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Dr David Tuller: Norway Rejects New Clinical Trial of Woo-Woo Lightning Process


Senior Member
Trial By Error: Norway Rejects New Clinical Trial of Woo-Woo Lightning Process
7 June 2021 by David Tuller 1 Comment


By David Tuller, DrPH

In a welcome display of scientific acumen, Norwegian research ethics authorities have rejected a proposed study of the woo-woo called the Lightning Process as a treatment for ME/CFS. Since Norway generally appears to be a hotbed of biopsychosocial thinking, this excellent decision is a bit of a surprise. It follows a heated public debate about the issue over the last year, both before and after regional ethics authorities granted initial approval to the study in November.

(Dagbladet, a popular daily publication, ran an opinion piece of mine last June about the issue. In April, Codastory.com, an international news site, published my lengthy investigation of the Lightning Process, which highlighted the proposed Norwegian study.)

The regional ethics committee received multiple complaints about the approval from individuals as well as the Norwegian ME Association, but declined to change course. After reviewing the matter during meetings in March and May, the National Research Ethics Committee for Medicine and Health Sciences (NEM) released a statement on June 4th that it was rescinding the approval, noting that the decision was ‘unanimous” and “cannot be appealed.” In other words, the researchers would have to redesign their study and develop a new proposal if they choose to proceed with their misbegotten LP research............

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
@Countrygirl ....
OMIGOD ....I can't tell you how much this cheered me, lifted my spirits, and improved my day.

If I see one more reference to the incredible healing abilities of The Lightening Process or The Gupta Program or Neuro-Linguistic Reprogramming, or any of their misbegotten offspring, I'm going to set my hair on fire ....

You know, just to feel a whole different kind of pain ....

EDIT .... for really moronic typo .... typos .... who am I kidding ....
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YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
GREAT link !!! Thank you @Countrygirl , for yet another stellar contribution to sanity in general, and on this site specifically !!!

In case other readers miss the link in the article, here is an absolutely scathing critical breakdown of all the reasons that the study isnt just flawed, it's fraudulent, and I regard it as a must-read, followed by even scathier (Iknow, I kow, it's not a word but this is one of those days) evaluation from psychology professor Brian Hughes, at the National University of Ireland, Galway .....

It's a quick and illuminating read:

Study on ME patients: Cynical, unethical and indefensible

PS .... I'm almost afraid to ask, but how is Eva doing? Ay updates? And how are you doing?