Well, Hip, I think you're being modest, and unwittingly supportive of the D3 protocol... . I found your discussion on Healthrising.org/forums, sic in the thread with 'wanderer'. Sounds like you're well tuned in... .
I missed that thread earlier but was glad to see it now for everyone's sake. I'll follow it there, maybe repost my experience with D3, there, rather than generating
duplication here on PR.
BTW, my general symptom profile is very similar to yours, as you described, which I deduced and is why I have kept an eye on your writings. My age is
closer to the then late Rich Van (vs 'listed age,' for security reasons), which lights a fire under me to find some 'cure' for this 30-year ' CFS' progression, or at least arrest it. I feel the ball of twine getting smaller. (Fortunately, I'm still able to get through heavy science texts, but do it much less now since mental digging takes such a toll - PEM.).
Thanks again, and Ciao for now.)