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Dr Jemsek and Alan MacDonald speaking at London conference - May 15th


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The Academy of Nutritional Medicine are holding their third conference in the 'lifting the Veil' series.

Judy Mikovits will chair the conference and speakers will be:


Dr. Marjo Valonen
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    Dr. Joseph Jemsek
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    Dr. Alan MacDonald
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    Dr. Judy Mikovits
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    Dr. Armin Schwarzbach

LIFTING THE VEIL III - ANSWERS: Stepping Outside the Box
The third conference of the series 'Lifting the Veil' will provide answers to important questions on chronic disease by stepping outside the box.

Chaired by Dr. Judy Mikovits, our panel of internationally renowned speakers will explain how chronic disease is a result of the complex interactions between pathogens, our environment, genes and immune system.

It will be a long day - 9 am until 6pm, but I have bought tickets and am going! it seems too good an opportunity to miss. There will be a quiet room for resting available. No idea if I can manage it, but am determined to try...



Senior Member
This looks so cool. It's industrial-strength controversy packed into one day.

@justy, you'll want to make time to talk to Jemsek, if possible. He is a clinician and a fierce patient advocate who has absorbed his share of attacks. I suspect you know all this already, though.

I am unclear why they are having Mikovitz there, and I was one of her fans.

Being based in the US, I am not familiar with Dr. Marjo Valonen.

I am happy for you. I'd go to this thing in a flash. It seems manageable, right? Not too big to get swallowed up in. And don't forget MacDonald. Talk to him about the nuances. He is accessable and amicable - and as a pathologist, he is intimately aware of Lyme's peculiarities as they relate to every nook and cranny of human anatomy.

I am excited for you. Geez, I am such a Lyme nerd.
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Donate Advocate Demonstrate
ou'll want to make time to talk to Jemsek, if possible. He is a clinician and a fierce patient advocate who has absorbed his share of attacks. I suspect you know all this already, though.

He is the reason I am going! could not miss Jemsek in the UK...he's like a Lyme rock star to me (how sad) and of course Alan MacDonald - cant wait to see him - hope I get to talk to them...am interested in seronegative Lyme and MCAS as they are my peculiarities ;)

I am excited for you. Geez, I am such a Lyme nerd.

I totally understand - am so excited it ridiculous. My husband is coming with me to push the wheelchair, but more importantly it will be good for him to hear it. Im secretly hoping that if things don't work out with my current LLMD in Europe then my husband will agree to going to see Jemsek in Washington, so this is his opportunity to impress Mr. Justy.

Its going to be a long day for me, but have managed to convince the organisers to create a quiet room for patients to rest.

It seems Dr Valonen is a Finnish MD who treats Lyme - will be interesting hearing what she has to say.

Mikovits is chairing...no idea why, but im sure it will be interesting, and of course Armin will be there and I hear he is a good speaker and a lovely man!

Really hope I can get up the courage to speak to some of them....perhaps i'll have to put on my 'PR rep' hat as it will give me confidence - and I guess it would be rude to ignore a woman in a wheelchair :whistle:


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it would be rude to ignore a woman in a wheelchair :whistle:

TBH most people don't notice people in wheelchairs as you are not at their eye height - but they do notice when you ram their shins (not that I will be doing that here!)


Senior Member
If Jemsek were closer to me here in the US, I'd find my way to his clinic. He reportedly has made a difference for many people.

I'd also try to pull Armin aside and talk T-cell testing.

Hmmm...and ask MacDonald about Bb in dementia cases.

And what is happening in Finland - are they finding anything different? What tests are they using?

@justy, when is this? I will need to get you my scrolling list of questions before you go. (only half-kidding) :)


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
@justy, when is this? I will need to get you my scrolling list of questions before you go. (only half-kidding) :)

May 15th.

Its a long day so im assuming there will be Q & A

Im happy to ask questions in the Q&A if possible. List them here and I will see what I can do (of course you may have to explain them to me first :))


Senior Member
I saw Dr Marjo Valonen speak at a conference last year. I really enjoyed her talk - for me, it was the best and most informative that day of all the speakers. I really like her approach in treatment and was a lovely person to speak with in depth during the breaks. Also, had lyme disease herself, if I am remembering correctly. I did inquire that day about her clinic too but the wait times was long to get an appointment.

Thanks for sharing the info, sounds like a great line up. I would definitely go if I lived nearer.


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I would definitely go if I lived nearer.

Its going to be a big trip for me as I live in rural West Wales - 5 hour drive to central London. Will stay overnight with my mum who lives on the outskirts of London the night before...

Interesting to hear about Dr. Valonen - will look our for her.


My husband and I are here in Washington DC currently to see Dr. Jemsek. It is our second face to face visit (with 2 phone consults) in the past 10 months. We live in Scotland. As many of you may know from previous posts, my husband was diagnosed with CFS/ME by the NHS and received no treatment for his first year of illness. I asked for a second Lyme test....and this test came back positive for borrelia burgdorferi. Six months later, and with my husband in a wheelchair at this point, we flew to Washington DC. And thank goodness we did.

Dr. Jemsek told us he was preparing to speak at a AON conference in London. He has my husband on a slew of supplement along with pharmaceuticals. Dr. Jemsek also proposes dietary restrictions. Most of my husband's symptoms are now gone or at least kept in check. I would highly recommend this conference for anyone who wants information in this regard and can make the trip to London.


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Unfortunately I have had to cancel my tickets for the conference. I have been too ill to think about the travelling et and money is so tight right now I have decided tp keep it for treatment costs. AONM have been very kind and given a full refund. I think the conference is sold out 9apart from my 2 tickets of course)


Unfortunately I have had to cancel my tickets for the conference. I have been too ill to think about the travelling et and money is so tight right now I have decided tp keep it for treatment costs. AONM have been very kind and given a full refund. I think the conference is sold out 9apart from my 2 tickets of course)
Wishing you all the best Justy.


Senior Member
Unfortunately I have had to cancel my tickets for the conference. I have been too ill to think about the travelling et and money is so tight right now I have decided tp keep it for treatment costs. AONM have been very kind and given a full refund. I think the conference is sold out 9apart from my 2 tickets of course)
Hi Justy
Sorry you have had to cancel.
A friend and I are going. Her son has Lymes and been ill for over 10 years, now 22 like my daughter. I will take notes - especially Dr Jemsek talk, and aim to provide some info on PR. We also hope to order the DVD.
Two days out in one month as I'm also going to IiME in June!


Donate Advocate Demonstrate
Hi Justy
Sorry you have had to cancel.
A friend and I are going. Her son has Lymes and been ill for over 10 years, now 22 like my daughter. I will take notes - especially Dr Jemsek talk, and aim to provide some info on PR. We also hope to order the DVD.
Two days out in one month as I'm also going to IiME in June!
Fantastic! so great you are going. I didn't know there would be a DVD.


Senior Member
I went to the conference in Nov, and you could order a DVD for that and the first in the series. Unfortunately the first DVD didn't include Prof Puri's talk, which was the one I would have really liked to hear.
As far as the Nov one I think it included all talks, so I guess it just depends on the speaker re whether they are happy to be on record or not.
I didn't get the earlier ones, but will get this one if it includes Dr Jemsek.
If you pm me your address I'll buy you one to be sent to you. Last time there was a reduced price for ordering on the day.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
My husband and I are here in Washington DC currently to see Dr. Jemsek. It is our second face to face visit (with 2 phone consults) in the past 10 months. We live in Scotland. As many of you may know from previous posts, my husband was diagnosed with CFS/ME by the NHS and received no treatment for his first year of illness. I asked for a second Lyme test....and this test came back positive for borrelia burgdorferi. Six months later, and with my husband in a wheelchair at this point, we flew to Washington DC. And thank goodness we did.

Dr. Jemsek told us he was preparing to speak at a AON conference in London. He has my husband on a slew of supplement along with pharmaceuticals. Dr. Jemsek also proposes dietary restrictions. Most of my husband's symptoms are now gone or at least kept in check. I would highly recommend this conference for anyone who wants information in this regard and can make the trip to London.

I'm curious about the dietary restrictions. Can you share?