Dr Myhill may seem overly confident, even aggressive in her conviction that she can improve people's illness. I found this is a great help, in that after having countless NHS professionals tell me that there was nothing physically wrong she validated my condition. I remember my first consultation she listened with such compassion that I was nearly in tears. Having said that I have tried everything she has to offer and seen no improvement. I would suggest easing into her protocol especially the injections as you may have some nasty reactions - not to mention the considerable expense if you start all her suggestions. I have a GP now who just lets me get on with what I want to do - I find him very helpful when I make requests that are obviously within his NHS comfort zone - such as physical assistance with a wheelchair, referral to immunologist etc but I see his eyes glaze over and toe the party line if I mention anything "controversial." My advice is to lean on people online like this forum who will not judge and can share common experiences and report results of treatment. Never give up hope and never stop believing you are physically ill and deserve respect from all medical professionals.