Do Corticosteroids or Glucocorticoids help your symptoms? I'm talking about hydrocortisone, Prednisone, Cortisone, Dexamethasone, Budesonide, etc. Do they help control the inflammation? Thanks.
For me, prednisone gave me full remission...for a few days. It worked the second time too. I tried it twice more a couple of years later, and it had no effect on my ME. Other people here have reported similar experiences. I can't remember anyone saying that it works as a long-term treatment for ME. Nasty side effects when taken long term.
Do Corticosteroids or Glucocorticoids help your symptoms? I'm talking about hydrocortisone, Prednisone, Cortisone, Dexamethasone, Budesonide, etc. Do they help control the inflammation? Thanks.
I have been taking prednisone for months now for what my rheumatologist calls polymyalgia rheumatica... I also have fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, arthritis, etc.... I know the long term effects can be bad, and I think it helped a little at first, but at the 10 mg a day I felt like I was vibrating inside and was unpleasant.... I am now on 5 mg one day and 2.5 the next. I couldn't get an appointment with another rheumatologist until September and my endocrinologist wants me off the prednisone, but I don't want to try to figure out how to do this myself. Sorry to not be more help!