Doctor in / near London to oversee the Myhill supplement regime

We would love to be members of the Support for followers of Dr Myhill's Protocol Facebook page. Unfortunately it's a closed group. I applied to join it at least 3 weeks ago & our application is still pending. Hopefully they will get round to assessing our application at some point as it would be really helpful to be in contact with others who are trying this.


Senior Member
I would appreciate your thoughts on this

You might want to move your post on vitamin D3 to a thread of its own, because it's off topic here. I don't know that much about this topic, though; but I'll make some comments if you do start a new thread.
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Senior Member
U.S. Atlanta
Well, Hip, I think you're being modest, and unwittingly supportive of the D3 protocol... . I found your discussion on, sic in the thread with 'wanderer'. Sounds like you're well tuned in... .

I missed that thread earlier but was glad to see it now for everyone's sake. I'll follow it there, maybe repost my experience with D3, there, rather than generating
duplication here on PR.

BTW, my general symptom profile is very similar to yours, as you described, which I deduced and is why I have kept an eye on your writings. My age is
closer to the then late Rich Van (vs 'listed age,' for security reasons), which lights a fire under me to find some 'cure' for this 30-year ' CFS' progression, or at least arrest it. I feel the ball of twine getting smaller. (Fortunately, I'm still able to get through heavy science texts, but do it much less now since mental digging takes such a toll - PEM.).
Thanks again, and Ciao for now.)
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Senior Member
We would love to be members of the Support for followers of Dr Myhill's Protocol Facebook page. Unfortunately it's a closed group. I applied to join it at least 3 weeks ago & our application is still pending. Hopefully they will get round to assessing our application at some point as it would be really helpful to be in contact with others who are trying this.
I am sorry @PeeWee to hear that you have not been joined up to Support for followers of Dr Myhill's Protocol on Facebook, despite attempts to. It sounds as if something has gone wrong there if you have been waiting 3 weeks.
I am a member, and can private message one of the admins for you, if you would like to PM me here, and let me know your FB name so they can check for it.
My partner is trying to move to Sarah Myhill's regime of supplements, vitamins, minerals, etc. She is very committed to trying this & is introducing or increasing one thing every two to 3 days. Unfortunately one of the supplements has unexpectedly caused serious headaches, so she's thinking of splitting the tablet, taking much less initially and working up; another supplement is not very palatable so she's mixing it with cream and rubbing it into her skin; another one she knows she has difficulties with so she's using a spray-on version. This feels a bit hit & miss & it would be awful to get something wrong by mistake & maybe not even realise.

We'd pay for Dr Myhill to oversee all this, but she doesn't take new patients. Can anyone recommend a doctor in the London area who would oversee Sarah Myhill's programme and support our attempts to do this.
There's always Breakspear Hospital.


Senior Member
There's always Breakspear Hospital.
They officially jumped on the GET bandwagon last year, so they're probably pretty useless for ME/CFS. Though maybe there's decent treatments available if you're willing and able to fight their quacks to get access to them.

Why don't you ask?
They tend to work with you.
After all your paying.
Unlike your NHS doctor even if he has not a clue you got too have.
At least I get checked over the NHS is worse than useless.

I get all the international tests.
The NHS gets its lab closed still it has the last say even if it's wrong.