Does Vitamin D increase fatigue for you?

Tony Mach

Show me the evidence.
Upper Palatinate, Bavaria
Has anybody made the experience that vitamin D increases her/his fatigue?

I was taking vitamin D for some month now and I now think it worsened my fatigue and PEM. I dropped it a couple of days ago and start to feel better. (The only problem is, I am taking equilibrant/oxymatrine since June now I don't know if vitD made me worse or oxy is making me better...)

And some years ago, I spend one day at the beach, just lying in roofed wicker beach chair, and I was extremely fatigued afterwards. So I would not be surprised if I got a vitD boost by being in the sun and the vitD made me fatigued.

And I wonder if GcMAF (vitD binding protein) works because it lowers vitD.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Has anybody made the experience that vitamin D increases her/his fatigue?.....

And I wonder if GcMAF (vitD binding protein) works because it lowers vitD.

Hey Tony,

GcMAF does not generally lower Vit D. Though, for me and a couple others whose data I have, it switched the ratio between Vit D 25 and Vit D 1.25. My 1.25 went down and my 25 went up. Sun exposure would, I think, raise your 1.25. Correct me if I am wrong!



Senior Member
Vitamin D causes intractable pain for me.

Sunlight makes me immediately ill, so I'm never exposed long enought o make vitamin D from that. Whether the vitamin D is in food or a supplement it causes the same pain reaction, which doesn't make sense because vitmain D is supposed to relieve pain. Various different forms of vitamin D have the same effect. The closest I can get to tolerable vitamin D is Blue Ice cod liver oil, which is raw, unrefined, and fermented, and has no synthetic vitamins added. It still causes me pain, but not quite as much and in the past I've reached a point where after a while it appeared I had reached a steady dose that was no causing pain. Unforutnately I stopped it for a bit and now I'm back to any of it causing severe pain all over again...

My vitamin D levels have been as low as either 5 or 7, can't remember which. A few months ago they tested at I think 13, which my new doctor was quite alarmed about but I considered it and improvement.

There's a school of thinking that says vitamin D is bad, mainly associated with the Marshall Protocol. For me, my experience did not fit in with the symptoms described for the proposed theory, and after being so low for several years I decided that being low isn't giving me improvement so I'm still working to get my levels up to see if that helps and if the pain will improve.


Senior Member
Vitamin D directly kills lots of bacteria, viruses and fungi, so it can increase pain, fatigue, may cause irritability and increase inflammation temporarily. This will subside with time. I had to increase my D levels very very slowly, I always had unpleasant reaction to stronger dose at first.


Senior Member
Asheville, NC
I am struggling with Vit D also. I get almost zero sunshine/natural light and my levels were low. When I take 3-5000/day, my mood is markedly better!!! It is like an antidepressant for me! However, I am more fatigued!!!! Ohhh, what to do.

It does not seem to effect my pain level...I am thankful for that.

Lala, I did not know D killed bacteria etc. I do hope that is true. However, that could cause pain for some then.


Senior Member
Hi Tony Mach, if your symptoms are getting worse after taking Vitamin D the most likely cause is that you have a Magnesium deficiency aswell. Taking vitamin D makes the symptoms of the magnesium deficiency worse, this can happen when getting sun exposure as well.

If you are magnesium deficient you wont be absorbing the vitamin D, because the body needs magnesium to process the vitamin D properly so youll still be vitamin D deficient no matter how much you take, info about this here

info on other co factors you need with vitamin d can be found here

Lots of other useful info on the vitamin D council site

and in these articles

The also a book by the world expert in vitamin D Dr Michael Holick available on Amazon if anyone is interested

Anyone who has bad reactions to sunlight might have a magnesium deficiency/vitamin d deficiency, but should also get checked out for Lupus and Porphyria as well if they havent already been.

If taking large amounts of vitamin D you need to make sure you get your calcium levels checked because if people have certain underlying medical conditions that have been missed by their doctor they can get hypercalacimia. This page has information on conditions that you shouldnt take vitamin D for and possible drug interactions

All the best


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I suggest to think about trying the Marshall Protocol. In the Marshall Protocol, vitamin D is seen to have a bad impact on ME/CFS and PART of their treatment is avoidence of D (sorry Ive forgotten now why, if you go to their website thou you could find out more about all their theory).

In my own case Vit D dont seem to do a thing.


Senior Member
Vit D stimulates me and also causes insomnia at a dose of even 500 i.u per day.

Same here. In the end however I think that Vitamin D is very important for a healthy immune system. I seem to tolerate Vitamin D much better when I let my body produce it by itself through long sun exposure.


Senior Member
Yes, I also do not have hyperactivity and insomnia type of problems if I obtain vit D via sun exposure.I need to handle heat intolerance problem in than case though and not over do sun bathing. I can handle about 15 minutes a time. I also wonder if vit d2 might be better for the ones who have this problem. Best wishes.


Senior Member
I also noticed Vit D makes me feel worse. Heat and Sun intolerance are also issues. I take Benicar, it helps inflammation and these issues a little bit. It is the one used in the Marshall Protocol, and definately drives it lower. When I got it tested over the last few years, it is usually in the 16-20 range, which never makes doctors happy but when they see me they never are anyway.


Senior Member

I could not have much time and energy to explore Marshall protocol but I know that sunlight makes me feel better if I don't overdo. I need sunlight. I am thinking I must have some problem in metabolisation of d3 but no problems with d3 from sunlight.So,at this point I do not consider taking Benicar.Best wishes.


..and we built castles in the Sky.
Hey Tony,

GcMAF does not generally lower Vit D. Though, for me and a couple others whose data I have, it switched the ratio between Vit D 25 and Vit D 1.25. My 1.25 went down and my 25 went up. Sun exposure would, I think, raise your 1.25. Correct me if I am wrong!

in case anyone in this gcmaf crew is still active: can i have this confirmed?

my vitamin d ratio is literally 3. (25 vit D is 22 and 1,25-vit D is 65)