I am far from exhausted, in fact I am more excited about the future of where research and treatment will lead. It just can't come soon enough!
OK, I'll take your word for that.
It's just that some of your language and concepts remind me of some of the spiritual seeker-type individuals I used be involved with (before I developed ME/CFS, I used to have strong interests in spiritual matters, meditation, and so forth, but ME/CFS seemed to biochemically lobotomize my spiritual faculties).
These people would often talk of being more holistic, which on paper sounds good, but it invariably amounts to nothing practical in terms of understanding the material world; you actually end up shunning the material world by being holistic. But then shunning the material world, at least to a degree, is what spiritual development is all about.
I know, because I spent many years exploring meditation and other spiritual practices. And I'd go back to those practices in shot if ever my spiritual faculties returned; but unfortunately there is biochemically blockage there. So I am in the strange position of trying to figure out what that biochemically blockage might be, just in order to regain my former spiritual stance. And you don't find much advice in, for example, Buddhist literature on how to fix such biochemical blockages to spirituality!