Dr. Jay Goldstein's Rapid Remission ME/CFS Treatments.


Senior Member
Thanks, Just wonder why these doctors were not supported and their guidelines respected.

That's what gatekeeping is for. It's to keep out anyone who is not a member of the ruling class who is willing to kiss the right rings and genuflect with the right mentors. If you dare challenge the establishment from the outside, they will circle the wagons.


Senior Member
That's what gatekeeping is for. It's to keep out anyone who is not a member of the ruling class who is willing to kiss the right rings and genuflect with the right mentors. If you dare challenge the establishment from the outside, they will circle the wagons.
Lol. If you challenge the establishment from the inside, it also doesn't work. It doesn't matter if you yourself are ruling class or even rich. But the reasons for not taking Goldstein's serious is a combo of many things: safetyism, "no factual evidence" compulsion, traditional problems of unorthodox vs conventional methods, corruption/cronyism, self interest preservation, tall poppy syndrome, cowardice, legitimate fear or reprisals/license threats, etc. Lots of reasons. Most probably is that other regular doctor's just aren't willing to try his drugs since they only have his word to go on and many are powerful, higher risk drugs. They would have to dive deep in to the science to understand all the biochemistry/mechanisms, which they don't have time for/aren't capable of understanding, for them to prescribe it. Plus, they couldn't defend their actions fully if hey came under scrutiny for it.


Senior Member
I am typing this on my kindle so cant post any links but if you reads the comments on cort's blog of nov 29 2023 you wii find people trying out the nicotinetest foe covid and cfs. That reminded me of Dr Goldstein and his use of Nicotine for cfs. Does the theory behind the Nicotinetest support Dr Goldstein? See the paper by Dr Marco Leitzke. I wonder what he would make of it. Any thoughts?


Senior Member
I am on a computer so can post here


I am currently reading this which is free on Kindle. Tobacco is both poison and a healing substance!!!

shamanism and tobacco

From what I understand smoking tobacco is really is just for shamans and us mortals should just use nicotine patchs or do as in the past apply it externally or chew it. So you just absorb the nicotine rather than the hundreds of others substances which are carcinogenic
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Texas Hill Country
@Hip - I think you're dealing with Long Covid (as well as ME/CFS) - did you see the above 2 posts by @wallace re using nicotine to treat LC and ME/CFS?

One of his links is to an article by Cort about 3 severely ill LC patients who recovered in about 5 days using a specific monoclonal antibody: https://www.healthrising.org/blog/2...tibodies-long-covid-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/

In the comments section under the article, the first poster talks about nicotine as a possible alternative to the monoclonal antibody. And the discussion goes on, and someone else mentions they alternate nicotine with Sudafed (!) for good results. They're both pretty cheap and readily available of course. And Cort says that a blog on the nicotine patch is coming up.

And this link also posted by @wallace has all the info about a protocol using nicotine patches for LC: https://linktr.ee/thenicotinetest?u...re&ltsid=44884da7-fe75-4193-9d2f-f2141d902249 -

it references this study: Is the post-COVID-19 syndrome a severe impairment of acetylcholine-orchestrated neuromodulation that responds to nicotine administration?


Senior Member
@Hip - I think you're dealing with Long Covid (as well as ME/CFS) - did you see the above 2 posts by @wallace re using nicotine to treat LC and ME/CFS?

Thanks for pointing me to this.

I did actually try getting an e-cigarette as a source of nicotine some months back, after hearing stories of benefits for long COVID. Though I did not notice any benefit, unfortunately.


Senior Member
The protocol insists tha you use nicotine patches..

Do they provide a reason for that? The only thing I can think of is that with nicotine patches, you will get nicotine when you sleep, as well as during the day.


Senior Member
I hadn't seen they insist on patches - I thought that was just the recommendation because dosing was easier?


Senior Member
Just wanted to add to this thread that clonidine stimulates the release of growth hormone, and it is sometimes used in testing for growth hormone deficiency for this reason.

I am not sure whether it would produce a “rapid response” in terms of how a patient felt, but it does increase GH levels shortly after administration.

Might be a clue for someone someday:)