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Dr Klimas "Understanding and Treating CFS" Dept of Rehab Med Grand Rounds U of Miami


Tate Mitchell posted this to co-cure Mar 18 2010

[if: I had no idea Dr Klimas was a professor in 4 subject matters]

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine grand rounds: Understanding and
Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


March 22 4pm

Nancy Klimas, professor of medicine, psychology, microbiology, and
immunology at the Miller School of Medicine, will present
Understanding and Treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

The session will be held at Lois Pope LIFE Center, seventh-floor Apex Center, from
4 5 pm. The University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine
designates this educational activity for a maximum of 1 AMA PRA
Category 1 Credit.


Senior Member
Southeast US
Hi islandfinn, I had no idea about the credentials, but I should have guessed. I heard Dr. Klimas speak approx. 4 years ago. Although we were an audience of laypersons, she spoke mostly in medical jargon, but really tried to keep it at our level. Dr. Klimas is a brilliant woman in my opinion. Thanks for the info.