Dolphin; Aha I understand..Thats how I was thinking when I contacted the first cfs-expert I went to see. I knew that he didnt have any treatment options to offer but I needed to get diagnosed and hadnt found anyone who had enough knowledge about this illness (-or I hadnt found anyone else that knew anything about it really-) up till then..
I might add here that I take hydrocortisone and levaxin (the equivalent to synthroid) since 1,5 years and 6 months back, respectively. It seems like if I have an underfunctioning thyroid as well. I know that this is common for people with CFS.. To either have hypothyroidism + CFS or to be misdiagnosed with CFS when they in fact have hypothyroidism and nothing else Ive heard of quite a few cases of like that.. Im a little bit better , very small difference but still distinct, since I started this medication program but Im going to increase the levaxin (eq to synthroid) dosage during these next few months so hoping I will see more effects from it in a bit..
Alexa; h, hello! Youre the first Swedish person Ive come across in one of these american/english forums

For how long have you had cfs? Yea I know, the medical community is very much behind in general when it comes to this,, Its absurd how concervative and closeminded some doctors are..Lots of room for improvement to put it mildly
Im in Lund. And I think the clinic youre reffering to is Gottfries kliniken which is in Mlndal close to Gothenborg (Gteborg) so its not in Malmoe (Malm).. Ive emailed prof. Gottfries and maybe youve heard of the vaccine he used to give to patients before? Anyhow thats forbidden now so yea it seems like if all theyre allowed to do is to give b-12 injections and sleepmedicine and that sort of things. There are some other possibilities with kutapressin that the norweigan clinic offers, Lillestrms- I suppose thats the one youre planning to go to?, but prof Gottfries feel that there is not enough scientific evidence for the usage of this so theyre not interested in using it the way it is now..
I quite recently started taking thyroid medication (skldkrtelmedicin) so I think I need to wait for a while and evaluate the effect of this before I embark on something new..We have been planning to go to the Norweigan clinic this summer too.. but then I emailed a doctor in NY (dr Enlander that I write about in my earlier messages here) and asked about this norweigan clinic as the staff from this clinic had been visiting dr Enlander in New York to learn from him. And dr Enlanders medical assistant answered that she did not think that the staff at the norweigan clinic had enough experience to treat CFS patients. She also said that the kutapressin-injections they use in Norway had a preservative in it that a lot of patients cannot tolerate.. So that made me a bit unsure. But I talked to my mum yesterday and as the norweigan clinic seems open towards cooperating with international doctors and they seem very openminded in general if I tell them that I want to try some treatments that are not yet available at their clinic maybe that can be fixed anyway.. And I of course cant just listen to what the medical assistan at dr Enlanders office has to say about the norweigan clinic, theres obviously usually two (or more) sides to a story.. I will investigate it all a bit more..
When are you planning to go to Norway? Do you know anything about how much treatment would cost for the average patient at Lillestrms (if that is the clinic youre planning to go to)?