Dr Borgini waves the red cloak: my advice - ignore him so he loses his job


Senior Member
Pscychology Today is just FLUFF

I expect nothing from Psychology Today. It really is a total fluff magazine and has been for as long as I have been aware of it - that would be since the early 1980's. Just fluff and garbage. I think we nailed Borigini pretty good though. I'll see if Googling him brings up comments about his "Health Terrorist" article and comments. THAT would be best as people like myself do google and look to see what is said about doctors. His article was direct insight into how he thinks and what he thinks about sick people.

He will learn to keep his stupid comments to himself and not put them out in the public arena.

It is Reeves and Wessely that we have to counter each and every time with massive punches. Those idiots can NOT get away with a single stupid comment or article without us nailing them. They have discredited us for decades and now it is our time to damage them. Yesterday I went to a fairly smart Rheum doctor. We had a little back and forth on CFIDS versus CFS. My poor husband thought I was about to start a war with him but he and I both backed off from that discussion since we both knew the political background and it was not germaine to my situation at that point. So, we have to discredit the CDC, Reeves, the UK fools so that these doctors also don't swallow whole the stupidity put out by the CDC. Amazes me that these doctors don't think for themselves, just swallow what is put out there for them.


Senior Member
New England
I am so impressed, moved and heartened by our "team" responses here. We've all come up against Borgini type attitudes, and suffered damaging consequences....It isn't possible to quantify the damage done when those with power deny the reality of people who are suffering. (I am sorry only to be generalizing and abstract. My brain doesn't want to work today retrieving facts.)

But here is the question that Greybeh raised in a response to a similar attitude expressed re Mikovits' talk, the comments section on ProHealth which I read this morning. Greybeh asked, "Why?" Why are some people so strongly motivated to deny and put down people with ME/CFS? Turning the question onto the deniers. "Why?"



Senior Member
I think IT'S because the CDC did a real number on us and made us look crazy, lazy and useless. They had 30 years to do this to us and they did a great job. The name CFS is also a realLy great name for a terrible disease. I blame the CDC and then those that are too stupid, particularly the doctors, who believe what the CDC says without reading or bothering to look at a CFIDS Sick person.



Senior Member
Yesterday I went to a fairly smart Rheum doctor. We had a little back and forth on CFIDS versus CFS. My poor husband thought I was about to start a war with him but he and I both backed off from that discussion since we both knew the political background and it was not germaine to my situation at that point. So, we have to discredit the CDC, Reeves, the UK fools so that these doctors also don't swallow whole the stupidity put out by the CDC. Amazes me that these doctors don't think for themselves, just swallow what is put out there for them.

Did you know that in Japan the term they are now using for CFS translates as Low NK Cell Syndrome? That is even more precise than CFIDS. Sorry, a tangental tidbit, but just would love to tell that to a doctor who is dismissing CFIDS.


Patient in training
Did you know that in Japan the term they are now using for CFS translates as Low NK Cell Syndrome? That is even more precise than CFIDS. Sorry, a tangental tidbit, but just would love to tell that to a doctor who is dismissing CFIDS.

Wow Kurt, this is huge in my eye.

Also it sounds like Japan knows the rate of overall population rate of XMRV, they seem to be a bit more advanced than we are here in N. America,


Senior Member

Maybe we should start looking into the studies, protocols, etc of CFIDS in Japan. Sounds like they understand our illness enough to call it by a more accurate name. Have to see what Japan is up to in this area.

Yes, we must fight the good fight everyday. I too am so pleased by our efforts to hit Borigini. I see that many of us took the doctor's scorecards and really nailed him. On one site alone, I saw 25 negatives (1 star). I have hit the Veterns Admin site and sent them his article and the Rehab place he consults at. I believe they all need to see what he has written and published. I find it beyond cruel to use terms such as Terrorist and Jihadist when he works with Veterns of current wars. They deserve better. Google his name and keep going until you hit the VA site that he consults at. All we have to do his copy/paste the article as he has done the real damage to himself. Can't allow our VETS to be damaged by someone who uses those terms.

This should be a lesson to the other morons who think they can attack us online or in magazines. NOT HAPPENING.
We now MUST take on Wessely and Reeves in a big way. Might start a thread on what we might do to get to them. Like complaiining to Congress, DHHS, the media, etc. But we have to take both these morons down or CFIDS/ME will be damned by them and that means all other idiots will be damning us as well. So, please think about ways to get at both these guys. We have to hit both the US and UK head idiots at the same time as they work hand-in-hand.



Senior Member
Kati: "It sounds like I have been enrolled in a 10 weeks CBT and GET program with an occupational therapist. They don't call it like that but they want me to change my thoughts so I can get active in what I like to do again... Sounds suspicious to me."
You know that if this is BS and you don't like what's going on, drop out. Don't let them play games with you, demean you by trying to tell you it's in your head, etc. Don't put up with stupid stuff --- unless they are paying you enough to make it worth it, then tell them that this stuff sin't working and slam them in the face with foolish brain washing not working on you - IF this is the case. Keep up updated on the study.


Patient in training
Kati: "It sounds like I have been enrolled in a 10 weeks CBT and GET program with an occupational therapist. They don't call it like that but they want me to change my thoughts so I can get active in what I like to do again... Sounds suspicious to me."
You know that if this is BS and you don't like what's going on, drop out. Don't let them play games with you, demean you by trying to tell you it's in your head, etc. Don't put up with stupid stuff --- unless they are paying you enough to make it worth it, then tell them that this stuff sin't working and slam them in the face with foolish brain washing not working on you - IF this is the case. Keep up updated on the study.

Muffin (love the name) I have signed a consent in regards to that therapy, I am forced by the insurance company to undergo a rehab program unless my dr goes against that and I don't think my dr will say no. I am watching carefully, collecting all written information copies, I may even share on my blog, and will refuse aerobic activities and if I can't do something I just can't. if my situation worsen just a little bit, I will tell them to back off.


Oooh this could be really interesting Kati!
Our very own mole in among the dark side...

Rachel xx


Senior Member

this text below is from page 53 of the above PDF link, its about Wessley, I haven't read thw book, but this section has bee brought to my attention.

This post may be better placed elsewhere but i couldn't work out where that might be, so here it is.

Professor Simon Wessely
Professor Simon Wessely plays an important part in a network of psychiatric
medical professionals whose views and research are almost
completely coincidental with those of the government policies of
Britain and North America.

He has access to funding, media and support,
which enables him to shape and promote the prevailing view
about a number of issues which are of importance to those States.
Professor Wessely is the leading chronic fatigue syndrome
research academic in Britain, heading the CFS Research Unit at
Kings College Hospital, now part of Guys, Kings and St. Thomas
School of Medicine (GKT).

There he also heads the Gulf War
Research Unit and pursues the role of civilian advisor in psychiatry to
the British Army. Since the end of the 1980s, Professor Wessely has
steered a fine line, carefully avoiding categorising ME and CFS
patients as mentally ill, whilst nevertheless working hard to classify
their illness, against the prevailing trend, as a psychiatric condition.
Wessely has established an unrivalled position as a well-placed
government advisor and peer reviewer in almost all the seminal journals.

He has been involved with every serious inquiry into ME and
CFS over the past decades, and his papers and those of his colleagues,
produced in considerable number, dominate the field in any literature

Professor Wessely should be granted a dictionary of his own, so
far has he stretched the meaning of the English language while
attempting to explain that ME although a real illness, is often first
imagined. He has trodden the tightrope of confusing semantics with
the balance of Blondel and the focus of a train spotter.

In the late 1980s, as described in part one, as a member of the
newly-formed Campaign Against Health Fraud, Wessely collaborated
closely with former trade magazine hack Caroline Richmond, the
campaign founder, who played a leading role in helping him to publicly
demolish the scientific categorisation of ME and to redetermine
it in the minds of the public as a sham illness.

His collaboration with Richmond, and later with the feminist literary critic and professor of
humanities Elaine Showalter, empowered both Richmond and
Showalter to speak with spurious authority at conferences and seminars
on ME, CFS and Gulf War Syndrome, despite their complete lack
of medical expertise or education.

Showalter has become deeply involved in Wesselys forays into military-funded research into GWS.
Her atrociously muddled book, Hystories: Hysterical Epidemics and
Modern Culture, suggests that ME, GWS and such things as claimed
alien abductions are all equally part of a contemporary hysteria.

Wesselys research results and publicly-expressed views have
stirred the ire of patient self-help groups. He has stated openly that
members of such mutual support groups for ME and CFS are fooling
themselves, refusing to face up to the reality that their illness is psychosomatic.
Wessely works in the most prestigious London units involved in
psychiatric research. The GKT complex also encompasses the
Institute of Psychiatry (IOP).

The whole of Wesselys department in the IOP is committed to, and working on, issues relating to the psychiatric aetiology of illness. He is also involved in the Kings College
Risk Centre (KCRC), which is researching the perceived health risks
of mobile phones and their masts, with the view, no doubt, to finding
that there are none.

The IOP receives funding from, among others, Unilever,
SmithKline Beecham and Pfizer, Novartis, NPS Pharmaceuticals;
Lilly Industries Ltd (manufacturers of Prozac); Hoescht Marion
254 Cultural Dwarfs and Junk Journalism
Roussel; GlaxoSmithKline (Seroxat); Bristol Myers Squibb; Bayer;
Zeneca and Wyeth.

Professor Wessely has been employed or grant-aided by both the
British Ministry of Defence and the US Defense Department. He has
contributed to seminars and meetings at NATO on crisis management
of public fears of terrorist incidents. His connections with the military
clearly involve conflicts of interests, and his work on Gulf War syndrome
is thus automatically more suspect than that of independent

Professor Wessely is an advisor to PRISMA Health, which was
founded in 1999 and began establishing its programme in Europe and
North America. Its head office and the corporate staff are based in
Essen, Germany, and its president in the year 2000 was George F.
Thoma, a German managing partner at Shearman & Sterling, a global
law firm with more than 1,000 lawyers based in the worlds financial

Representatives of the US government and the most
powerful corporations of North America, such as Monsanto, have visited
the companys offices in New York. Thoma is a member of the
companys Mergers & Acquisitions Group, and practises primarily in
the areas of corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, corporate
restructuring and privatisations.

Thoma, who has worked for banks, chemical and pharmaceutical
companies, worked inside the Treuhandanstalt, the Berlin-based
agency created by statute and charged with directing all aspects of the
privatisation process in the federal states.

He helped to privatise the
East German shipyards, and became the principal counsel and coordinator
representing the Treuhandanstalt for the privatisation and
corporate reorganisation of the chemical, mining and public utility
industries in former East Germany.

His law firm worked for
SmithKline Beecham in its $189 billion merger with Glaxo Wellcome,
creating the worlds largest pharmaceutical company. Another partner
at Shearman & Sterling was chosen by Bush to be Ambassador to
China, while others can be found on the Council on Foreign relations.
Professor Simon Wessely 255

Professor Wessely devised the programme on CFS that PRISMA
is selling to insurance companies for people with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Interestingly, he says nothing in the company introduction
about patients suffering from any kind of psychological difficulties,
although he lays emphasis on antidepressant drugs, the prescription of
which, one imagines, must be preceded by some kind of psychiatric

Professor Wessely played a leading part in the Chief Medical
Officers inquiry into ME/CFS, which was organised from 1998 to
2002. Very near the end of the inquiry, the psychiatric aetiology contingent
walked out en masse, claiming that the final report of the
committees would veer too close to suggesting that ME and CFS was
a physical illness. Despite this juvenile protest, the final report
advised that more funding should be given to the MRC to investigate
ME and CFS.

The money for this further research was duly granted to the
Medical Research Council, and then diverted, in toto, to Wesselys
colleagues. The funding was used to finance what have become
known in ME circles as the fraudulent PACE trials. This research
looked at the already-decided psychological treatments for the psychiatric
conditions of ME and CFS.

Wessely has also, recently, found a perfect home working alongside
Professor Sir Kenneth Calman, the former chief medical officer,
who initiated the CMOs report into ME/CFS, and to whom Dr
Wakefield wanted to talk about the risks of MMR.

Calman now of Durham University, sits on the Advisory panel to
the All Party Group on Health with two highly placed vaccine company
executives.1 He is also Chairman of the Radiation, Risk and
Society Advisory Group (R,RSAG), a body within the Health
Protection Agency (HPA) that was set up in 2001 and of which
256 Cultural Dwarfs and Junk Journalism
1 Op. cit. Walker, The Ghost Lobby.
Wessely is a member.

2 The purpose of the group was originally to spin
the work of the National Radiological protection Board (NRPB). [At
this point, the words, all in it together drift through my mind].
The purpose of the R,RSAG is explained on the HPA web site in
an obscure manner. The R,RSAG it says, was set up to improve the
ways it [the NRPB] heads public views and communicated with the
public.A linguist would find the use of the word heads in this context
very interesting.

The word that comes closest to explaining
heads is leads which in turn means to guide or, as in lead story,
the items of news given greatest prominence in newspapes. What it
might have meant to say is that the R,RSAG heeds public views, if
so, this was an interesting Freudian slip.

Perhaps more frightening than the fact that the HPA has built in
communications units or spin groups, is the oddly alienated and thoroughly
patronizing manner in which the R,RSAG talks about its role;
R,RSAG assesses, on a continuing basis, what the public wants to
know about radiation, risk and how society will be affected by such

One of the bullet points that explain what the R,RSAG
actually does, has an ominous ring which we have heard
before: Developing a series of guidelines, testable by the
HPA, on ways of responding to risk issues.
The R,RSAG is keen to get into schools to explain science and risk to
schoolchildren, and to this end it has been holding meetings with various
education bodies.

Professor Simon Wessely 257
2 Other members of the R,RSAG are, Ms Lis Birrane, HPA, Ms Deborah Cohen,
BBC, Professor William Gelletly, University of Surrey, Mr Edward McConnell, The
Marlborough School, Professor Jim McQuaid, Royal Academy of Engineering, Dr
Michael Murphy, University of Oxford, Professor Nick Pidgeon, University of East
Anglia, Professor Lynda Warren, University of Wales Aberystwyth, Dr Hilary Walker,
Department of Health.

The web site goes on to say that the R,RSAG was set up to help
the NRPB to achieve this leading of public opinion in practical ways.
The group reports only to the board of the HPA, which is studded with
members who have pharmaceutical and other conflict interests.

In October 2004, after a meeting between the R,RSAG chair and
secretary and the communications director of the HPA, it was decided
that the group was handling spin for the RPB so well that, with the
inclusion of other representatives, it could handle spin for all the other
departments of the HPA. The new group would be managed by Lis
Birrane the HPA communications director. So Wessely is now quite
close to being able to spin, all matters relating to public health and science.


Patient in training
Oooh this could be really interesting Kati!
Our very own mole in among the dark side...

Rachel xx

Not only that, I gave my OT an assignment- I thought, wait a minute, she's giving me all this work to do this week, it's only fair that she gets an assignment too! So I sent her to watch Dr Bell's first 5 minutes of his presentation- when he talks about fatigue that is more like orthostatic intolerance- I relate to that the most so I wanted to understand that concept.

Will keep you posted. If she didn't watch it- well ther is the written version in here that I can give her to read.:D


Senior Member
Did you know that in Japan the term they are now using for CFS translates as Low NK Cell Syndrome? That is even more precise than CFIDS. Sorry, a tangental tidbit, but just would love to tell that to a doctor who is dismissing CFIDS.

Good one, Kurt. Do you know how prevalent the use of "Low NK Cell Syndrome" is there? Didn't Dr. Peterson say that only 2% of the doctors surveyed in his part of Nevada knew what an NK cell is?


Senior Member
Good one, Kurt. Do you know how prevalent the use of "Low NK Cell Syndrome" is there? Didn't Dr. Peterson say that only 2% of the doctors surveyed in his part of Nevada knew what an NK cell is?

Japan is not just "now" using the term "Low NK Cell Syndrome". I heard it at least 20 years ago, and I often start my description of what I have with that. I say "In Japan they call it Low Killer Cell Sydrome" and then I explain that a Killer Cell is an important part of the immune system and this indicates that my problems are due to immune system abnormalities. Then I go on to say "In England they call it ME, myalgic encephalomilitis". And I describe that. Then I say "In the US they call it CFS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", where they erroneously use only one of many symptoms to describe an illness with more than a dozen other symptoms." I used this intro to my doc on our first meeting, when he said "So, what brings you here today?"