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Dr. Bell's Oct Newsletter on XMRV


Senior Member
[Note: Dr. David Bell's October Newletter is about XMRV and is a very good read! Please read all.]

"Holy smokes! Just when I want to retire this comes along. How am I going to get any peace and quiet?

Here is the Lyndonville News coming out within a week of a paper being published, and already what I have to say is old news...The CDC has already said that it isn't going to pan out. It is my guess that the media coverage will intensify because this is really big news.

I would think of XMRV as the "puppet-master". It is known to be linked to prostate cancer; it lurks in the shadows and pulls certain strings causing cells to become malignant. Perhaps it pulls another string to cause EBV to be more active, or Lyme, or enterovirus? Another string to alter RNAse L? Many, many questions open up.

But the really good news is that if XMRV is the puppet-master of ME/CFS, it conceivably could be very treatable. Theoretically, more treatable than HIV. Lots of work to do.

Lets revive the Lyndonville research group again (gasp). I would like to test the original Lyndonville kids for XMRV, and if any of you reading this became ill in the Lyndonville area around 1985, were 18 or under at the time, and want to be evaluated, please write to me at lynnews@davidsbell.com. Even if you are feeling great now.

Read Dr. Bell's entire Newsletter on XMRV Here


Down With the Sickness
Thank you Summer!

Thank you for this great link. It's so good to hear what these battle-tested doctors are saying. It's encouraging to know they're all going to be looking more into this and hopefully coming up with more answers before we wear out our poor sore fingers with all our questions and speculations!


Thank you for posting this

It was good to hear from him directly.