Dr. Kenneth Friedman video discussing ME/CFS


Senior Member
Here is a great video where Dr. Kenneth Kenneth J. Friedman, a member of the Executive Board of PANDORA and Director of Public Policy discusses ME/CFS. Aside from being a medical college professor. Dr. Friedman is also a member of the executive board of the IACFS-ME Association, a member of the Vermont CFIDS Association, and a member of the New Jersey CFS Association. He is one of the most distinguished experts within the NEIDs community. As a medical school professor, Dr. Friedman explains why patients experience the types of symptoms when stricken with ME/CFS in the video titled: "ME/CFS Why do I feel this way?" We already gave our thumb up! Now is your turn. Click on the video. Watch it and give your thumbs up too. The video was professionally produced by Daniel Moricoli founder of CFSknowledgecenter.com


Senior Member
Hi Neilk, this is an excellent three minute explanation. Bye, Alex

Hi Alex and Hepsreal,

I wish I can take credit for it. I just posted it here because I received it on FB from PANDORA and wanted to share it.