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Dr. Jay Goldstein has passed away


Senior Member
I am very sorry to report that Dr. Jay Goldstein has passed away. As Erica Verrillo has said on her AMMES website, he was a pioneer among ME/CFS researchers and clinicians. His books Betrayal by the Brain and Tuning the Brain were a great inspiration and help to many, including me. He was known for being far ahead of his time, and his insights and knowledge continue to help many people with ME/CFS up through the present day.

Erica's full obituary for Dr. Goldstein can be found here.
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Senior Member
This story about him went around Twitter a few days ago:


A fascinating story about his death and funeral. The many comments following the article also reveal a lot about Dr. Goldstein personally, and some of these are from those who knew him best. Here is the first and longest comment by his former wife:
Gail L. Coplin Goldstein said:
I am his widow. A kinder, more generous man would be hard to find. A scholar, healer, and family man who was both praised and vilified for his groundbreaking research in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I believed in him. There were political and social forces that impacted his later years, and much professional jealousy. So sad. I hope those who gave him no credit yet claimed his work as theirs and profited from it have done some good with it. I used to tease him that he was a Talmudic scholar in disguise, always studying and working for the benefit of mankind. Thank you for your kind sentiments.

Shortly after this, there is an extensive comment by Dr. Byron Hyde, who was a close friend of Dr. Goldstein's.