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Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.
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Impish, Dr Hyde is probably the person you are talking about in Ottawa. He is charging 3000$ up front for the work her does when you are not in his office. While I understand that there are fees for his work, paying up front to be on a waiting list and getting an appointment 1-2 years down the road was not appealing for me, so I went to see Nancy Klimas in Miami.
I have gone through the process of getting the expenses paid by MSP, but the answer I got was "this is experimental treatments". I wish I had the energy to fight with them, but I don't!
I am very frustrated by the care I have got so far here in Vancouver, my background is in nursing, so I know the health care system. It's been 22 months of illness so far, and no care, other than Dr Klimas, and my family dr doesn't want to follow her recommendations... what now?
As to getting money out of MSP, what would the next steps be? Would it be worthwhile for a group of people who have CFS in BC to start to lay the groundwork to be able to get treatment sooner than later? I suspect we would need to have the science a bit more firmed up but you never know given the article written by the Canadian researchers in PNAS?/QUOTE]
That is really interesting question. I think it is time for people in BC to start advocating for real health care and for real specialists. It is despicable that the patient themselves have to look around for a doctor that will understand what is going on, and also adds cost to the system when we are shopping for doctors.
My suggestion: building an e-group for people with ME from BC. Write to MSP, write to the College of Physicians, write to your regional paper.
Public demo in Vancouver and Victoria-
Let's keep the conversation going.
Impish, what makes me really upset is Dr Hyams and Venter both have a study going on in regards to Lightning Process. They also hold group sessions that I suspect are mandatory (300$) on nutrition, lifestyle, and all the stuff we already heard of. I believe they also sell their vitamins. And that is a big red flag right there for me.
Impish you said:
As to getting money out of MSP, what would the next steps be? Would it be worthwhile for a group of people who have CFS in BC to start to lay the groundwork to be able to get treatment sooner than later? I suspect we would need to have the science a bit more firmed up but you never know given the article written by the Canadian researchers in PNAS?/QUOTE]
That is really interesting question. I think it is time for people in BC to start advocating for real health care and for real specialists. It is despicable that the patient themselves have to look around for a doctor that will understand what is going on, and also adds cost to the system when we are shopping for doctors.
My suggestion: building an e-group for people with ME from BC. Write to MSP, write to the College of Physicians, write to your regional paper.
Public demo in Vancouver and Victoria-
Let's keep the conversation going.
Sounds good. I feel that we would be better served be keeping focused on a postitive outcome rather than wasting our limited time chasing after quacks (maybe step 2). So basically what we would want to accomplish is to ensure that CFS suffers in BC get positive and effective treatment, correct. Assuming it continues to look like MuLV's are the cause that is probably going to be anti-retroviral drugs, ampligen or something?
I have a meeting I have to run off to right now... more later.