Does anyone else worry about money/finances?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I am glad this is still going. @confetti11 -I will get back to you...!!

I have to mention; out of my incessant worry about finances, I did something interesting, I started an AirBnB in my apartment. I have a 2 bedroom and live in an area where people need somewhere to stay; a college town.

I took my 2nd BR which is an office and I have converted it into a nice place to stay and yet I can put it right back into an office when they leave. I have had people stay here almost every weekend. I do it part time and it has been helping to pay my bills. If I did this full time, I would probably be paying much of my rent from this.

I can't believe I am doing this and I am not getting rich by it, but even having an extra $200 a month is helping me out.

Mostly women are staying here and many come to access the college's library. Or, to get certified in yoga. I live in a crunchy and cool town. I have it advertised as an allergy free place to stay as it truly is. Hardwood floors, no chemicals, etc. Many like this.

In October. I am almost booked! LOL.

Worrying about money put a fire under my butt and got me to act on it. :fire::moneybag:

TBH, I really like doing this and would love to do it full time. Most guests do what they need to do outside of my place during the day and then just come here to crash. So, my place is all mine during the day. They don't hang out here.

This weekend a girl is coming in for one night to get certified for yoga..this happens often and then the next visitor is coming for a college reunion for 2 nights from Oregon. The girl will get to my place by 8 pm on Saturday, crash and get up at 7 am to leave. So, she truly is just crashing.

I find this whole thing fun and it gives me some kind of purpose. I am good with keeping my place clean and it's not that big. There is something about it I just like and I meet interesting people.

Plus, many of them like my jewelry (I am a jewelry designer-part time.) So, they get to see my craft as well. They like my place, too!
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Senior Member
Southeast U.S.
Inester7--Lucky you! Of course having a full time job, or winning the lottery, is the very best to relieve a lot of the stress of money worries.

I have had some improvement since having treatment from my Lyme and my plan is to start a real focus on finding a job, even a part-time one when I can have 3 good days in a row.
One problem is that mostly the type of work I was doing, and have strength in, pretty much doesn't exist in the new state where I am now.

I would be going in a new direction and that thought brings that weird feeling to my stomach.
Did you find a job in a field where you previously worked? Something new?
Sorry y'all-I got so excited I changed topics--


Senior Member
TBH, I really like doing this and would love to do it full time. Most guests do what they need to do outside of my place during the day and then just come here to crash. So, my place is all mine during the day.

Thanks for the update. Great erstwhile solution to financial difficulties you found.


Senior Member
Southeast U.S.
I also will share my experience with moving to be near family.

Yes, finances can be important in that decision but I thought I would have the fun and cozy times that I had before moving away.
Cousins, my brother and his family, my adult children and grandchildren are within no more than 2-3 hours away (son and his family are about 20 minutes from me.)
I envisioned weekend jaunts filled with reviewing old times with laughter and creating new ones.

Well, no!
As so many of us have shared, friends and family can melt away.
So even though I am in my small, but less expensive apartment it's pretty much only me here--would I do it again?

I don't know what the answer is.
What do you think you might do?

Much harder to plan with ME/CFS hanging over my shoulder, or sitting on it!

I am very interested in thoughts and/or plans you have and hope you share.
I am sitting here thinking "We can do this!" , a good way to start my day--
love tm

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Well, no!
As so many of us have shared, friends and family can melt away.
So even though I am in my small, but less expensive apartment it's pretty much only me here--would I do it again?

I don't know what the answer is.
What do you think you might do?

Many know my story. I have nothing to do with my family as they treated me like crap. Yours does not sound like that. I was made to feel less human because I was sick and everything anyone ever did for me was held over my head. "Are you going to say I never did anything for you, Misfit Toy. After all I have done!" Please...hang on the cross.

Anyhoo, I loved my whole family growing up and had this amazing extended family. I had a great childhood, but where are all of those people? Off on there own, self involved and never reaching out. It is bizarre.

So, to answer your question, I would never move near family (the blood related kind) ever. I would choose to be near my family of friends. Hence, one reason I don't want to move in spite of the expense of my place. If I need anything, my friends hop to it and go get me what I need or come visit. They are my family.

Family sucks. I have other friends that are better, working full time and have health issues and my one friend's mom never asks her how she is....ever. She is a lawyer who had to change her career. Super smart cookie who went to Georgetown and since getting sick, her family has totally backed away.

It blows my mind and yet I am actually finding it to be quite the norm anymore. Sad.

It would be great if you can find a job at some point like you said. It can make you feel so much better. I am pretty sick and yet somehow, by the grace of God, I am working part time. I have no idea how it will go. I make jewelry and used to be awesome at it, but I feel like I am slipping. I am exhausted, but it will bring me some money.

Last year at this time, I did quite amazing. It's just very up and down and too seasonal. That's why I now want to open up an Airbnb house! Or, put money down on a duplex and have someone rent out the bottom part of it..this is all I think about. A duplex, a small home, but in a location where it's transient and people need a place to stay.

Screw my family. 8 months no contact and although sad and grief stricken, moving on. My birthday is in a week and I look forward to hopefully feeling well enough to go out with friends and have a quiet meal. They are my family.

My family helped me financially. Now, I shop at the Goodwill and consignment stores. I have become resourceful and thrifty. I like it to some extent. I sell my clothes I no longer wear. I am trying to turn lemons into lemonade.

Again, you do not have my family. You can do this!


Senior Member
I have to mention; out of my incessant worry about finances, I did something interesting, I started an AirBnB in my apartment. I have a 2 bedroom and live in an area where people need somewhere to stay; a college town.

@Misfit Toy That is such a creative solution and good for you! After the recent developments on PR, I love reading some good news today :hug:
I would choose to be near my family of friends. Hence, one reason I don't want to move in spite of the expense of my place. If I need anything, my friends hop to it and go get me what I need or come visit. They are my family.

Oh, that's great. I think friends/community is the best way to have some future security, if someone doesn't have family who would be. (As long as someone is careful to be sure they are close enough friends.)

I'm really thinking of pushing myself hard for years so my future is more secure, but I have to be sure I'm not damaging my health much :(


Senior Member
@Misfit Toy so glad to hear about your Air BnB stuff! That's fantastic. I live in a city where there's lots of Air BnBs and clean at one regularly as part of my freelancing work.

Since my fiance resigned from his job (with my full support - they treated him AWFUL) the financial anxiety has crept back in. I wrote a blog post here.

The gist of it is I'm overworking myself, and I know it, and I'm scared. Scared my body can't handle it and my health will collapse again.

But hopefully it will settle out again soon. Just have to keep breathing, planning, and taking care of myself and each other.

Today I just now got a $55 "bonus" from one of my clients, a tip for doing such a great job over the summer with their AirBnB. It fills me with such relief. I think we might be okay.