Misdiagnosis chronic fatigue syndrome diagnostic software
Hi regarding doctors and computers it would help if they got over their egos and started using this diagnostic software which does the differential diagnosis for them, it is exactly what Lucy is talking about!!!
A list of some of the diseases that get misdiagnosed as CFS can be found here
Information on some of the most common diseases (and therefore a good place to start looking for a correct diagnosis) that get misdiagnosed as CFS, often because laboratories are still using out of date reference ranges for blood tests and people are being misdiagnosed in vast numbers because of this can be found by scrolling down these pages and finding these articles.
The myth of chronic fatigue syndrome by Dr Shirwan A Mirza
http://www.bmj.com/content/334/7605/1221/reply and
NICE and CDC miss the boat by Dr Shirwan A Mirza
A Judicious Evaluation of unexplained symptoms by Dr Shirwan A Mirza
Some more information on disease that get misdiagnosed as CFS can be found here
These misdiagnoses wouldnt happen at nearly the rate that they do if all doctors were using the above software. There are about 14,000 different medical conditions and its impossible for doctors to even remember all the names of them, let alone the symptoms and tests that need doing.
Information on why and how often doctors get it wrong and how this software can help can be found here
Personally I think this web site could help a lot of people by having the words Warning you may be misdiagnosed on all pages, with links to a page that contains information on at least the most common thirty diseases that get misdiagnosed as CFS, because Im finding, as I imagine are a few other of the older members, that every few weeks Im having to explain to someone how to get tested for a commonly misdiagnosed disease like Celiac, but if a section was set up with the information on diseases that get misdiagnosed, the information would always be in one place and it could say something like e.g. make sure you get tested for Celiac, how to get tested is found by clicking this link
It wouldnt be hard to do this for a large number of diseases because just by typing the name of any of the diseases mentioned in the above articles into Google and doing a search will soon come up with a link to information on any disease from a very reputable source which explains its symptoms and how to test for it, e.g. Systemic Mastocytosis
http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/203948-overview Sjgren's Syndrome
http://www.emedicinehealth.com/sjogren_syndrome/article_em.htm these articles tell you how common a disease is e.g 1 in 100 for Celiac, Systemic mastocytosis 1 in 150,000 so they could be arranged in order from most common to least, to give people an idea of where to start looking.
Then everything would be in one easy to find place for everyone to see and we could get on with making derogatory comments about are doctors without having to take the time to try and explain different diseases to people.
All the best