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Dr. Coffin is an acclaimed retrovirologist and the co-author of the leading text in the field. His testimony was arguably the most important of the CFSAC session on XMRV. Thanks (again) to Garcia for transcribing it.
Reading this testimony brought up alot of interesting issues.
Activated vs non-activated Immune cells - Does it matter"
ME - After the WPI 'activated' the immune cells in their samples and tested them for XMRV they found that a surprisingly large fraction of them were infected. My understanding is that immune cells generally troll the body looking for pathogens; after they find one they undergo a metabolically expensive transition into killing machines. Most of the time most of our immune cells are not activated. Since the WPI only looked at activated immune cells Dr. Coffin is wondering here how many immune cells under normal conditions have XMRV infection. Dr. Klimas has stated that a large percentage of immune cells in chronic fatigue syndrome patients usually are activated however.
Reading this testimony brought up alot of interesting issues.
Activated vs non-activated Immune cells - Does it matter"
It was in a really quite impressive fraction of cells that are isolated from blood, where after they’re activated. It’s unclear to me at this point, if you don’t activate the cells, what the fraction of actual infected cells is in blood. Which clearly, because the activation itself may cause the virus, may allow the virus to spread though the blood cells that you’re looking at. It almost certainly does I would say. The virus that you isolate is infectious for a number of human cell lines. It’s particularly infectious for the prostate cancer cell lines as was mentioned and also for b-cell and t-cell derived lines and for fresh activated PBMCs (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear cells) which are basically a mixture of b-cells and t-cells.
ME - After the WPI 'activated' the immune cells in their samples and tested them for XMRV they found that a surprisingly large fraction of them were infected. My understanding is that immune cells generally troll the body looking for pathogens; after they find one they undergo a metabolically expensive transition into killing machines. Most of the time most of our immune cells are not activated. Since the WPI only looked at activated immune cells Dr. Coffin is wondering here how many immune cells under normal conditions have XMRV infection. Dr. Klimas has stated that a large percentage of immune cells in chronic fatigue syndrome patients usually are activated however.