you know when them, you will be able to stick the member state label to him. Reporter: And when it has stuck label of patient with member state are very different treatments. In Holland, the Radboud hospital in Nijmegen is the one that marks rules. Holland deals to its patients with member state with behavioural therapy. Popularly said " he is everything between orejas" and " it deals with moverte more than puedas." The treatment of Professor DML is based on the chronic infection, mainly intestinal. Earlier this year, the professional magazine Ortho of the Netherlands informed on the treatment of Professor DML. But which are the results? According to the Dutch behavioural treatment 6% of the patients reach improvement. In agreement with the DML treatment 70% arrive at the improvement. Theo Wijlhuizen: The people who go in front of her time usually have opposition. Professor DML has according to my about 10 to 20 years of advance. It belongs, along with several others, to top world-wide in the scope of EM/SFC. They have been united in an organization who meets every two years. Lamentably there is no Dutch in that organization. A patient speaks - thanks to the treatment, she has been able to work again to 80%. Siguo medicando to me! Reporter: We ask for the Rabout hospital to participate in our transmission. One said to us that they did not wish to be in an emission along with professor DML. If they were arranged to give a declaration in writing: " Professor Van Der Meer, the leader of the group of Nijmegen of EM/SFC, feels special aversion for an interview in EnVandaag (NT: Dutch TV channel): due to the fact that you are gliding to let speak to Mr. Kenny De Meirleir. It is known in the world of the medical science like which it is not taken very in serious the truth, to say it with caution. "



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