Dr. Larry Sharp (CFIDS doctor)?


Senior Member
sorry for the confusion. When i wrote about my experience with dr. Sharp in june 2010, he did not offer gcmaf but in late december of 2009, he started offering it.

i spoke to dr. Sharp this week and realized i was wrong in what i said previously. Dr sharp said he can't offer it due to legal restrictions at this time that exist in texas for doctors. Therefore, he has no plans to offer it.


Senior Member
Interesting leela,

I guess that helps explain doctors doubting us so much; how would they know without a test.:confused:


Senior Member
If only the majority of doctors were not already indoctrinated to believe the illness does not exist, has no biomarkers, cannot be tested for...
When oh when will they be properly educated?!


Senior Member
Yes. Thank you. However, according to your earlier email it appears they are not offering it yet. I knew they were in the preliminary stages of offering it but evidently are getting it set up still. So at the present, Dr. Sharp is not offering it yet. I will post when he starts offering it.

My husband and I are still seeing Dr. Sharp and wanted to report that my husband is 100% well and doing intensive exercise for 1.5 hours a day - running up hill, lifting weights and eliptical on high intensity and working 12-14 hour days again. He feels no fatigue or symptoms anymore. He continues to take Cheney's cell signaling factors through Dr. Sharp and that is it.

I am now 80% well and can work 70-80 hour weeks again and started this week to exercise. I still take everything that Dr. Sharp has recommended for me but will start to cut back in another three weeks as I am much better each week and can tell I will soon not need it. I highly recommend Dr. Sharp who follows Dr. Cheney's protocol and accepts insurance. Dr. Cheney/Sharp recommends that we continue the cell signaling factors long after we stop the other medicine. It gives me a huge lift everytime I take it so will continue long after I am well. Seeing Dr. Sharp worked for both my husband and I and we were extremely sick when we first saw Dr. Sharp. I could barely walk and had zero memory (had to ask my husband what company I worked for to pull together my taxes) and my husband was working half days and in bed from 2pm- until 8am the next morning and in bed all weekend. I am almost completely well and my husband is completely well and just got a bike to start long distance bike riding.


Senior Member
That is amazing news!!! Wow!!! Congrats!!! Can you please tell us all about the treatment plan of you both? We would be very grateful.


Senior Member
Hi Cindy

You are certainly a big advocate of Dr Sharpe. Sure your not his wife? He He.

I remember reading details of your amazing story elsewhere in the forum. You had fatigue from swine flu if I recall. I just read that you were diagnosed and treated for chronic fatigue. Recovery from chronic fatigue after a virus, is not uncommon. However, it is not the same as ME.

What I am confused about though is why Dr Sharpe would prescribe artesunate and GcMaf for you?


Senior Member
After bring ill for 5 years after sudden onset, I saw Cheney for 3 years and was a non-responder to the cell signaling factors. Couldn't take artesunate because of side effects. I was also middle-aged and like most treatments, age and years ill make it hard to move the disease. It was financially painful to be a non-responder.


Senior Member

are seeing a new doc post cheney. have u tried anything else that has helped you?

i had the same experience with similar circumstances w/cheney...expensive fail.

take care


Senior Member
I returned to Laura Black who is with Lapp to renew my disability which was successful. That clinic is good if you need a CFS dr for our unique prescriptions. She gave me 3 g valtrex a day which a local doctor probably won't do. After a few months it's too soon to tell but it is a cheap precaution for me to try with the medicare plan I chose just for it.

I just updated my profile/about me for more information on what has helped me these 10 years.

Don't you just hate being a non-responder!!!! I'm going to follow how the gcmaf folks do.

Good luck to you.
Hi Andrew, I saw your message. I am a former patient of Dr Sharp, I was with him for probably about 2-3 years. I first visited him at the Fibro and Fatigue Center in Ft Worth TX while I was still on COBRA insurance. I'm NOT sure what happened at the clinic, except there was stuff from insiders I heard both ways, however that was the time that Dr Sharp opened his own practice, and that may of been his goal all along, I don't know I was just confused at the time but I stayed with him, but it was also the timing of my insurance running out and having to move back to MO. he was always very kind to me and understanding, esp that I was loosing my Cobra and health insurance, having to file bankruptcy and move back home to family in MO b/c of these terrible illnesses. He helped me with information for Social Security Disability and as I said was very kind. I just wanted to mention b/c I noticed his old website was down so it looks like they are not keeping it running for the mean time. I've looked but cannot find the letter at this time. B/c I was a patient of his I received a letter stating that for the next year he was going to be practicing somewhere overseas on kinda like a mission trip. It had info for other people you contact for the mean time for help that he had been giving, etc. I wish I could find it so I could put/list all the information on here for those searching for him. It's probably been about a couple of months since I received the letter, but I hope that helps anyone that may be searching or trying to contact Dr Sharp at this time. If I find it I will post all the info they gave so it may help anyone that may need it. Best wishes to you all!
Hi Rooney, if you are still on here, I'd be interested in finding out why they have you on Valtrex if you don't mind answering, if it had to do with Epstein Bar and if it's something that has helped since your post has been a while. I just found this site so new to it but I am also on Medicare and hit the donut hole every year by June. i also don't know if it'd be something that could be taken with my other meds but am interested b/c ur the first person I've known of to be taking that and wondering if it has been helping u. i hope your still out there. Best wishes, J