SOC, I try to ask people to not visit us if they're sick but sometimes I've forgotten and then gotten sick. Or people don't realize they're sick, thinking they have food poisoning instead of stomach flu for example, and then I end up getting it from them. My doctors have been fine with giving me H1n1 vaccines and things like that but I actually refuse them. I feel vaccines may cause me more harm than good and have had bad reactions in the past. I remember even when my dog was older and had some health problems his doctor recommended skipping further vaccines because of the possible harm it could do. I do have another condition that has possible immune involvement so maybe that's why they offered me the vaccines, I'm not sure. But in general I feel vulnerable and do try to be as careful as I can. Scary that your daughter had H1N1!
I'm very firm with the parents of potential new students and play the guilt card pretty heavily. "I have an immune disorder and will catch anything that comes near me. Even the flu or a bad cold could put me in bed for weeks or worse, so I would really appreciate it if you cancel tutoring if your child has any sign of illness." They don't want to be the one who made me so sick, so they're usually good about it -- often fussier than I am. I figure if someone thinks they have food poisoning, they need to stay away from me, because I'm not running the risk of getting a stomach bug, whatever they think.
I'm particular about vaccines, too, but with a daughter in college and 10-17yo students coming in every day, there are some things there's almost a certainty I'm going to get. H1N1 was a big risk because it runs around campuses. We begged our PCP for the vaccine when it was available for at-risk populations, but he refused. When daughter and I both came down with H1N1 he denied we had it (temp below 100F, so no fever, so no H1N1) until we both got pneumonia and were diagnosed by other doctors in Urgent Care.
So, I do get killed virus vaccines for things I'm very likely to be exposed to given my circumstances and avoid as far as possible live-virus vaccines, which my experience tells me my immune system can't handle at all.
SOC, I agree about the food poisoning thing. Unfortunately sometimes people don't mention these things till after they've been in your presence for a while or they start feeling sick only while in your presence or they won't mention it period because they assume they don't have something contagious so they don't even think to mention it. I don't really see anyone anymore because of not feeling well but if I start to again I'll have to remember to make clear in advance to not come near me if they've had anything lately. In the past I've remembered sometimes but not always. Of course some may be carrying germs but not actively sick yet so there's never a foolproof way but the more precautions the better.
I'm just wondering how many follow health recommendations that are often given for the immune-compromised and elderly and such. For example, not eating certain raw seafood, or different things like that.