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Does anyone have a provider code for Klaire?

The nutritionist (Katie) at my doctor's office (Dr. Kaufman at Open Medical Institute) recommends Klaire Theralac, but do not have a relationship with Klaire. I am hoping to get the code so I can get this probiotic - thanks!

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I am just shy of 39 and had CF/ME for 2.5 long years. I have been a patient at the Open Medicine Institute since November 2015, after getting no help from Holtorf, UCSF & Mayo Clinic Scottsdale.
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Senior Member
Have you had any stool tests done, for streptococcus, etc? After what I've been through I wouldn't touch probiotics without first knowing whats going on. Also its worth trying a biomedical doctor..


Senior Member
San Francisco
The nutritionist (Katie) at my doctor's office (Dr. Kaufman at Open Medical Institute) recommends Klaire Theralac, but do not have a relationship with Klaire. I am hoping to get the code so I can get this probiotic - thanks!

Authorized Patients:
Please register for full access.

To register and purchase, you will need an authorization code from a licensed healthcare practitioner. If you do not have this, please contact your health provider.

I am just shy of 39 and had CF/ME for 2.5 long years. I have been a patient at the Open Medicine Institute since November 2015, after getting no help from Holtorf, UCSF & Mayo Clinic Scottsdale.
Just google "Klaire Theralac". You can get it from other places.