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Does MAO-A +/+ function like a MAO inhibitor?

I just noticed that MAO inhibitors are contraindicated for treatment with effexor, which I just started due to a depressive episode.

I don't really know what the symptoms are but I have elevated heart rate and I'm very shaky. I've also noticed increased dizziness upon standing since I started taking it.

If you know about this, thanks for sharing!!

Jonathan Edwards

I just noticed that MAO inhibitors are contraindicated for treatment with effexor, which I just started due to a depressive episode.

I don't really know what the symptoms are but I have elevated heart rate and I'm very shaky. I've also noticed increased dizziness upon standing since I started taking it.

If you know about this, thanks for sharing!!

The main problem with MAOI interaction with other drugs is acute hypertension (high blood pressure) which can be dangerous - i.e. precipitate stroke. If you are in doubt do not take MAOI with something else unless you have clear advice from the prescribing doctor.
Hi, thanks for your quick reply. Sorry for the confusion - I'm not taking an MAOI, just effexor, and I started having all these side effects. Since I'm +/+ for MAO-A, I was wondering if that might act similarly to taking an MAOI, which is contraindicated for use with effexor. I hope that makes sense!

Jonathan Edwards

I doubt it but I think you would need to ask a pharmacologist!

However, the sort of symptoms you describe are pretty common with effexor anyway. Blood pressure can go up and should be checked on effexor while the dose is increasing. Whatever the mechanism getting your BP checked is probably the main thing.


Senior Member
@Isa's Mom - The MAOA SNP which people tend to get excited about does have a significant impact on the protein it creates, but every genotype is extremely common. Thus if there was an intereaction between your genotype and a certain drug, it certainly would have shown up when the drug was being trialed - something like 30-60% of participants would have had the same reaction.

But it does sound like you're having a nasty reaction for whatever reason, so it's probably a good idea to stop taking the Effexor and call your doctor about it. Furthermore, Effexor is an SNRI, and a lot of ME patients respond very badly to drugs having an effect on serotonin.
Thanks to all of you for your replies! I think @Jonathan Edwards is right that these are fairly common side effects, and I shouldn't worry too much about my SNPs. But you're right @Valentijn, they are nasty and made me completely nonfunctional today. I'm going to take half a dose tomorrow and hopefully I'll feel better. Then I can wean off of this onto something else. Of course, that will get me kicked out of the outpatient psych dept at the hospital, but I called and they told me they can't do anything for me until next week. This really sucks because 1.) Zoloft worked so well for me for 15 years and who knows why it stopped, and 2.) I'm living in a country where I don't understand the system, doctors seem pretty conservative (other than prescribing benzos out the wazoo), and Freud still rules! So frustrating! I've been to 3 psychiatrists so far, after my regular doctor was no help for months. But even psychiatrists seem not to consider depression to be a biochemical illness. I mean, of course there are times when everyone is depressed, and it can be a normal reaction to life events, but that's not really what I'm talking about here. I'm about ready to get on a plane to the US of all places to visit my old doctor!!