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Dr David Tuller: Goodbye Australia and two updates


Senior Member

Trial By Error: Goodbye, Australia; and Two Updates
25 APRIL 2018
By David Tuller, DrPH

I’m now at the airport in Sydney waiting for my 12:45 pm flight back home. I arrive in San Francisco at 9:30 am this morning—-gotta love that one-day time change, at least in the eastward direction! I’ve had an amazing six weeks here. I met lots of new friends, connected with others I’d only known online, made sure to have some non-ME/CFS excursions and adventures, and conducted a successful crowdfunding campaign so I can continue this project for another year. (That campaign will continue through April 30th; I met my initial $75,000 goal and am now seeking to reach $85,000, thanks to a $5,000 matching grant.)

I cried on national TV and made home visits to patients unable to attend events. I was also so pleased to be able to spend a little bit of time with one of my heroes, Alem Matthees, and his lovely mum and family. (More on that in a later post.)