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Dr. Martin Pall's book "Explaining Unexplained Illnesses"



Has anyone else read this book ? I have read it once and have it here again from the library to have a 2nd read.

I'm wondering how others feel about the theory that a short term stressor causes chronic illness.

That is, why assume the stressor is gone as opposed to stored in the body ? Dr Myhill is finding that pesticidees and chemicals are elevated in fat biopsies of PWCs and FIR saunas is albe to redeuce these levels.\\

any commentson the book/his methods are appreciated.


Suzy, I read it a couple of years ago and can only say I was fascinated at the time, reagarding the commonalities of the various conditions, and thought he (they) were getting closer to an answer - at least in how to treat the fatigue symptom anyway. Sorry, beyond that I cannot comment because it's been a while and my brain is not quite was it used to be:)


Senior Member
It's a very good theory, imho - very "parsimonious" - but unfortunately I've never found anything to be able to quench the peroxynitrite and presumably break the cycle, including relatively high doses of gamma tocopherols, berry polyphenols, and even glutathione IVs.