Do you ever think about your financial future?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@Runner5 Going slightly off topic but I don't think losing weight is about eating less and exercising more, nor do I put much stock into pudgy genes.

I was pudgy all through childhood. To cut a long story short I tried a whole bunch of things with moderate success (paleo, IF, calorie restriction) however was never 6 pack lean. I then decided the best way to get lean was to eat less exercise more right? Like all the nutritionists, dr's, fitness gurus say.

I did this and got 6 pack but felt absolutely awful. Hungry ALL THE TIME, cold all the time, ill all the time, weak. I will-powered through this for another month but then gave in and ate until satisfaction, gaining all the skinny fatness I had lost back.

About a month after this I started jack kruses leptin reset. The only things I changed was moving my eating window to start as soon as I got up, higher protein in morning meal, getting bright light in my eye when I woke, making my bedroom dark after sunset, and going to bed on time consistently. Notice non of this is excercise related and non of this is changing how much I was eating.

Fast forwards another month and I am back to 6 pack however this time I feel great, best I have felt my whole life. I actually had energy, my hands and feet where consistently warm for the first time in my life, my skin issues disappeared, my beard grew fully, I had comments from the ladies how I suddenly had gotten sexy ;).

I realized that this is how a healthy human should feel all the time, and I have felt that way literally only for a couple of weeks in my entire life as unfortunately, I then got tonsilitus which lead to my CFS/POTS and it was all down hill from there.

Anyway, the point of this long winded post is that correcting my circadian rhythm and hormone signaling made me lose weight and gain health without trying. I think being fat is a position that your body does not want to be in, something is wrong in your enviroment causing you to be fat. It does not make sense to me that humans will get fat as f*ck given unlimited calories, it is not good for survival if a lion is chasing your group and your the fat one (tasties meal and slowest, win win for the lion).

It seems to me that exercise and eat less is doomed to failure in most cases and this seems to be born out by the real world results of people who try calorie counting etc. It appears most people respond to ketosis by dropping lots of fat quick. If the human body was greedy then why would this happen in ketosis, is instead ketosis correcting broken signalling pathways? Possibly.


Senior Member
@sb4 -- Good points! I totally agree with you, I think it doesn't make sense that people would be heavy even with unlimited food options.

I've been on every diet out there I think - at least twice. In the last ten years I've done Atkins, New Atkins, LCHF, Paleo, Keto x2, fasting, 5:2, Vegan x2, Vegetarian. When things don't work out, someone is always there to say, "well it didn't work because YOU DIDN'T DO RIGHT."

I'm really burned out on dieting. I just really need it to be okay for me to stop all that nonsense and just eat like a normal human being again. ;-P
I am so lucky that I have a research grant and I can "work" from home. When that grant is up, I think I will have saved enough money to survive off the dividends that money generates (about $750 per month). I understand that I am very very fortunate, I think that a lot of people eventually die because they have no money and can't have a job?
This is something that weighs on me a LOT. By far the largest burden on my mind behind my health directly. I look at my friends and how financially secure they are and especially how well they are saving for the future and it adds so much anxiety to this problem. Being unable to work for so long has made me feel like i could never catch up.

Does anyone else share this?

of course. i think of two things when i spend
1) should i not spend so to have more money in the future for my medical bills and retirement?
2) should i spend because i may not have time in the future?

tough choice :(