I've read (can't find the article to link) that it is not the tobacco but the way it is cultivated makes it harmful. The pesticide used by the multinational tobacco growers causes the cancer and the shelf life additive is arsenic causes the heart problems. They also spike it with another very harmful chemical which gives the instant buzz is highly toxic. Marketing search proved without this buzz it is difficult to sell tobacco products. Apparently tobacco plant is very difficult to grow at home, and maybe ordinary people are not allowed by law? Who knows. Might worth a try, natives smoked tobacco with no apparent health consequences.
That is untrue. It's the smoke inhalation that causes disease, although the additives used in cigarettes make the drug delivery more effective.
Smoking really took off with the invention of a machine that rolled cigarettes, allowing them to be sold cheaply.
We don't have good info about the health consequences of smoking among native peoples, although it was primarily a ceremonial activity, AFAIK. They didn't have pack-a-day habits.
If you are a smoker don't delude yourself about the consequences.
Nicotine delivery by other methods is different. You're not getting all that gunk in your lungs.