This was posted on the ESME facebook page.
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Video of Q&A here
During the question-and-answer period of his recent lecture given to the Massachusetts CFIDS/ME & FM Association, Dr. Anthony Komaroff was asked whether he would consider CFS to be a neurological illness. This was his answer:
"I would certainly say that there is now abundant evidence of measurable abnormalities in the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system in people with this illness.
"That makes it neurological. That's why I think it makes sense, as Dr. Gurwitz said, to call it Myalgic Ecephalomyelitis or Encephalopathy, because I think those two words adequately classify or describe an underlying biology that tests have shown to be the case."
Dr. Komaroff is Simcox/Clifford/Higby Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Senior Physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, and Editor-in-Chief of Harvard Health Publications. He was a co-author on both the Holmes (1988) and the Fukuda (1994) definitions of CFS.
For more from a fascinating lecture and question-answer session, go to the Massachusetts CFIDS/ME & FM Association website:
Mary Schweitzer
Original article here
Video is here
Video of Q&A here