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Does PEM Severity Vary With Trigger Magnitude?


Senior Member
Hi there,
I'm glad I discovered this older thread. I've been trying to research my heavy PEM for the last month, and I'm glad to add experience.

My PEM is triggered only by physical things that affect my muscles and musculoskeletal system - it can be sitting, standing, walking or even a massage. Then I crash with PEM for 4 days - second day is worst, time cannot be shortened even by complete relaxation or with some PEM busters.

It doesn't affect what I eat at all - it can also be unhealthy foods, or if I take some allergens, or whether I think a lot about big brainstorming. Nothing will make my PEM worse or better. Just mandatory 4 days to lie down and sleep a lot...
I don't know if it can point to anything?


Senior Member
My PEM definitely depends on the intensity and duration of the trigger and it seems to build up. I might get slight PEM from cleaning or studying for two hours and then go to the grocery store the next day despite feeling a bit achy and brain fogged. Two to three days of activity and bam! I’ll need to spend the fourth and fifth day in bed because I feel so horrible. I overdid it again last week though I tried not to and now I’ve had annoying PEM for four days. I tried to rest yesterday, but today I need to clean up after my rabbits again... Messy fluffbutts!