Dizziness / motion sickness


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I also have bad neck pain. This is pretty much the only pain I have (although recently all the muscles in my head seem to hurt, but those ain't big pains). ...... The question is: what I can do the soften or get rid of this dizziness and sick motion? ...... Any comment is welcome.

Hi Researcher,

It sounds like you're feeling fairly desperate, and willing to consider things that may be somewhat out of the ordinary, but that actually may have even a small chance of improvement. I regularly do a reflexology exercise that does wonders for my own neck. I don't know if your neck pain is connected to your vertigo [it could very well be], so I don't know whether doing it will improve your vertigo. But I would be willing to bet (a lot) that it will likely improve your neck pain. Here's a copy and paste of that exercise I posted a few years back...

""As far as managing this, there's a reflexology exercise I've discovered that helps me a lot with neck pain; perhaps it will help you as well. In reflexology, where the big toe connects to the foot corresponds to where the head connects to the neck and torso. Here's how to proceed:

Hold your left foot steady with your left hand, take hold of your left big toe with the fingers of your right hand, and then begin to twirl it, slowly and methodically. You will likely hear and feel various kinds of cracking as tension begins to release in the area. I would do it for at least 2-3 minutes, then do the same with the other foot.

I did this once for an ongoing VERY stiff neck that showed no signs of letting up, and was continuing to get worse, even after ten days. After twirling each big toe for 10-15 minutes one night, my stiff neck was 90% improved when I woke up the next morning! ""
To make this exercise even more effective, while you're twirling with one hand, use the thumb of your other hand to apply pressure on the arch of your foot (that's having the toe twirled). Start just below the ball of the foot, and press as firmly as is comfortable. Then slowly and methodically, start bringing your thumb applying the pressure down the arch of the foot.

The arch corresponds to the spine, so the ball of the foot area corresponds to the upper back (which is almost always tight when there are ungoing neck problems). By the time you get to the middle of the arch, you're at the middle of the back area, etc.

The points along the arch will likely be tender in the beginning, but will decrease in tenderness substantially if you do this on a daily basis, and will likely be mostly gone within a week. I do this exercise about 1-2 minutes every day, and the difference it has made in my neck would be almost unbelievable for most people to even consider. But it DOES work for me.

I use a DMSO mixture on my neck as well. I don't consider it a drug, but some people may, and I know you don't want to do any drugs. DMSO's safety profile and effectiveness for a wide variety of ailments is almost unbelievable. If you're open to what I do, let me know, and I can give you some specifics.

Good luck finding a solution for yourself!​
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From your description @erin the point is probably Kidney 16. Usually abbreviated to Ki 16. Can be useful for Tinnitus and dizzyness. But one thing I want to point out is that this does not mean you have something wrong with your kidney. TCM does not work like that.

I am personally doing acupuncture for about 8 months now. 0 progress, actually got way worse.

I just switched to a new TCM practitioner. She said my spleen is dreadful, my liver's yang is incredibly high and my kidney is very week, thus the fatigue. Does this make sense to you?


Senior Member
South east England
Accupuncture on it's own is not something I would try. And as it can be way to stimulating I am not suprised it made you worse. Using accupressure as a first aid, home remedy, now and again can help. For ME or CFS the best strategy to my mind is to use herbal TCM on it's own. What your new practitioner says can make sense but it depends on what your symptoms are.

Here is my take on what happens in many cases of ME and CFS explained in a very simple TCM way: Illness starts with excess Fire. Cause of this varies from person to person. Excess Fire causes mayhem and effect most other Elements. You feel ill all over. Body starts to shut down to prevent further damage. Fire is extinguished. So the "Pattern of Disharmony" changes from excess Fire To deficient Fire. If you put 'Symptoms of deficient fire in TCM' into your search engine you may find a close match to your symptoms.

As to how to treat it, that will depend on the signs and symptoms of the individual so apart from some very basic info from me sufferers will need expert help. ME and CFS are very hard things to treat. The symptoms change, sometimes from hour to hour. It's like trying to hit a moving target that you can hardly see. So some basic info. The first step is to allow the body to recover from the excess of Fire and not add fuel. Which means some herbs could make things much worse and slow your recovery. Hot chilli, pepper and Tumeric are things I would not use under any circumstances. As a food or supplement.
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Thanks for your feedback. I will give acupuncture another shot for 2 months (have been doing it for almost 12 months now). If it doesn't work, I will put it off by 6 months, at least.

Either way, why not Turmeric?


Senior Member
South east England
If accupuncture has not worked on it's own by now it probably wont be any better if you try it for another 2 months. You would need to combine it with TCM herbal treatment. Tumeric is very stimulating. If you consider the adverse effects on most sufferers when they are exposed to stimulation - noise, sound and physical stimulation ie phsical activity- taking a stimulating substance is not a good idea. CFS looks like fatigue but that dont mean it is, and that everyone needs to put more energy into themselves.
If accupuncture has not worked on it's own by now it probably wont be any better if you try it for another 2 months. You would need to combine it with TCM herbal treatment. Tumeric is very stimulating. If you consider the adverse effects on most sufferers when they are exposed to stimulation - noise, sound and physical stimulation ie phsical activity- taking a stimulating substance is not a good idea. CFS looks like fatigue but that dont mean it is, and that everyone needs to put more energy into themselves.

I just changed TCM practitioner. The new one told me to give her 5 sessions, which I will. If no good results pop up, then I leave.

Thanks for the note on Turmeric. I actually use it a lot. And I totally agree with you - the body wants as much rest and as few stimulating substances as possible. Totally agree with you!
Hi Researcher,

It sounds like you're feeling fairly desperate, and willing to consider things that may be somewhat out of the ordinary, but that actually may have even a small chance of improvement. I regularly do a reflexology exercise that does wonders for my own neck. I don't know if your neck pain is connected to your vertigo [it could very well be], so I don't know whether doing it will improve your vertigo. But I would be willing to bet (a lot) that it will likely improve your neck pain. Here's a copy and paste of that exercise I posted a few years back...

""As far as managing this, there's a reflexology exercise I've discovered that helps me a lot with neck pain; perhaps it will help you as well. In reflexology, where the big toe connects to the foot corresponds to where the head connects to the neck and torso. Here's how to proceed:

Hold your left foot steady with your left hand, take hold of your left big toe with the fingers of your right hand, and then begin to twirl it, slowly and methodically. You will likely hear and feel various kinds of cracking as tension begins to release in the area. I would do it for at least 2-3 minutes, then do the same with the other foot.

I did this once for an ongoing VERY stiff neck that showed no signs of letting up, and was continuing to get worse, even after ten days. After twirling each big toe for 10-15 minutes one night, my stiff neck was 90% improved when I woke up the next morning! ""
To make this exercise even more effective, while you're twirling with one hand, use the thumb of your other hand to apply pressure on the arch of your foot (that's having the toe twirled). Start just below the ball of the foot, and press as firmly as is comfortable. Then slowing and methodically, start bringing your thumb applying the pressure down the arch of the foot.

The arch corresponds to the spine, so the ball of the foot area corresponds to the upper back (which is almost always tight when there are ungoing neck problems). By the time you get to the middle of the arch, you're at the middle of the back area, etc.

The points along the arch will likely be tender in the beginning, but will decrease in tenderness substantially if you do this on a daily basis, and will likely be mostly gone within a week. I do this exercise about 1-2 minutes every day, and the difference it has made in my neck would be almost unbelievable for most people to even consider. But it DOES work for me.

I use a DMSO mixture on my neck as well. I don't consider it a drug, but some people may, and I know you don't want to do any drugs. DMSO's safety profile and effectiveness for a wide variety of ailments is almost unbelievable. If you're open to what I do, let me know, and I can give you some specifics.

Good luck finding a solution for yourself!


Thank you so much for writing this post, with such incredible detail. I will give this a shot starting today.

Really, I thank you a lot for this contribution.

I will keep you posted.

All the best to you,


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Really, I thank you a lot for this contribution.

Hi Researcher,

I'm happy to hear you found that toe twirling technique interesting, and that you'll be giving it a try. I'll look forward to hearing your results. I'm really quite a big believer in what reflexology can do, and thought I'd leave you with a link to a 5-MIN video that you might find of interest. I like Dr. Mandell, and agree with his approach to health issues.

Hi Wayne,

Sadly I've tried those points in the past - I follow Dr. Mandell - but they don't seem to work.

The foot reflexology seems to work. Will be doing 20 minutes every day for 1 week. :) I can't wait to relieve my chronic neck stiffness and pain (I have it for 2 years now, although it started a bit earlier on my shoulder blades 5 years ago, when CFS started).

This hand reflexology exercise also seems great.

EFT tapping does seem to help as well.

If I control my dizziness this way, I will be so happy.

Love to you all!


Senior Member
It sounds like you're feeling fairly desperate, and willing to consider things that may be somewhat out of the ordinary, but that actually may have even a small chance of improvement. I regularly do a reflexology exercise that does wonders for my own neck.

Thanks for the info, Wayne. I haven't tried too much reflexology, so it's something I'm open to. My really bad neck problems disappeared with my surgery for Arnold-Chiari Malformation (ACM). Like I said before, I have noticed that some on this sit have been diagnosed with it. Yes, I still have neck pain..but not to the same degree. I get tightness, but can do acupressure on myself to relieve it.

My back is punctuated with marks from my fingernails as I try to pull the muscles away from my spine. I just wish I could find some jet fuel marked "energy" for us. Insomnia's been an extreme problem for over 30 yrs. Yes, I'm exhausted, but the sleep patterns are bizarre. Had a sleep study, but I swear that we're all given the same diagnosis. Funny, as I write this my neck is hurting. I tend to accept so many things as normal in this stage of life.
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Wayne, I seem to get SOME improvement out of this. I will keep you posted. Thanks a lot once again.

Any reflexology exercises for dizziness?


Senior Member

Hi Researcher,

I'm happy to hear you found that toe twirling technique interesting, and that you'll be giving it a try. I'll look forward to hearing your results. I'm really quite a big believer in what reflexology can do, and thought I'd leave you with a link to a 5-MIN video that you might find of interest. I like Dr. Mandell, and agree with his approach to health issues.

Hi Wayne,

I bookmarked your reflexology points for neck pain. Thanks for taking the time to go into such detail.


Senior Member
Hi Researcher,​
It sounds like you're feeling fairly desperate, and willing to consider things that may be somewhat out of the ordinary, but that actually may have even a small chance of improvement. I regularly do a reflexology exercise that does wonders for my own neck. I don't know if your neck pain is connected to your vertigo [it could very well be], so I don't know whether doing it will improve your vertigo. But I would be willing to bet (a lot) that it will likely improve your neck pain. Here's a copy and paste of that exercise I posted a few years back...​
""As far as managing this, there's a reflexology exercise I've discovered that helps me a lot with neck pain; perhaps it will help you as well. In reflexology, where the big toe connects to the foot corresponds to where the head connects to the neck and torso. Here's how to proceed:​
Hold your left foot steady with your left hand, take hold of your left big toe with the fingers of your right hand, and then begin to twirl it, slowly and methodically. You will likely hear and feel various kinds of cracking as tension begins to release in the area. I would do it for at least 2-3 minutes, then do the same with the other foot.​
I did this once for an ongoing VERY stiff neck that showed no signs of letting up, and was continuing to get worse, even after ten days. After twirling each big toe for 10-15 minutes one night, my stiff neck was 90% improved when I woke up the next morning! ""​

To make this exercise even more effective, while you're twirling with one hand, use the thumb of your other hand to apply pressure on the arch of your foot (that's having the toe twirled). Start just below the ball of the foot, and press as firmly as is comfortable. Then slowly and methodically, start bringing your thumb applying the pressure down the arch of the foot.​
The arch corresponds to the spine, so the ball of the foot area corresponds to the upper back (which is almost always tight when there are ungoing neck problems). By the time you get to the middle of the arch, you're at the middle of the back area, etc.​
The points along the arch will likely be tender in the beginning, but will decrease in tenderness substantially if you do this on a daily basis, and will likely be mostly gone within a week. I do this exercise about 1-2 minutes every day, and the difference it has made in my neck would be almost unbelievable for most people to even consider. But it DOES work for me.​
I use a DMSO mixture on my neck as well. I don't consider it a drug, but some people may, and I know you don't want to do any drugs. DMSO's safety profile and effectiveness for a wide variety of ailments is almost unbelievable. If you're open to what I do, let me know, and I can give you some specifics.​
Good luck finding a solution for yourself!​

Nord Wolf

The Northman
New England
It has been a few years since this thread was active. Thought about starting a new one, but figured I'd just post here...

Question about motion sickness for those with M.E. and or PoTS.

Throughout my life I’ve been on watercraft from canoes, kayaks, and rowboats all the way up to aircraft carriers and battleships. I was even on a submarine once. I’ve flown in different styles of helicopters and airplanes, even a hot air balloon, and never once did I get motion sickness, no matter the amount of turbulence or wave motion. I traveled with some navy SEALs who got terrible motion sickness and had to medicate before most deployments.

However, now that I have diagnosed M.E. and PoTS/dysautonomia, I get motion sickness in the backseat of cars, on faire boats… and I’ve yet to try other modes of transportation to find out. But I will be traveling by train in the next month… 2.5 days on the train, one-way.

With PoTS I’m dizzy probably 80% of the time, and with neurological vision loss complications, it sort of adds to the messy feelings.

I have used acupressure points for motion sickness with only mild and very temporary relief. I’ve worked the soles of my feet as well. Sniffing essential oils recommended for the issue doesn’t do much for me. All those things work for my wife, but for whatever reason it seems the PoTS/dysautonomia interferes with natural methods of alleviation, in my case anyway. And it just isn’t practical to utilize acupressure and reflexology for a 2.5 day train ride.

I’m asking who uses what that you find to help? Also, did anyone find adverse reactions to motion sickness meds, ie – causing PEM, extra dizziness, increased or ongoing fatigue, etc.?

Dramamine makes a capsule that is just ginger root at supposed clinically tested dose for motion sickness.

There are also herb-based patches that are claimed to work?



Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Here's a list of anti-nausea remedies that many have suggested also helps just for motion dizziness in some of my Facebook GI dysmotility groups. Scopaderm patches are by far the most suggested.

Chlorpromazine (Largactil) – an antipsychotic but can also be used to treat nausea, vomiting, severe pain and unstoppable hiccups.

Cola syrup - Emetrol, Flents Cola Syrup (ingredients, fructose, glucose and phosphoric acid) are anti-nausea cola syrup brands.

Cyclizine (Nausicalm) - Antihistamine and antiemetic. Can have better effect than odansetron for some people.

Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) - 1st Gen antihistamine that prevents symptoms of motion sickness like nausea, vomiting or dizziness.

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) - 1st Gen H1 receptor antihistamine

Meclizine (Bonine) - 1st Gen antihistamine used to treat motion sickness and dizziness (vertigo).
Prochlorperazine (formerly compazine) – Stemetil is a brand name.

Scopolamine (Scopaderm patch) - an anti nausea patch that's changed every 3 days. (Scopolamine is only available in Australia as a compounded transdermal cream medication)

Nord Wolf

The Northman
New England
I managed the entire trip back in May without any motion sickness episodes. I had bought and brought a variety of anti-motion sickness remedies and to my surprise never had to even open the boxes. It was a pleasant surprised to be sure. I think the movement of the train was too sharp and jerky to promote motion sickness, very unlike the movement on or in water with the swell style motion.
The dysautonomia/PoTS and M.E. were quite active, but no motion sickness. Small bonuses I suppose.