Diagnostic difficult despite many analyzes and tests


Senior Member
Just as a little side note. This was many years before my body completely broke down, but they were warning signs. My first doctor was an endocrinologist that I went to when my energy levels and mood started unexplainably slipping. Two of the tests that came back low were testosterone and Vitamin D (down around 25 ng/mL). In hindsight it was due to nutrient deficiencies due to malabsorption, which in turn was due to exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (SIBO and Candida overgrowth issues also did not help).

hello i've done an other analysis now my bilirubin is ok and i think my b12 oil is really effective but my symptoms still the same.
Unfortunately my doctor refused again to make vitamin a,e and k, intrinsic factor antibody, copper, all vitamin b and to test the cystic fibrosis because he think it's couldn't be possible. And it's already like this with all doctor in france, they made the same analysis endlessly, also they won't to make sputum analysis while i spit this all along the week but i haven't got breath problems https://forums.phoenixrising.me/att....37978/?hash=6dff7746f237fb98cbab56aed53aaea1 so i'm really disappointed, i am don't feel heard by the doctors, also he refused to prescribe me pancreatine but i've found on internet to buy creon on online pharmacy.

in a few weeks i will see an other gastroenterologist but except to make an colonoscopy i wait nothing for this rendezvous because they don't take all symptoms but only digestive symptoms for gastroenterologist or skin problems for dermatologist.


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would you explain why you think about cystic fibrosis,
Did you do the aquagenic wrinkling test?

"Aquagenic wrinkling of the palms (AWP) has a strong association with cystic fibrosis (CF), affecting up to 84% of patients with CF and up to 25% of carriers.
In patients with CF, aquagenic wrinkling typically develops faster (within 2 to 3 minutes of immersion in water) than in carriers (5 to 7 minutes). "
hello, i've tested creon enzymes but nothing effect on my digestion, same for equilibrant, not worse or better. I've took also b6, p5p and zinc and with p5p it make me sleep and i remind more my dreams. I've also tested interferon suppositories and differents immunomodulators, but again it have nothing effect.

Now i test rifaximin and i will meet an other internal doctor.
I was sensitive to most everything I ate for a long while during my ill period. However, I never had any sensitivities or allergies growing up, and could eat absolutely everything. During the bad time I was nauseous for months and had years of pain and intestinal distress. Since I was not digesting properly with mucus and stomach lining issues, my body was sensing these partially digested particles as invaders and reacting. Everything felt inflamed and I lived on chicken and vegetable soup for a long time. A form of reset diet, albeit forced. It took a while to calm down once I took the insults away, started using pancreatic enzymes, and rebalanced the nutrient deficiencies. Most all sensitivities went away.

Your carnivore diet could be seen as a 'reset' diet. It helps remove any possible irritant to help calm down the intestinal system. However, if you are not digesting food properly due to lack of enzymes it does not fully resolve the issue. And at some point in the future, adapting the diet again to be more rounded will help overall nutrient balances.

The enzymes you showed are expensive! The instructions are ridiculous. You should take them with food, not without meals...pointless and careless instructions. "Gastro-resistant" sounds good, but I do not buy that it is actually enteric coated. Sounds like marketing speak. They even state that the enzyme strength has not been verified on the bottle. This is another reason for getting a presciption!

How long did it take and what diet did you follow?
hello i've made a lymphotic typing, but the biologist tell me there is nothing wrong and she tell me it's better to have a high rate of t reg lymphotics. So it's so strange because i've symptôms of immun deseases with flaking, mouth et eyes dry, tired, digestion problems, but i haven't got antibody anti ssa ssb, cold infection, all serolgy are negative...
i've also seen an psychiatrist and he tell me it could be an generalized anxiety disorder, so he prescribe me antidepressant but nothing effect until now


Senior Member
hello, i've tested creon enzymes but nothing effect on my digestion, same for equilibrant, not worse or better. I've took also b6, p5p and zinc and with p5p it make me sleep and i remind more my dreams. I've also tested interferon suppositories and differents immunomodulators, but again it have nothing effect.

Now i test rifaximin and i will meet an other internal doctor.

Hi @nini
Sorry for the late reply. Did you do another stool pancreatic elastase test recently? If anything I would ask your doctor for one. The test should show a specific value in mcg/mL (microgram per milliliter). The one you had uploaded before did not provide a specific standard value. It is very important to get this test done.

Creon is not like a vitamin or a pain pill. If you are truly not producing enough pancreatic enzymes, pancrelipase (like Creon) is something to be taken for the rest of your life, with every meal and drink that contains calories. It can take months before anything feels different with symptoms that are due to nutrient deficiencies. The quickest thing that you will notice is your stool will improve in color, consistency, smell, stickiness.


Senior Member
How long did it take and what diet did you follow?
Hi @Laurenluv
Sorry for the late reply. I follow a Primal diet, which is simply put is as much real food as possible, Or what our ancestors just called food. :) Low in starchy vegetables, but as much color and variety of vegetables, healthy fats (nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, olives) and healthy proteins (e.g. pasture raised, grass fed, wild caught, organic. etc.). Avoiding as much as possible processed/packaged/canned/preserved/sugared food, highly processed oils, chlorinated/fluoridated water, fast food, restaurant food (very hard to find high quality sourced and trusted), caloried drinks, etc.

Please check out Mark Sisson on the Primal lifestyle or my thread here for more info:
[QUOTE = "BeADocToGoTo1, message: 2316108, membre: 28710"] Bonjour [USER = 39531] @nini [/ USER]
Désolé pour la réponse tardive. Avez-vous récemment effectué un autre test d'élastase pancréatique dans les selles? Si quoi que ce soit, je demanderais à votre médecin pour un. Le test doit montrer une valeur spécifique en mcg / mL (microgramme par millilitre). Celui que vous aviez téléchargé auparavant ne fournissait pas de valeur standard spécifique. Il est très important de faire ce test.

Creon n'est pas comme une vitamine ou un analgésique. Si vous ne produisez vraiment pas assez d'enzymes pancréatiques, la pancrélipase (comme Creon) est quelque chose à prendre pour le reste de votre vie, à chaque repas et boisson contenant des calories. Cela peut prendre des mois avant que quoi que ce soit ne soit différent avec des symptômes dus à des carences en nutriments. La chose la plus rapide que vous remarquerez est que vos selles s'amélioreront en couleur, en consistance, en odeur et en collant. [/ QUOTE]

J'ai déjà pris du créon et ça ne m'aide pas pour la digestion, je n'ai aucun problème à digérer les graisses, je digère mieux les graisses et la viande que d'autres choses, j'ai seulement du mal à digérer les fibres, donc je ne le fais pas Je pense que j'ai un problème pancréatique, sinon je pense que je ne pourrais pas digérer cette chose

donc je ne comprends pas pourquoi tu veux absolument que j'aie des problèmes pancréatiques malgré mes analyses et ma bonne digestion aux graisses, j'ai exploré toutes les possibilités mais maintenant j'arrête les analyses, j'en ai fait beaucoup mais tout c'est normal, je passer beaucoup de temps et d'argent mais je pense que c'est juste une anxiété généralisée, comme dis-moi mon psychologue.

plus j'ai vu orl et ophtalmologiste et ils n'ont pas vu de sécheresse grave, donc je pense qu'une anxiété chronique pourrait provoquer mes symptômes surtout je suis déjà anxieux depuis mon enfant
now i have test antidepressant but i feel only secondary effects but nothing happened to my depression and anxiety, so now i use microdose of lsd, just once i have used a high dose of lsd and for the first time i was real me

i don't thought to what i have to say, i say a lot of bullshit but words left to my mouth naturally, and the day after i felt more relax
during my trip i haven't got difficult to speak because of my dryness mouth, so it was magic, i think my problem is in my mind and my anxiety, it's like i was anxious all the time, and when you are anxious you have some problems digestion, dryness mouth, cold hand, and this anxiety is accumulated all along and i think it's just a somatization of my anxiety, i think it's more probable


Senior Member
Glad you found something to pursue that may makes you feel better!

I still do meditation almost daily, which include Yoga breathing to help calm me down and get the blood flowing. Even in stressful situations I have found that focus on breathing helps.

My French is not great but I understood your reply. No worries, my thoughts were only coming from a place of trying to help rule out some things. Wish you good health.
Glad you found something to pursue that may makes you feel better!

I still do meditation almost daily, which include Yoga breathing to help calm me down and get the blood flowing. Even in stressful situations I have found that focus on breathing helps.

My French is not great but I understood your reply. No worries, my thoughts were only coming from a place of trying to help rule out some things. Wish you good health.

hi, sorry for my message in french i wrote it in english but it translate automatically,