Digesting Fat with Liver Issues


Senior Member
What has truly worked for folks here to digest fats, who have a genetic liver problem?
I always had liver issues since I was a kid (Jaundice, high bilirubin) which I think comes from my paternal side (Grandmom died of liver disease), Dad has fatty liver. I am also recently diagonised High Functioning Autist, not sure if this is due to my liver issues.

Cant Have:
High Fats (Mainly Saturated)
Anything high Fructose or Fiber

Symptoms from too much fat/fibre/Fructose:
Anger, Agitation, Paranoia, split personality symptoms
Weight Gain

I can manage my symptoms going low fat/fructose/fiber. However it becomes a 1 step forward 3 steps back scenario when I have say high fat Lamb curry/roast and my old symptoms come back. Turmeric is another worst offender for my Autism Meltdown.

Im pretty sure it comes down to my weak liver and would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.


vision blue

Senior Member
Interesting because tumeric also gives me brain symptoms and i also have liver issues or at keast elevated alt ast and ggt of unknown cause. I also do not digest fat well and only seem to be able to dist flax oil, very small bits of canola if Deeply embedded in food, and oddly, trans fats.

but i for yoy need more info. Do you have a diagnosis of a genetic liver disease? Which? Is it your gallbladder (given , any PBC? How is your blood ammnonia level? Sure its not a metabolic disorder affecting your liver? Had a blood amino acid test??
Sometimes peo po e benefit from bile salts but only if thats the issue. Other people drom absorbing excess bile or prompting the liver to create more. But all too risky unless yku kniw more of whats up with your liver.
what do mds say? What does ultrasound say?
Check Merck manual for genetic disorders of fat metabolism


Senior Member
but i for yoy need more info. Do you have a diagnosis of a genetic liver disease? Which? Is it your gallbladder (given , any PBC? How is your blood ammnonia level? Sure its not a metabolic disorder affecting your liver? Had a blood amino acid test??

No diagonisis, actually ultrasound and blood tests are all normal. I have tried bile salts before and also foods that increase bile (Artichoke, Milk Thistle etc), made my symptoms worse.


Senior Member
You might want to look at some of the ideas of Phase 1 and Phase 2 pathways. The metabolic pathways are somewhat complex and if you have a break in one of those then things will not flow correctly. Most of the pathways are dependent on certain nutrients, for instance methylation is B complex dependent with some of the sulfur containing aminos (methionine, taurine, cysteine). There is also the sulfuration pathway and others such as the glutathione pathway. Antioxidants have always been a help.

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Senior Member
There are also herbal approaches that generally rotate around milk thistle and dandelion. Liv52 by Himalaya which is popular and some TCM formulas will use a multiple approach for liver which are usually centered around bupleurnum. I found using some acupressure/acupuncture helps.

Obviously, what works for one does not necessarily mean it will work for you. Experimentation with observation has always been key.


Senior Member
@LINE Thank you. Problem with me is I cant stand any OTC supplements possibly because of the fillers (Gives me Histamine reactions). Herbal supplements like Liv52, Spirulina, Chlorella give me liver pain, so Im at a dead end when it comes to supplements. Managing my condition with food is alright but not a cure and the symptoms come back pretty quick if I eat anything wrong. Maybe there is no cure afterall for weak liver conditions.


Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
Taking pancreatic enzymes with food may be of benefit. I have chronic GI problems (severe gastroparesis and significant food intolerance issues) and couldn't tolerate the several over the counter enzyme products I tried but did all right on a prescription variety, Creon.

In some liver conditions, the conversion of primary bile acids into secondary (hydrophilic) bile acids is reduced so it may be beneficial to supplement with either taurine or TUDCA (both are known to help for NAFLD at least). UDCA (ursodeoxycholic acid ) is another option but it's a prescription med.
I saw somewhere that a butyrate supplement is also beneficial for this but don't recall exactly how.


vision blue

Senior Member
@xploit316 That's interesting. thanks for checking- I had not done that. Of those 3, canola though is my least tolerable - so if its in a loose gravy/sauce, still will cause troulbe (like a stovetop meal), but for a baking oil, I seem to do decent with it - no longer liquid at that point and imbedded in food. Maybe it needs a trickle for slow digestion rather than an onlaught?

Thius doesn't work for me because of a coconumt and palm allergy, but in the past, when people had liver issues, they gave them pretty exclusively MCT oil and coconut oil. They used to use it in aids patients too to help them gain weight. sort of bypasses the liver. pisses me off that i happen to have developed allergy to it (damn mast cells) and even a drop makes my GI track go beserk.
HOw to you do with MCT oil? and coconut and palm


Senior Member
Thius doesn't work for me because of a coconumt and palm allergy, but in the past, when people had liver issues, they gave them pretty exclusively MCT oil and coconut oil. They used to use it in aids patients too to help them gain weight. sort of bypasses the liver. pisses me off that i happen to have developed allergy to it (damn mast cells) and even a drop makes my GI track go beserk.
HOw to you do with MCT oil? and coconut and palm

@vision blue Same, I dont do well with coconut oil (or any coconut products) anymore. I suspect its the high saturated fat, MCT, fructose or sugar alcohol in coconut which goes straight to the liver to metabolize and creates issues.