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Did you know animals can get Me/CFS bad,?

"An increased incidenc of pediatric CFS cases has been described in clusters of people drinking unpasteurized goat milk (Bell et al.,1991). "

WOW I'm still digesting that study - I was a child fed unpasteurized goat milk often!!


Senior Member
Keep in mind that there's no actual test for ME (or CFS), so there's no way to prove that the animals had it. I'm not saying that they didn't; just that there's no clinical proof available. They could have an unrelated 'looks like' disease.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
WOW I'm still digesting that study - I was a child fed unpasteurized goat milk often!!

Wow. All that goats milk. Was it raw? It was delivered to our door by a dairy that delivered regular milk, etc. In the glass jar.

Tasted awful and I hated it...the allergic kid. My parents are now gone and I can't ask these questions. Stopped probably when I was 9.
There is a book written by Rachel Carson called Silent Spring, which was first published in 1962 that people on here might find very interesting, and maybe explain why animals and humans are getting sicker all the time. I found a preview of it on Google Books, although I read bits published from it over 20 years ago, and it certainly opened my eyes to what we are doing to Mother Earth, and everything that lives on it
Wow. All that goats milk. Was it raw? It was delivered to our door by a dairy that delivered regular milk, etc. In the glass jar.

Tasted awful and I hated it...the allergic kid. My parents are now gone and I can't ask these questions. Stopped probably when I was 9.

Not delivered for us, we had to go to a small health place at the time and had to call ahead for it. Yup, mine was raw - unpasteurized and couldn't agree more - I HATED the taste - it was awful. My mother was trying the probiotic thing decades before it was a "thing". Another reason why I think ME has been an issue for longer then I realized. My mother had long noticed I was "broken" on so many levels and didn't know why - she gave up by the time I was 5-6 and just determined that is who I was going to be. My mother is still alive - but won't discuss the topic of my health as she feels I'm blaming her and is too insecure to have conversation. She still thinks it's mostly in head and then when I point out things like her knowing "I'm broken" her words not mine - she gets angry at me. So I stopped asking long ago.
Keep in mind that there's no actual test for ME (or CFS), so there's no way to prove that the animals had it. I'm not saying that they didn't; just that there's no clinical proof available. They could have an unrelated 'looks like' disease.

I suppose the same can and is said about those of us humans who have ME as well. I want to see if my blood has the micrococci like was described. I wish I could do some tests at home.