Hi Andrew, I saw your message. I am a former patient of Dr Sharp, I was with him for probably about 2-3 years. I first visited him at the Fibro and Fatigue Center in Ft Worth TX while I was still on COBRA insurance. I'm NOT sure what happened at the clinic, except there was stuff from insiders I heard both ways, however that was the time that Dr Sharp opened his own practice, and that may of been his goal all along, I don't know I was just confused at the time but I stayed with him, but it was also the timing of my insurance running out and having to move back to MO. he was always very kind to me and understanding, esp that I was loosing my Cobra and health insurance, having to file bankruptcy and move back home to family in MO b/c of these terrible illnesses. He helped me with information for Social Security Disability and as I said was very kind. I just wanted to mention b/c I noticed his old website was down so it looks like they are not keeping it running for the mean time. I've looked but cannot find the letter at this time. B/c I was a patient of his I received a letter stating that for the next year he was going to be practicing somewhere overseas on kinda like a mission trip. It had info for other people you contact for the mean time for help that he had been giving, etc. I wish I could find it so I could put/list all the information on here for those searching for him. It's probably been about a couple of months since I received the letter, but I hope that helps anyone that may be searching or trying to contact Dr Sharp at this time. If I find it I will post all the info they gave so it may help anyone that may need it. Best wishes to you all!