Dr. Kathleen Kerr, Scientologist


World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
Now in the realm of questionable medicine, is Narconon really so heinous?

It's my impression that you've been leaning heavily on guilt by association in this thread rather than evidence of her practicing bad medicine.

Okay, I'm done replying to people who didn't get it the first ten times and who appear to not have read the supporting materials to which I have linked.


Senior Member
Okay, I'm done replying to people who didn't get it the first ten times and who appear to not have read the supporting materials to which I have linked.
I am still curious about the source of the material from your first posting.

Are any from the group that calls itself Anonymous?
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World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
I am still curious about the source of the material from your first posting.

Are any from the group that calls itself Anonymous?

What was that about guilt by association? ;)

And no, I don't believe so. I think that if you actually bother to follow the links, you'll see sources for yourself. People who care about learning the facts knew Scientology for what it is for decades before the Anonymous.


Senior Member
Okay,your right, They were there only hidden from my froggy mind.:bang-head: I was confused because of the placement of the citations. My bad.

I think I found most.


World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
Okay,your right, They were there only hidden from my froggy mind.:bang-head: I was confused because of the placement of the citations. My bad.

I think I found most.

It is one explanation for why people keep making the same complaints I have responded to several times already...;)


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
Just received notice that I have an appointment at the Environmental Health Clinic with Dr. Kerr in mid-December.

It has taken almost a year to get the appointment.


Senior Member
Just received notice that I have an appointment at the Environmental Health Clinic with Dr. Kerr in mid-December.

It has taken almost a year to get the appointment.

I would definitely still go to the appointment depending on how ill you are irregardless of this thread. They will not treat you there as they are solely a diagnostic centre, but they take the time to appropriately diagnose you based on the Canadian Criteria. If you truly have CFS you will leave there with a diagnosis.

My appointment consisted of the following:

1. Discussion with Dr. Kerr along with another doctor and also a student. The discussion was quite elaborate and included a comprehensive review of my medical history and an analysis of whether the symptoms appropriately line up with CFS/ME.

2. A discussion on some potential treatments and recommendations. I found this part a bit lacking, but I think that may stem from them not really treating you at this clinic. They are supposed to send a report to your doctor on recommendations although mine never received one and I didn't follow up.

3. They take you in to a standard medical exam room and check your Blood Pressure (poor man's POTS testing), basic neurological tests; really your standard GP work up.

4. They provide you with a write up of potential recommendations for you. The most valuable part out of the entire visit may come at this point depending on whether you presently have a doctor treating you who believes in CFS. If not they will refer you to one if there are any openings.

5. They will book you for a follow up and then they will provide you with a Blood Test Requisition form, which you'll have to complete at WCH. Their goal is to run any basic blood test associated with CFS or other conditions that may have been missed.

6. Six Months later you go to your follow-up and they really just ask how you're doing. I think the follow up is more for their benefit as it helps progress their understanding of CFS and how it changes over time with different people. You have a maximum of 3 visits with them, but I never bothered to go to third as I didn't see any further added value.

It is worth noting because of the thread I am writing this in that there was zero mention of scientology or anything related to the subject matter from Dr. Kerr. Remember, Dr. Kerr won't be treating you anyways only diagnosing you so her being a scientologist really has zero impact on your WCH appointment.


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
Thank you @lakesarecool for sharing your experience at the clinic, very helpful in setting up realistic expectations.

I was fortunate enough to see another physician in private practice (now on mat leave) who also works at EHC, but I only was able to see her after I had been referred by my GP to the EHC so will follow through with the appointment.

Did they do any autoantibody testing?

Have you experienced any improvement as a result of EHC appointments?



Senior Member
If you are already seeing another physician who treats CFS then I will say that the benefit gained may not be as high. In my case, the biggest benefit was the referral to a CFS physician as my GP is unwilling to try things like LDN.

In my opinion it never hurts to talk to another doctor who is knowledgeable about CFS, but I think that partially depends on how difficult it is for you to get to the appointment and how tiring it will be for you.

I'm not sure about autoantibody testing as I stupidly misplaced my results. I do remember them testing things like Zinc, Copper, Vitamin C, etc. looking for any imbalances that your GP may not look for.


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
Thanks for the info - the ME doc put me on LDN, but its only been a week or so and have not noted any difference yet - she also tested my zinc and copper (they be normal) - she start me on B6 and Nystatin as well based on my organic acid test results - and it was great to have a physician who treated ME as the bio disease it is.

The one thing I want to make clear to them is that my OI really manifests if I walk up more than one flight of stairs or if I use my arms, like raising them above my shoulders for too long, like 60 seconds.

I'll pass the 10 minute standing test - this week I got trapped in an elevator for 35 minutes with 8 other people so laying down was not an option!


Senior Member
Thanks for the info - the ME doc put me on LDN, but its only been a week or so and have not noted any difference yet - she also tested my zinc and copper (they be normal) - she start me on B6 and Nystatin as well based on my organic acid test results - and it was great to have a physician who treated ME as the bio disease it is.

The one thing I want to make clear to them is that my OI really manifests if I walk up more than one flight of stairs or if I use my arms, like raising them above my shoulders for too long, like 60 seconds.

I'll pass the 10 minute standing test - this week I got trapped in an elevator for 35 minutes with 8 other people so laying down was not an option!

It's definitely a breath of fresh air when you have a physician who is finally willing to treat you! Hopefully one of the things she started you on helps.

They're very understanding at the clinic and I found they were quite interested in learning about my individual case and how it may differ from another one. Fortunately they moved to a first floor location so no more elevator worries for those with OI :).

Good luck!


Senior Member
@ScottTriGuy I'm so glad you found a physician who is willing to test you beyond doing a CBC and open to at least trying treatments to see if it helps in improvement. I am beyond looking for a cure at this point after 25 yrs of illness, but just an improvement is a big step.

I had a wonderful integrative doctor for 11 years and even though I spent a lot of money on testing and stuff it was my decision and always left his office/house feeling validated. That was huge for me.
Toronto, ON
Part 1
I was fortunate to have seen Dr. Kerr at the Environmental Health Clinic. She ranks as one of the most observant practitioners I have encountered, meeting the observations with compassion and practical suggestions. Her suggestions were well based in science and suggestive of a practitioner with a wealth of clinical experience.

The proof in the pudding was the eating - each of her suggestions were helpful.
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Toronto, ON
Part 2
@Glycon with ME/CFS, it is important to properly identify 'the enemy'. And yes, unfortunately, there are still FAR too many willing to dust off the mythical psychogenic reasoning rather than offer anything helpful; AND with a resume where you won't see it coming. I'd be happy to give you a list if I could afford to start a war with physicians, but I'm unfortunately in a vulnerable situation.

There are precious few people with the knowledge, experience and dedication to provide us with help. Taking 'pot shots' at one of that handful of helpful people seems misguided.

I only wish that I wasn't fighting cognitive symptoms so that I could respond more thoroughly. So I'll close with a metaphor for future consideration:
"Don't piss in the well you drink from"... or that others that are 'on your side' have to drink from.
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