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Dr David Tuller 5th March: Trial By Error: News About My Plans.


Senior Member

Trial By Error: News About My Plans
5 MARCH 2018
By David Tuller, DrPH

So I’ve been asked about my plans after June 30th, which is the end of the period covered by last year’s crowdfunding campaign. There’s been significant progress since I launched that effort. Among other developments, the CDC dropped its recommendations for CBT and GET, NICE decided to withdraw its preliminary reaffirmation of its disastrous 2007 guidance and pursue a full overhaul, and Scottish National Party MP Carol Monaghan recently held a groundbreaking parliamentary hearing about PACE.

In regards to the latter, it is awesome that a government official in a position of authority has noted publicly that PACE “will become known as one of the biggest medical scandals of the 21st century.” (Personally, I’d say PACE is on track to become one of the biggest scandals of the current millennium, even though the current millennium is less than 20 years old.) In reporting on MP Monaghan’s efforts, The National, a Scottish daily newspaper, noted the following: “After campaigners went to court to force researchers to release the raw data, that study, known as the PACE trial, has been discredited.”

What a delight to read such a statement in a mainstream U.K. news article. The sentence makes the point that the debunking of PACE is a fact—not just a hopeful assertion made by advocates.