I am the polar opposite of you and not had an infection of any kind in over four years.
Exactly the same here, last time was January 2014. I already hat lots of symptoms at the time, but I was still working fulltime and could complete a half-marathon. After August 2014, things went downhill pretty quickly, and I never have been sick with a infection since then.
I think there must be some connection.
@silky, did you already test herpes virus as a possible cause?
As far as I can see (please correct me if I'm wrong), there are just two treatment protocols that have had considerable success confirmed by medical studies. One is Rituximab, and the other one is anti-viral herpes virus treatment as proposed by Drs Lerner & Montoya among others.
I would think these two options are targeting different types of CFS disease, so everyone should do comprehensive diagnosis with doctors to see which one may be right.
But what's certain is that the antiviral option, esp. if it can be done with Valacyclovir, is much less risky than Rituximab.
So if it was equally likely that either Rituximab or antivirals might help, I'd try antivirals first.