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Dr Enlander for Treatment


Senior Member
the city
Is this doctor worth a visit? Or does he just push alot of his own supplements? Thanks in advance


Senior Member
Is this doctor worth a visit? Or does he just push alot of his own supplements? Thanks in advance

There has been quite a lot of discussion about Dr Enlander. To avoid people having to repeat what they have already said you could do a search on his name and add any specific questions to one of the threads.


Senior Member
Not too many have stated whether it was worth $750

He accepts certain insurances. Not yours?
I have Medicare and he accepts that. His take on CFS is that for most people it's a viral problem and that's how he treats it.
He uses a combination of hepapresin, B12 and some other supplements in injection form. He is also starting now an open study of Ampligen. You can see all this information on his website - http://www.enlander.com/main.html


Senior Member
No doctor is worth $750 for an out of pocket visit.

I totally disagree. What's not worth even the co-pay of $10 is going to someone who has no clue about CFS and might offer up treatment that is counterproductive. I'd rather eat dog food for a year and see someone good than go to your random clueless local MD.


Senior Member
I also disagree. It depends on who the patient is, what his/her capability is, and what they can afford. Many patients do not have the capability to guide their own treatment and need a CFS doctor such as Enlander to do to it. Every CFS doctor has their own biased idea on which is the best way to treat patients, and oftentimes these ideas become protocol-ized in a cookie cutter approach. This ends up being to the detriment of some patients.


Senior Member
The only complaint I have is that it goes too slow. First, he will start you on hepapressin, one shot per week, then recheck viral levels after a round of 12 shots-I'd rather take the shots for three or four months-then go on from there-whether it be antibiotics or virals. Gave me savella which ruined my stomach. Very nice guy and office-very up on latest XMRV info. I have wasted too much time and energy and hope going to alternative type practitioners, hoping that I can convince them to go hard core anti viral of bacterial. I need to start living. Going to NC or Panama, is just not in the cards now.