Just remember that no MLV is causal transmitted. It must be sexually, blood, or mother to child or via vaccine. Then you got a lonnnnngggg incubation time while the androgen's and cortisol whip up replication and THEN the whole mess is triggered by a common virus..
Hi, thanks for your long response and now this one. Very interesting.
What you described above, fits in perfectly with the adolescent/teen phenomena of youngsters developing ME/CFS overnight, after a common viral infection and not recovering.
(E.g. they had the MLV's anyway, and the virus and huge boost in adrogens in puberty was the trigger).
In their review Judith Prins (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands) and colleagues state that different factors predispose people to CFS, trigger the onset of the condition, or perpetuate the syndrome. The factors currently known to predispose people to CFS include neuroticism, introversion, and inactivity in childhood. What causes chronic fatigue syndrome?. Dr Judith B. Prins, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, 840 Department of Medical Psychology, P.O Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, Netherlands
The UK ME Association says ME/CFS could be hysteria.
''These problems are not unique to CFS. There are a number of these so-called functional syndromes. Arguments still continue as to their psychological, physical or hysterical origin”
(MEA Research & Scientific Bulletin: 2002: 9: page 4).
And the psych's say we can 'talk' ourselves out of ME/CFS!!!