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Dr. Lipkin on Dr. Oz show Thurs 5 March about ME/CFS


Senior Member
Overall, I think the clip is probably helpful from this point of view: If someone without a diagnosis was watching this, I think it might help them seek further help, which is all we can expect from a program like this. It's not aimed at scientists, researchers, clinicians or expert patients. It's aimed at a general audience.

but only if you're a women.


Senior Member
They described PEM as " does climbing a set of stairs make you feel exhausted".

The whole segment concentrated in fatigue and exhaustion- not a neuro immune disease.

They also made it sound that the IOM created the first set of criteria. As if we never had any before.

Why did Dr. Lipkin not talk about his latest study? He just said that we need to find a bio marker. We need to look in the blood, mouth and stomach to find the cause. He didn't talk about the abnormalities that have been discovered already.


Senior Member
It he patient they had on was a very poor representative. She only talked about fatigue and must have used the word "crazy" at least five times. Her doctors and families called her crazy.

The doctor who knew "everything" about SEID called it systemic exertion intolerance DISORDER.

Lipkin called it Chrinic fatigue.

Snow Leopard

South Australia
It he patient they had on was a very poor representative. She only talked about fatigue and must have used the word "crazy" at least five times. Her doctors and families called her crazy.

The doctor who knew "everything" about SEID called it systemic exertion intolerance DISORDER.

Lipkin called it Chrinic fatigue.

Ugh, really!?! :(

We need a better PR team!


Senior Member
New Mexico
Damn..............I get so frustrated when I see a great opportunity for a big audience to get what it is really like.............but every time I've watched a segment about this illness on TV/News...................it just doesn't cut it......it is so underplayed:bang-head:....Dr. Lipkin was Ok...............but I don't see how anyone watching this segment will really get the big picture of how much we are suffering. The lady (with cfs/me) looks great......with her make-up and false eyelashes...(not knocking her) but I want a news segment that really depicts the suffering. I would have liked her to say...................I feel like death warmed over...........I may look OK........but you have no idea how hard it is right now to be here..........it's taking everything I've got to be here.........something///anything that really gets the point across. I just don't think any TV/NEWS segment that I've watched has ever depicted the suffering in a true/real way. Not knocking the patient on the show..........I'm sure she did her best. I just want viewers to really get it.............to come away saying ...WOW I didn't know how much they suffered.......I had no idea it was that bad......but again it just wasn't depicted that way.
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Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Just watched. There was a big cringe factor. :( The patient was nervous and tongue-tied (sympathies there, but she wasn't able to represent us), the clinician was all smiles and "manage your to-do list and anxiety....", Dr. Lipkin got in some good comments, but....throughout (Lipkin didn't say it) it was referred to as a women's "disorder," which brings up images of fainting ladies in the 1800's. :mad:

In case you want to comment: http://www.doctoroz.com/contact
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Senior Member
Dallas, TX
lol That reads like: "I will not dignify the show by giving it an audience." Made me chuckle. :)

The guy brought John Edward on his show. Not that I have ever watched Dr. Oz, but that just makes me cringe. You're trying to have a show about topics related to medicine and health and you bring on a guy that claims he can talk to dead people. LOL nah, I'm good.


Senior Member
Yes, I agree there were issues with the segment, as others have noted. They missed the severity and that's a big one. And they discussed only women getting it, not men or children.

However, I think Dr. Oz used strong language to describe the sexism factor of disbelief from families & doctors alike, also how important this topic is. He is a genuine & compassionate doctor. He did as well as could be expected in such a brief time.

Dr. Lipkin did an excellent job describing cytokines causing us to feel sick, the fact that they are looking for viral & bacterial triggers...


Senior Member
Toronto, Canada
The doctor who knew "everything" about SEID called it systemic exertion intolerance DISORDER.

Lipkin called it Chrinic fatigue.

That was disappointing. Luckily it flew by in just a few seconds. And in Lipkin's defence, I will confess that on rare occasions I've called it "chronic fatigue" myself. I curse myself for it, but it happens. I have a pain doctor at Mt. Sinai hospital in Toronto who has studied ME/CFS(choose your acronym) and he makes slips with "chronic fatigue" as well.

I don't think Lipkin's use of the phrase has much to do with his ability to make more important discoveries on our behalf.


Senior Member
England, UK
Damn..............I get so frustrated when I see a great opportunity for a big audience to get what it is really like.............but every time I've watched a segment about this illness on TV/News...................it just doesn't cut it......it is so underplayed:bang-head:....Dr. Lipkin was Ok...............but I don't see how anyone watching this segment will really get the big picture of how much we are suffering. The lady (with cfs/me) looks great......with her make-up and false eyelashes...(not knocking her) but I want a news segment that really depicts the suffering. I would have liked her to say...................I feel like death warmed over...........I may look OK........but you have no idea how hard it is right now to be here..........it's taking everything I've got to be here.........something///anything that really gets the point across. I just don't think any TV/NEWS segment that I've watched has ever depicted the suffering in a true/real way. Not knocking the patient on the show..........I'm sure she did her best. I just want viewers to really get it.............to come away saying ...WOW I didn't know how much they suffered.......I had no idea it was that bad......but again it just wasn't depicted that way.

Try this:

I knew Vikki via AYME & online back in the late 1990s/early 2000 era. Sadly she hasn't gotten better: http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/bedbound-sufferer-asks-members-public-8166133


Senior Member
After watching the entire 8 minutes now ( my previous comments earlier were after the first 3 minute preview clip), I feel the last 5 minutes were better.

Dr. Lipkin and Dr. Oz were the best part of the discussion. I was actually surprised how good Dr. Lipkin was and how he said the disease ( actually he said disorder but as far as I'm concerned he can call it that as long as he keeps doing his research and getting positive results!) is due to an infectious process. He was actually putting it right out there and claiming it as an "infectious disease" in a way. That would mean it would be in the Infectious Disease Category of Medicine. To many of you this might not mean much and in the US some Infectious Disease physicians (ID docs) already treat ME/CFS patients ( Dr Montoya, for example) but here in Canada ID docs do not treat ME/CFS patients and you can't get a consult with them unless you happen to come down with some obvious infectious disease like malaria or ebola. Lyme etc just won't cut it unless you have the standard CDC version.

I am a patient of Dr Hyde's and he has been able to refer me to every type of specialist there is EXCEPT infectious disease. On top of that, I used to work at the Ottawa Hospital- a large teaching hospital with a huge Infectious Disease and Microbiology Department- in the microbiology lab! For me this is HUGE that Dr.Lipkin is calling ME/CFS an infectious disorder/disease/process on national TV.

It also makes me wonder, what else does he know? He obviously feels quite confident to have gone on the show and to state this so the next study due out must be good. I can't wait.

I also thought Dr. Oz GOT IT and showed compassion and understanding for what we have gone through regarding the sorry history of ME/CFS. He wasn't given the time to elaborate but I could see that he knew exactly what has gone on in the past.

I am going to write to the show and thank them for covering our disease and politely offer suggestions for a followup. It would be great to see someone like Dr. Montoya or Dr. Klimas ( or both) on the show. I have seen, in past shows, where he does very serious discussions with a few experts. None of the nonsense and silliness that seems to pervade the show too often