Hello everyone,
like many of us, I am struggling to get adequate diagnosis and care.
So, my neurologist/psychiatrist diagnosed me with me/cfs, using the CCC, although the medical record contains a lot of psycologizing. And she still wants me to undergo a lumbal punction in order to exclude MS. My GP likewise, since she relies on the neurologists point of view. I'd have to go through this before she would even think about therapies. (Not that I can think of anything she could offer to help me at this moment, nor that I am up to experiments in this field right now)
The thing is, if I undergo this exam, I will sure as hell get a massive crash, which might very well annul my chances of getting somewhat better and even reduce me to "very severe". I already had a three day hospital stay and an MRT (ambulatory ) this year, which both led to crashes I still haven't recovered from.
I do not and have never presented any of the "more specific", if I may say so, MS symptoms, such as (I hope I chose the right english expressions)
So, I wonder
P.S. this is my first post in an online forum, I hope I did okay
like many of us, I am struggling to get adequate diagnosis and care.
So, my neurologist/psychiatrist diagnosed me with me/cfs, using the CCC, although the medical record contains a lot of psycologizing. And she still wants me to undergo a lumbal punction in order to exclude MS. My GP likewise, since she relies on the neurologists point of view. I'd have to go through this before she would even think about therapies. (Not that I can think of anything she could offer to help me at this moment, nor that I am up to experiments in this field right now)
The thing is, if I undergo this exam, I will sure as hell get a massive crash, which might very well annul my chances of getting somewhat better and even reduce me to "very severe". I already had a three day hospital stay and an MRT (ambulatory ) this year, which both led to crashes I still haven't recovered from.
I do not and have never presented any of the "more specific", if I may say so, MS symptoms, such as (I hope I chose the right english expressions)
- No double vision, vision loss or eye pain
- No paralysis or spasticity
- No paresthesia or loss of sensation
- No coordination problems
So, I wonder
- Have you had similar experiences?
- Can you at all diagnose someone with MS, if there's another disease that better explaines the clinical symptoms? I thought you couldn't anyway?
- To what degree are my results (I'll post them extra) specific to MS?
- What benefit you think could result from further examination for someone who suffers from M.E.? I mean, exept p.em. you can find every single symptom in various other conditions. If we were to thoroughly rule out each one, we would never be finished diagnosing. And I am sure that it's not MS that puts my life to a hold. But even if I had MS on top, I would never, ever accept the therapies offered for MS patients, as I am sure they would rapidly leave me very severe, at least.
P.S. this is my first post in an online forum, I hope I did okay